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OK So how much time do you spend on this forum???

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I spend way too much time!! I do not post a whole lot, but I am lurking at least 4 or 5 times a day. Please tell me I am not the only one. I really need to set myself some limits when I start school next week. Does anyone else set aside certain times to check in on some forums? What do you do??

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I'm here way too much also! :) Moreso lately because I have a for sale ad up so I have been checking in more often. I usually wake up with a cup of coffee and check the new posts and my emails. I'll pop in again sometime in the afternoon after school and then usually again after dinner with a cup of coffee. :) Then sometimes I stay up all night long pestering Rosie, but she doesn't seem to mind too much. :p hehe

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I'm here a lot when I'm planning or if I get stuck with something in the middle of the year. I wish I was disciplined enough to just keep to my research but you guys are too fun on the 'general' forum.


It's funny but I hardly ever actually post on the other forums - I just read, run tons of searches, and order too many books. :D Here I keep getting sucked into discussions.


I will disappear eventually & probably be gone for months.


If school is in 'in session' and I need to look something up, I use timers. I also have an extension installed on Firefox which locks me out of here after 30 min. It's called leechblock. Very cool. Unfortunately I still also have IE on this computer & it's been known to happen that I would just load the other browser....... :tongue_smilie:bad girl.

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Too much! I take the laptop outside while the kids run ...I should take a book and do some self-education but I usually just don't wanna!:tongue_smilie:


I'm running out of good excuses to be here though - my currics/schedule are all pretty set - sigh!

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I don't usually spend a lot of time on here, but this week I've been printing off thousands of printables and other things - so I sneak a peek at the boards while I'm waiting for print jobs to finish. My printer is a dinosaur, and needs to be babysat - if you put more than six pages into it, it will jam. Makes for a long, boring day if it weren't for this place :)

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That little green dot is probably by my name almost all of the time, but it's really because this is my home page.


In reality, I'm still on here a lot. My kids are older, and are able to do most of their work independently, but they will still try to "escape" from the table if my back is turned (i.e. changing laundry, vacuuming, etc.), so I do end up sitting at the table reading or visiting here while I loosely supervise their studies and remain available for questions about their work.


I truly am addicted. It's a little scary. I've considered taking a board break, but have no willpower to either diet, or leave the WTM hive :tongue_smilie:. All-in-all, I can think of lots of ways to justify my time here. It's helping me to do a better job teaching my dc, and it's a social outlet for me since spend most of my time at home with dc or working (I have a part-time job at home).

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I spend way too much time!! I do not post a whole lot, but I am lurking at least 4 or 5 times a day. Please tell me I am not the only one. I really need to set myself some limits when I start school next week. Does anyone else set aside certain times to check in on some forums? What do you do??


I usually do it in spurts. :-) When I have a question usually or am researching something!

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Way too much! The little beehive tab is always starring at me while I'm on my laptop, and it's always on. I sneak peaks throughout the day, you know when kiddo is working "independently". I was alright when I was just researching curriculum on k-8, then I ventured over here to the general board and I can't seem to shut up.:001_tt2:

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Too much! I take the laptop outside while the kids run ...I should take a book and do some self-education but I usually just don't wanna!:tongue_smilie:


I'm running out of good excuses to be here though - my currics/schedule are all pretty set - sigh!


I consider this place self-education! LOL I don't feel too badly about the time I spend here. I have learned a good bit from this board and I enjoy the company. :001_smile:


I'd say I'm here 30 minutes a day, though there are a few times I've spent more time here (researching curriculum or following a hot-button topic of interest here in the General forum).

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Once I start planning, or thinking about planning, I am here. Then I find new 'friends' and their blogs, then I don't want to miss a new discussion, etc, so the hours tick by... While we're doing schoolwork, I usually stick close to my dd while she is doing independent work, and I am usually online. I can only update my facebook status so many times!


I miss the 'community' aspect of working outside the home with other adults, and since homeschooling is now my 'job', you all are my co-workers!

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Nope--you're not alone. I spend entirely too much time here. I told Dh that when we start school, he is going to be taking the computer to work with him! :)


I tried that but then it was "you can't take the computer tomorrow because I have some bills to pay" or "i need the computer tomorrow for <insert Very Important Thing>" :p

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Sometimes too much. At the same time, I learn something. In the curriculum area, someone always ask a question I had, and it always gets good answers. Then when I ask questions here there is always someone to give me a helpful answer. There is a lot of good information, so it is not wasted time. Where else can you find such an awesome place to hang out?

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I spend INCREDIBLY too much time on this forum. I'll check, write a few posts, do whatever I need to do and be back within no time checking again.


HOWEVER, that is easy right now and won't be next week. I would guess that at least from 8:30 and 2:30, I will rarely, if ever, post.


Honestly, I'm thankful. It has, more than once, crossed my mind to ask to have my account deleted because I don't have enough will power. It's just that I'm on the computer so much for other stuff (work, college, etc) that it's easy to come here OFTEN. I'm glad I'll have SOMETHING keeping me from coming.

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I am in and out throughout the day. I am not a daytime TV watcher and I am off work with a hurt back, so I can do anything but sit. Even though I am a very regular poster, I lurk more that I actually post. I will go days without posting anything, even though I was here for hours.

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I spend way too much time!! I do not post a whole lot, but I am lurking at least 4 or 5 times a day. Please tell me I am not the only one. I really need to set myself some limits when I start school next week. Does anyone else set aside certain times to check in on some forums? What do you do??


You are not the only one.


In my younger days, I could work HARD for 12+ hours a day, but now I need little breaks. My upper back hurts, my wrists hurt, etc. A 15 minute break (not long enough to get a book going) every hour of cooking or housework or gardening keeps me going longer. By the time she was 85, my mother was 30 minutes in the garden, 30 min of gardening show, for a good 5 hours a day. I hope I'm in the garden 2.5 hours a day at 85!


Besides, if I spend my time on Amazon, I spend my money on Amazon!

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When school's not in session, ALL DAY LONG. But when school starts again (Monday) I'll stay offline until school is done for the day.


I bought too much curriculum and now I'll have to homeschool for 50 hours a day to get it all done, so I can't afford to be on the computer!

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I, too, spend way more time here than I'd like. I'm a relative newbie and I can't remember what I did b4 I found this board. Sleep? Read? Goodness knows I still eat. I was never a TV watcher, and I feel it's a much better use of my time than something like Facebook. I have learned so much from everyone here and finally feel like I have found like-minded home schooling moms. I will have to find a way to cut back when school starts.



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I thought I would try to get my 50 posts in so I could sell some things here. So here is my post 7 after a month! There is so much going on here. I don't really have any questions and probably even fewer answers. So I don't think I will ever get to 50. I saw someone at one point that had over 20,000 posts. Oh my!

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Hours and hours. Most of the day, actually.


I've already graduated my oldest two, and my 'baby' is a senior this year. She does most of her school work on her own. I plan it...she follows the plan.


I need to 'be here' if she has questions, or to keep her actually working :D , or to drive her to her cc classes and pick her back up.


But, in the mean time....I'm just sitting here surfing....reading and sometimes posting. It's boring around my place and I feel like I have a real group of friends and real support at the Hive. Why not spend my time here?

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I have, what, 5000 posts now? What does that tell ya? (Besides being the woman with narely an unpublished thought...)

Most often, I just check in but keep the computer on. It's good to know I'm not alone in having a hard time staying off. WHen I start up again with dd, I will limit much more.

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I have, what, 5000 posts now? What does that tell ya? (Besides being the woman with narely an unpublished thought...)

Most often, I just check in but keep the computer on. It's good to know I'm not alone in having a hard time staying off. WHen I start up again with dd, I will limit much more.



That's what I keep telling myself too. ;) :p hehehe

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