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Ugly Birthday Scenes - Please Share Yours...

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I am so ashamed. I "spared no expense" on a gift for 11yodd that I was sure she would love, love, love. But it wasn't *quite* the right one. She didn't complain, but I knew. After the presents were all opened I went outside ("to check on something") and bawled my eyes out. I couldn't take her out for breakfast because I looked like a blowfish exploded on my face and I was having a hard time getting a grip on myself.


Can you tell it's been a rough year?

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Your dd didn't complain, which shows how polite you have trained her to be. Tell you what, I spent lots of moola on the Pottery Barn kitchen my dd (and I) had been dreaming about. I finally got a piece of the kitchen and it was met with an "eh". Fortunately, my toddler boy loved it and so it wasn't a complete waste of money.

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Ooooh, that's rough. I'm so sorry that happened.


My ugly birthday scene was the year after-my-mother in law died. We had moved to Canada to be near father-in-law who was holding up, but not too well. My parents came to visit and it was my dd's birthday. My fil managed to get drunk (was totally coping with the pain this way at the time and I don't really blame him, but...) and made the whole party about him rather than my dd. He managed to make the present opening and cake last all of 30 seconds and then the kids were packed off downstairs so the grownups could resume their socializing (oh, I was soooo mad!).


And then, to top it off, I leaned over to load the dishwasher and he smacked me on the butt!


If there had been a microphone in my brain.....


I think I went home and cried, too.

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I have been there. It wasn't a birthday, but one Easter, I didn't have alot of money, so I went and got younger ds one of the cheapie baskets from the drug store. My older son no longer believed in the bunny, but I wanted to get him something too. The cheapie baskets were too young for him, so I spent a good majority of the day going from store to store picking out little things I thought he might like. On Easter morning, he looked at his brother's basket...looked at his and said, "He got THAT and all I got was this CRAP!" :( First of all, I was pissed and sent him to his room for having no better manners than that. Then, I cried.

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My son put a present in the garbage.


I cried for days.


Ugh. Along the "microphone in the brain" idea...my first instinct was to rip the gift in pieces and throw it out in a major tantrum. A "little voice" in my head was telling me that sounds just like something my 4yo would do. Uff da. How quickly I'm reduced to a toddler state!

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...and help me feel better.


I am so ashamed. I "spared no expense" on a gift for 11yodd that I was sure she would love, love, love. But it wasn't *quite* the right one.


Do you have the receipt to exchange it for the right one? Gift giving can be tough, especially when you want to wow the recipient.



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My ex got drunk and started a fist fight with two of his brothers. They had told him he was acting inappropriately. Nothing like a little family WWIII on your 7th birthday to wow a girl. My dd will never forgive him for that. One of the many reasons I used the word EX. :glare:

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At my 10th birthday party my dad got drunk & started a physical fight w/my mom. Someone at my party called the police. Three policemen held their bodies against the basement door to keep my dad down there. He kept shoving the door open a bit and sticking his face out.


It was like the scene from the Shining.

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Your dd didn't complain, which shows how polite you have trained her to be. Tell you what, I spent lots of moola on the Pottery Barn kitchen my dd (and I) had been dreaming about. I finally got a piece of the kitchen and it was met with an "eh". Fortunately, my toddler boy loved it and so it wasn't a complete waste of money.


:iagree: A very polite dd, you should be proud.

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My ex got drunk and started a fist fight with two of his brothers. They had told him he was acting inappropriately. Nothing like a little family WWIII on your 7th birthday to wow a girl. My dd will never forgive him for that. One of the many reasons I used the word EX. :glare:


How did you end up marrying my dead dad?!? :lol:

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On my 9th birthday, my dad got drunk and told me in front of all my friends that he was leaving my mom and moving in with his secretary. I'm not sure who is was worse for, me or my mom!

And that was the end of their marriage.

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Mother's Day, I was abt 12yrs. I spent my own money at the 5 and Dime on a velveteen rose broach for my mama. It was the first time I was ever able to get her something on my own. My younger half brother had a handmade pencil holder/bowl he brought home from school. We wrapped and brought her our gifts; we were so excited and pleased with ourselves. She was excited about his, but when she opened mine, she gave me a cordial "thank you" and "I'm going to put this away in my drawer, because you know that I don't wear things like this and I just don't want your feelings to be hurt."


That was the last Mother's Day I celebrated until my mid 20's when my stepdad reamed me for calling him on Father's Day but not her on Mother's Day. He later ruined Mother's Day for both her and I by disowning me me on that day the year I found my father's family. It's been 6yrs now since I last saw my mama. Mother's Day is just one of those days that I wish didn't exist.

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My parents forgot my 16th birthday. Granted, I was at boarding school - but no call, card or anything. Thankfully I was babysitting that night and the awesome family I sat for listened to me whine and then brought home a cake. It was really sweet and I still cherish their time and thoughtfulness.

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My sister got the truck for which she had been begging for my birthday this year. No, this is not my twin sister. This is my 16yo baby sister whose birthday is a month and a half before mine. I did not get a card or any sort of acknowledgment of the day from my parents until about 7:00pm that night. My parents would not even allow me to have a license, much less purchase a vehicle for me. This is why I live very far away.


Oh, you handled the situation well. I was at a child's party. The child was gifted what he believed to be a doll and struggled to show appreciation. The givers (the parents, not the kids) were so upset that this boy did not fall over this doll (later revealed to be a Webkinz) they made a huge scene and would not shut up about it. It was completely tacky. You removed yourself from your dd's presence and controlled yourself. Good job Mom!

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Shoot, and here I thought my son throwing up all over the car this afternoon on the way back from his sister's party was bad. The cake looked a lot better going down than coming up. Fortunately I was in the OTHER vehicle taking friends home at the time so dh got to deal with the mess. The car dh had only had 3 kids, our 2 and dd's best friend.

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Oh my... I love my husband! I really do! But you know, almost every gift I have bought him, he has returned or it sits in it's original packaging, untouched. And I have to add that I'm one of those people who put a LOT of thought into a gift! But... when one is raised with getting a can of peanuts for a gift by their parents, I suppose the standard has been set. :glare:


I aim too high and always fall hard. Oh well. This year, by golly, it's peanuts all the way! ;) Live and learn!

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Well, let's see...


1. at my son's first birthday we went all out (crazy new parents). We had about 100 people, rented tables and chairs for the backyard, decorated, had food catered, etc. On the morning of we woke to a really unusual heat wave (it was about 95 degrees in the first weekend of June which is super hot for michigan). Everyone was so hot and miserable that no one would eat our expensive catered food...but the beverages ran out quickly. We ended up opening presents as fast as we could and people left. Oh, and my son ate too much bean dip and puked all over his cute first birthday outfit.


2. at his second birthday, we had another (smaller party) at our house in the backyard. The morning of I woke up with the stomach flu and was violently ill and missed the whole thing.


3. at his third birthday, we had a torrential downpour and ended up with 40 people crammed inside our tiny house.


4. at his 4th birthday party, we had it at gymnastics place where they would get to do tumbling etc. There was a huge accident blocking access to the place and by the time everyone got there our time was up and we had to leave.


5. at his 5th birthday, we went to Chuck E Cheese. He had invited some kids from his preschool class. Well they came along with all their older brothers, sisters, parents, etc. and we ended up paying for about 4 times as many people as we expected.


6. at his 6th birthday we tried having a birthday party at his karate studio. The morning of he woke up with the stomach flu so we ended up postponing the party until the next week. That one ended up being OK.


by his 7th birthday we finally learned our lesson and stopped having parties as we seemed to be cursed. Now we just do fun family things to celebrate. :D

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4. at his 4th birthday party, we had it at gymnastics place where they would get to do tumbling etc. There was a huge accident blocking access to the place and by the time everyone got there our time was up and we had to leave.


Aww! That's terrible! I mean, all your birthday misfortunes are, but I never even thought about the possibility of something such as that happening!


And the siblings thing is why I always go through too many gyrations in my brain trying to have a party out rather than at home! A lot of my kids' friends have 2 or 3 siblings and I know it is highly probable that they will come, plus some are cross over riends with my other kids. And then if I add in cousins (there are 12 under twelve), it simply cannot be a per-child type of venue! The only things that have worked have been parks, bowling and McDonalds.

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Oh my... I love my husband! I really do! But you know, almost every gift I have bought him, he has returned or it sits in it's original packaging, untouched. And I have to add that I'm one of those people who put a LOT of thought into a gift! But... when one is raised with getting a can of peanuts for a gift by their parents, I suppose the standard has been set. :glare:


I aim too high and always fall hard. Oh well. This year, by golly, it's peanuts all the way! ;) Live and learn!


My fil is disabled and we struggle finding something for him for Christmas every year. Usually it ends up being socks, pants, and a book. This year we gave him a book, which he put down after glancing at the cover, and a big can of Virginia peanuts. He let out a big belly laugh after opening the peanuts and insisted that my mil open the can. He commented about those nuts for weeks. The gifts from my sil were not well received either. I bet next year he gets peanuts from everyone. :)

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My youngest's baptism.


We had to reschedule it 4 times! The first three times we had hurricanes moving through the area. By the time we were able to have his baptism I had to order a new outfit - he had outgrown the other one. I was beginning to think he was Damien (from The Omen) and we would never see him baptized.

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Before we understood dd's sensory issues we had several parties for ds that involved lots of noise, excitement, and boys. Within 5 or 10 minutes dd (3 years younger) was crying hysterically and acting out. One of us usually had to leave and take her somewhere until the party was over leaving the other parent alone with a house of rowdy boys. Once we figured this out (we were slow learners) we sent her on a special outing with the grandparents.

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OH here's another one for ya: we bought my MIL a very expensive crockpot. She had never used one, but liked the roast that came out of mine. She tried to use it once, announced that it failed, and now that beautiful, shiny crockpot sits on a dresser in the guestbedroom (where we sleep when visiting) with a cactus planted in it. :001_huh:

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OH here's another one for ya: we bought my MIL a very expensive crockpot. She had never used one, but liked the roast that came out of mine. She tried to use it once, announced that it failed, and now that beautiful, shiny crockpot sits on a dresser in the guestbedroom (where we sleep when visiting) with a cactus planted in it. :001_huh:

She planted a cactus in a slowcooker :lol: Oh I shouldn't laugh but that is hysterical!!


I haven't had many happenings. Except J's first birthday where I discovered my newly emerging latex allergy when I blew up all the balloons. I was wheezing and swollen faced for the whole afternoon.

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My MIL gave DH back the gift we gave her for Christmas. It was a digital picture frame that I had downloaded pictures of our vacation together the summer before. I had put a lot of thought and hard work into it and it really hurt my feelings. Maybe I'll try the peanuts this year, it seems to have worked for quite a few people on here.


LOL I gave FIL one year a set of Harley Davidson Tabasco sauce and he actually has it displayed on the entertainment certain in his LIVING ROOM!:lol: You just never know.

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At my 10th birthday party my dad got drunk & started a physical fight w/my mom. Someone at my party called the police. Three policemen held their bodies against the basement door to keep my dad down there. He kept shoving the door open a bit and sticking his face out.


It was like the scene from the Shining.



Bless your heart....may that memory fade from existence. :crying:




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OH here's another one for ya: we bought my MIL a very expensive crockpot. She had never used one, but liked the roast that came out of mine. She tried to use it once, announced that it failed, and now that beautiful, shiny crockpot sits on a dresser in the guestbedroom (where we sleep when visiting) with a cactus planted in it. :001_huh:


:lol::lol:This is hilarious! Sounds like my MIL. We have given up with her. My DH just buys anything he can find cheap, last minute - we hardly take into consideration whether she'll like it or not because we KNOW she will return it or never use it anyway! She is nuts.

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I'll tell about my Dh's gift. His mom always asks what he wants for gifts and he had been saying tools since we were newly married and he wanted to build up his collection. So he opens his gift and it is a circular saw. But oddly, the box is sort of out of shape. So he opens the box and inside is a birdhouse. :confused:


A couple of years later, my MIL calls DH on his birthday and insists he come over after work for his gift. He tells her that we had planned to bring dinner and cake to her house on the weekend to celebrate. (she already knew about that) But she insists he come THAT day. So he gets there and she has this hand made oak wall clock hanging on her wall and very excitedly she tells him that's his gift. Apparently, she had a friend make it for him. (she already had one by the same friend.) A few minutes later she starts to tell him about what a bad father he is and how our son is out of control and how we had better figure out a different way to handle him because "obviously, what you're doing isn't working." ( he was an adorable little boy with mild ADD) He is used to letting her drivle go in one ear and out the other but it got so bad he said, "I don't have to sit here and listen to this." and he got up and left. He did not take the clock. It hung on their wall along with the other one for the next 10 years. They have since moved and we saw the clock on a shelf in the basement. No one has ever metioned it! OMG!


edited in: Funny, all three of my stories have to do with MIL! Go figure!:D

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My dd gave her dad a gift card for a local store last year on Father's Day. He re-gifted it back to her in front of his entire family (25 people!) for Christmas. She gave him a giftcard for music that year at Christmas and he...


wait for it...


re-gifted it back to her a month later at her 16th birthday party in front of those same 25 people. Moron! She was more than a little underwhelmed.


I just told her to laugh it off. I will become a cherished memory one day. I just hope she lives long enough for that day!!:lol:

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She planted a cactus in a slowcooker :lol: Oh I shouldn't laugh but that is hysterical!!



:lol::lol:This is hilarious!


I know I know! Please feel free to laugh! :lol: She has given us many opportunities to shake our heads and just give in to laughter. What else can you do?

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My dd gave her dad a gift card for a local store last year on Father's Day. He re-gifted it back to her in front of his entire family (25 people!) for Christmas. She gave him a giftcard for music that year at Christmas and he...


wait for it...


re-gifted it back to her a month later at her 16th birthday party in front of those same 25 people. Moron! She was more than a little underwhelmed.


I just told her to laugh it off. I will become a cherished memory one day. I just hope she lives long enough for that day!!:lol:


That sweet girl! Thank God she has you who can help her put in perspective. Stuff like that can be crippling!

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A few years ago, my father decided to take me out for my birthday/Christmas (only a few days apart) - I only saw him once a year anyhow. Well, he decided to take me to a Latin cafe that served rotisserie style chicken. The place was a minor step up from a fast food restaurant and the chicken was undercooked.


The next year my father (at Christmas time again) invited me over to his house for dinner. He called that night saying that he and my step-mother were planning on ordering a pizza. I am not a fan of pizza and decided to eat with my mother and step-father before going to drop off my father's presents.


The following year we were to go out to dinner again. This time he called that afternoon to reschedule to a later date. On the later date, he called to cancel saying that the house was not adequately decorated for Christmas. :confused:


Needless to say, I no longer talk to my father and he is still probably wondering why. Oh well.



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My dd gave her dad a gift card for a local store last year on Father's Day. He re-gifted it back to her in front of his entire family (25 people!) for Christmas. She gave him a giftcard for music that year at Christmas and he...


wait for it...


re-gifted it back to her a month later at her 16th birthday party in front of those same 25 people. Moron! She was more than a little underwhelmed.


I just told her to laugh it off. I will become a cherished memory one day. I just hope she lives long enough for that day!!:lol:




Maybe she should just start getting what she wants for herself!! Wouldn't he be surprised to open up a lovely dress in your daughters size and favorite colors??:001_huh:

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My niece's 7th birthday party was a doozy! She had been complaining of a tummy ache, but her mom just figured it was the excitement. About an hour into her party she started vomiting.:tongue_smilie: Well, that party lasted for a little over a week for most that had attended. (most of us ended up getting that stinkin' bug:glare:) It was the gift that kept on giving!:lol:

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Maybe she should just start getting what she wants for herself!! Wouldn't he be surprised to open up a lovely dress in your daughters size and favorite colors??:001_huh:


:lol: That was my thought, as well! Hmmm...a gift card to her favorite clothing store seems in order as a gift for her dad this year.

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My dd gave her dad a gift card for a local store last year on Father's Day. He re-gifted it back to her in front of his entire family (25 people!) for Christmas. She gave him a giftcard for music that year at Christmas and he...


wait for it...


re-gifted it back to her a month later at her 16th birthday party in front of those same 25 people. Moron! She was more than a little underwhelmed.


I just told her to laugh it off. I will become a cherished memory one day. I just hope she lives long enough for that day!!:lol:


Your dd should start giving him gifts that she wants herself :):):)

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Maybe she should just start getting what she wants for herself!! Wouldn't he be surprised to open up a lovely dress in your daughters size and favorite colors??:001_huh:


Unfortunately, that would be the first time since she was born 16 1/2 years ago that he had any part in buying her clothing of any sort. Probably better for her though. I know his taste in clothes runs to 1980's concert t-shirts! He gave her an old raggedy one a few weeks ago he didn't want to wear any more. She didn't even know who the band was. Heavy metal isn't her kinda thang!:lol:

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My niece's 7th birthday party was a doozy! She had been complaining of a tummy ache, but her mom just figured it was the excitement. About an hour into her party she started vomiting.:tongue_smilie: Well, that party lasted for a little over a week for most that had attended. (most of us ended up getting that stinkin' bug:glare:) It was the gift that kept on giving!:lol:


Been there. Multiple times. My daughter has 13 cousins. All live locally. None of the parents are smart enough to postpone the parties. (me included *blush*) Didn't know she was sick though. No symptoms.

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:lol: That was my thought, as well! Hmmm...a gift card to her favorite clothing store seems in order as a gift for her dad this year.


Love it. Unfortunately, he didn't see why she was upset and he is the type to hold a grudge forever. I will let have her read this thread though. She needs to know that other people have interesting family members also.

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