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Washington Heat Wave

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We have fans going. I have about 100 pounds of ripe plums on my tree outside, and am desperate to preserve them. Gah. So I am canning right now, between two work shifts, even though it's hot. Lots of fans going. When I go back to work, I'm sending my husband and boys to the movies.


We're able to cool our house at night then shut it up. At work, however, it's roasting. I manage a concert hall on a college campus -- we have a youth camp there, and their group sessions are in the non-air-conditioned hall. I really feel for those kids. Imagine 500 teens in a room with no circulating air and performance lights on. I try to keep the lights on only as much as we need to (barely) see. It's awful.


Terrible timing, this heat wave!


I wonder how JoAnn is doing, with the new babe?

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It is hot here in Seattle! We've reached those couple of weeks in the summer when it would be nice to have AC. I personally love not having AC most of the time - love opening the windows for fresh air and hearing every word of my next door neighbor's conversations (ha ha).


My Italian plums aren't ripe yet, but looking forward to when they are!


To keep cool, we stay down in the basement, have all the fans going, open the windows, close curtains, drink lots of water and eat lots of popsicles!

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We open the house at 4 or 5am and run the fans to bring in the cooler air. Around 8am when it starts warming up, we close all the doors and windows.

It remains bearable until about 5pm. Then I'm a wreck. I hate this kind of heat, and I am glad it only lasts about a week each summer.

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It was 88 degrees in our house last night at 9:40! A couple of hours earlier it had been 89! I got up at 5am and opened all the windows this morning, but didn't think to have fans blowing it in. It was 83 when I got up, and we got it down to 76 before it started warming up and the temp inside started going up again. Right now it is 85 and moving up still! I'm afraid it'll be 90 in here before it starts cooling down. It doesn't cool down at night that much before 11pm when we head to bed, and we can't leave all of our windows open at night for safety reasons. So, it was 85 when we closed up last night. We had fans running all night!


I drink lots of ice-water throughout the day to try to keep hydrated and cooler.


When dd and I volunteered at the Humane Society this morning, a guy there told us he heard this heat wave is going into next week too! Yikes! My rusty little Pacific NW body has a hard time with this heat!

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Keep your blinds/curtains closed. It's been 112+ here (in AZ) and we bought a blow-up pool and stick it in the shade. If you have any breeze you will be amazed how cool you can get. (If you guys are absolutely miserable.) Then if you go back into even an 82 degree house, it won't feel as bad.


:grouphug: to all of you and hoping your heat wave passes soon - I know when we tried to set our air for 86 last week I was dying.

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UGH! And I spent my childhood in Saudi Arabia! This stinks! It's 83 inside right now. Tomorrow it's supposed to hit 100 in Snohomish county. Yesterday afternoon we decided to take the airconditioned Jeep to Costco to hang out and do a "little" bit of shopping. I somehow managed to spend $500 for 2 hours of AC???? We also went to see Harry Potter because of the AC theater. While it was cool, for the first time I wasn't terribly impressed with the movie??? I guess I'm just crabby. I have to go peel dd off the leather couch, she is claiming to be stuck....

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I wish we could leave all our windows open all night. The coolest our house has been all week is 80 degrees despite the fans bringing in cool air as soon as I wake up. Unfortunately, the one-year-old wants to play in the hottest parts of the house or outside.


I've lived in places where these temperatures are normal for months, but I always had at least a small A/C in those places. Even having one room that's cool would help so much.

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Do you think we're in danger of loosing the webbing between our toes? The moss on my north side dried up and fell off two days ago.
Ahh-ohh, no webbing? Now what'll I do when the rains start back up?! :001_huh:


I promise I won't do a minute-by-minute update on the temp inside our house, but it's already 87 now! :(

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I don't have any.


What? And you don't have a duct tape pro husband?! This is where our similarities must end, I see. My husband duct taped one of those emergency blankets onto the outside of our french doors one year. He hangs blankets outside, too. It ain't pretty, that's fer shur! But it works. Desperate times, baby. Desperate times!

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We've had F103 - 106 during the past week and I find that a small towel, soaked in cold water and wrung out so it does not drip, - I didn't really care if it dripped in this heat - rolled up and slung around the neck makes a difference! I also wear my hair up so it does not touch my neck.


Lots of water is essential as well!

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We are not staying cool. Our thermostat has a tantalizing "cool" setting, which triggers a wimpy stream of not-hot-but-definitely-not-cooling air through the vents. :glare: In addition to feeling miserable in the heat, my "morning" sickness has also skyrocketed. Fortunately, I was able to get a prescription for Zofran from my family Dr. yesterday, so am at least able to eat & drink. :tongue_smilie: Here's looking forward to cooler times!


BTW, I saw on weather.com that the same weather system that is bringing unusual heat (and air stagnation :glare:) to the Norhtwest is also providing Montana/Wyoming/Colorado with unusually cool weather (in the 60s/70s).

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We're just following the AC--yesterday a nursing home, today IKEA, tomorrow maybe a movie? They have free kids movies at Regal Cinemas throughout the summer.


We live on Lake Tapps and have been in the water as much as possible (so we should be able to keep our webbing!)--this morning even Lake Tapps was warm! That never happens. :)


DH put thick blankets over the windows in the kids rooms and tarps over the skylights (which is where most of the heat is coming from. We're using the grill every night. I hate that I've lost a week of productivity...my chances to get summer projects done are dwindling, and school will be starting before we know it!


We went out to Pacific Beach this weekend--I think it's the first time I've ever been at a Washington beach and not needed at least a sweatshirt! It was foggy, but 65 (and we all got badly sunburned--go figure).


Hope everyone stays relatively cool this week!

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We went to the library yesterday for a looooong time. :) It was 106 when we came out. I was out driving just before 9pm and my car therm said 96. It just did not cool down at all last night. We have 2 window air conditioners going and a huge industrial fan. It was still 80 degrees in the house last night. Ugh.

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We've had F103 - 106 during the past week and I find that a small towel, soaked in cold water and wrung out so it does not drip, - I didn't really care if it dripped in this heat - rolled up and slung around the neck makes a difference! I also wear my hair up so it does not touch my neck.


Lots of water is essential as well!



It looks like it might start cooling down 5 degrees here. Its been so long. What really gets my goat is my gran says it is cool and in the seventies in Pittsburgh.


That is just not right.

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ducking.....with AC it is 75 in the house and cars, I go outside to warm up a bit...running away now...:auto:



Ummm, can I come visit you?! :)


We're heading off to Barnes & Noble soon! Whew, will that feel good! All my kids enjoy reading, so we should have a nice couple of hours.......but THEN what?! :001_huh:


Hey, what about animals? I'm afraid of closing things up and having it get all stuffy, and them not being able to handle it well! We just close and cover the windows where the sun shines in.

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How are you doing in this heat wave and what are you doing to stay cool?:chillpill:
Let's see...I ran 14 miles on Sunday afternoon. Yesterday and today I spent two hours (each day) basking in the 90+ degree sun while my guys did swim lessons. Both days I've been working in the garden. Monday I also put up new wallpaper border in an upstairs bedroom ~ the bedroom that gets snow drifts in the closet during brutal northeasters. It's an oven right now, of course. (My guys sleep outside more often than not in the summer.)


I love seasons! I can mentally cool off right now, thinking about the days when our toilet water freezes over. And when we're surrounded by flood water or trapped by blizzard conditions, I can think back to these glorious days of dripping sweat. Embrace it!

Edited by Colleen
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Let's see...I ran 14 miles on Sunday afternoon. Yesterday and today I spent two hours (each day) basking in the 90+ degree sun while my guys did swim lessons. Both days I've been working in the garden. Monday I also put up new wallpaper border in an upstairs bedroom ~ the bedroom that gets snow drifts in the closet during brutal northeasters. It's an oven right now, of course. (My guys sleep outside more often than not in the summer.)


I love seasons! I can mentally cool off right now, thinking about the days when our toilet water freezes over. And when we're surrounded by flood water or I trapped by blizzard conditions, I can think back to these glorious days of dripping sweat. Embrace it!


Now I'm green with envy! Great Attitude....I.just.can't.quite.get.myself.there.....:ack2:

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I grew up in Florida without AC. When I first moved out here, I nearly froze to death during the summer. I have acclimated and at the moment I feel more than a wee bit uncomfortable in this heat (106F).


Our house is older military (1958) which tends to stay cooler than newer houses. During the summer DH and I sleep with an oscillating fan on. The heat is only a problem when it doesn't cool down at night...like the past couple of nights.


Just one more day, right? :)

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Most of the summer my house is around 82 degrees.


I have ceiling fans and AC only in one bedroom. When it gets unbearable we go the library or the skating rink (my kids are obsessive skaters). Thats the only time I like to sit in the rink in my shorts & t-shirt. It actually feels good. As opposed to the winter when I am bundled up like a snowman.

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Thermostat says it's 88 degrees in the house and weather.com says it's 101 here. At 35 weeks pregnant this is not fun. I feel like a slug and my feet are swollen. I would wear my shoes and socks but that is pure torture!:glare:

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Let's see...I ran 14 miles on Sunday afternoon. Yesterday and today I spent two hours (each day) basking in the 90+ degree sun while my guys did swim lessons. Both days I've been working in the garden. Monday I also put up new wallpaper border in an upstairs bedroom ~ the bedroom that gets snow drifts in the closet during brutal northeasters. It's an oven right now, of course. (My guys sleep outside more often than not in the summer.)


I love seasons! I can mentally cool off right now, thinking about the days when our toilet water freezes over. And when we're surrounded by flood water or trapped by blizzard conditions, I can think back to these glorious days of dripping sweat. Embrace it!



All well and good, Colleen, but I CAN'T KEEP MY WINE CHILLED. The heat is officially a problem. :tongue_smilie:

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UGH! And I spent my childhood in Saudi Arabia! This stinks! It's 83 inside right now. Tomorrow it's supposed to hit 100 in Snohomish county. Yesterday afternoon we decided to take the airconditioned Jeep to Costco to hang out and do a "little" bit of shopping. I somehow managed to spend $500 for 2 hours of AC???? We also went to see Harry Potter because of the AC theater. While it was cool, for the first time I wasn't terribly impressed with the movie??? I guess I'm just crabby. I have to go peel dd off the leather couch, she is claiming to be stuck....


A window A/C would have cost less!:D

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It looks like it might start cooling down 5 degrees here. Its been so long. What really gets my goat is my gran says it is cool and in the seventies in Pittsburgh.


That is just not right.


I saw a headline that said there were 3000 record lows set in July. I keep our air off when temps in the low to mid 80s around here b/c it is relatively mild (even cool) day. But when we hit upper 80s to mid 90s... I find the relief in our thermostat!:) We are having lower temps than normal... but I love it, I really hate hitting 103 with 70% humidity.. ick!


Hope you get some nice breezes soon!

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Let's see...I ran 14 miles on Sunday afternoon. Yesterday and today I spent two hours (each day) basking in the 90+ degree sun while my guys did swim lessons. Both days I've been working in the garden. Monday I also put up new wallpaper border in an upstairs bedroom ~ the bedroom that gets snow drifts in the closet during brutal northeasters. It's an oven right now, of course. (My guys sleep outside more often than not in the summer.)


I love seasons! I can mentally cool off right now, thinking about the days when our toilet water freezes over. And when we're surrounded by flood water or trapped by blizzard conditions, I can think back to these glorious days of dripping sweat. Embrace it!


I would embrace it....but I'm way too sweaty for hugs right now.:001_smile:

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How are you faring? It's currently 83 degrees inside our house. How are you doing in this heat wave and what are you doing to stay cool?:chillpill:


Sweating like horse, even in the basement, drinking cool things, and tonight, when the house is 85 degrees, I'm turning to an old trick from my midwest youth: get your top sheet wet, wring it out, lay nude under it with a fan on you.

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I wonder how JoAnn is doing, with the new babe?


So sweet of you to think of me!


We're roasting here. My thermostat tops out at 90 so I have no idea how hot it is inside...definitely hotter than outside though. I spent some time on the porch yesterday watching my 2yo play in a big container of water. I got up put my feet in his water. I also ventured out to Babies R Us to get some things that we really needed and get into air conditioning. Did the same thing today...went to the grocery store to buy smoothie makings. While I wouldn't normally take a newborn out so much, we're heading to dinner to find some AC...just being generous with hand sanitizer...I'm worried about how the kids (especially my 2yo) are handling the heat as he can't really communicate.


Other than that I've been using an ice pack to cool off, drinking tons of ice water, and took a couple of cold showers. I really wish we could all just head to the pool but I couldn't get in the water anyway.


Fortunately, I came from southern CA so I'm weathering it ok. It took me a bit to figure out how to dress Madelynn as I'm used to regulating the temperature of winter babies.


Looking forward to the 80s temp days when they come back, that's for sure!

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Um. I would love temperatures in the 80's. It has been in the 90-100's with HIGH humidity. And, I have been working outside in it drenched in sweat.


Sorry....just a little jealous. :glare:


I think the temps they are listing are in the house. At least that's the case here. 85 in the house, 97 outside.

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It doesn't cool down at night that much before 11pm when we head to bed, and we can't leave all of our windows open at night for safety reasons. So, it was 85 when we closed up last night. We had fans running all night!


Same here. DD has the only downstairs bedroom; it's very hot and stagnate because we can't open the window and put a fan in it so she's sleeping upstairs with me and baby. DH is sleeping with our 2yo trying to get him used to his own bed. The upstairs bedrooms have window fans so they get much cooler than her room at night.


Ummm, can I come visit you?! :)


Hey, what about animals? I'm afraid of closing things up and having it get all stuffy, and them not being able to handle it well! We just close and cover the windows where the sun shines in.


I think we should have a week-long Pacific Northwest get together retreat at Tap's house.


We took our water-hating dog outside and hosed him down.

Edited by joannqn
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I'm so sorry all of you are struggling so much. It's over 100 here on the east side, but we are more used to it (read: almost all houses have A/C).


And I think we have a lot less humidity, which makes a big difference. Hugs to all of you and I hope things cool off soon. We're off tomorrow to Spokane for a couple of days, so it will be interesting to see how the weather pans out there.


But we had to cut a horse riding lesson short today because the children were melting. And it wasn't even noon yet! Lots of people are either staying inside, going to pools, or swimming in the river.

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Today I went out and bought those folding auto shades to cover the 4 small windows in our kitchen eating space. We get the hot afternoon sun in that SW corner and already it seems a bit cooler in there. When I told the cashier that these were going to be my new kitchen curtains she told me that a woman had been in earlier in the day to buy a space blanket for her picture window. I hadn't thought of those blankets so I went back and got one for our living room window, too! Now we look like we're going for a Victorian/Space Age look.


During the day I've been going outside to rinse my hair with cold water from the hose. I also keep a spray bottle of water in the fridge for a cooling mist now and then.


At bedtime I've been running some cold water in the tub along with a splash of Dr. Bronner's peppermint castile soap and my dd and I have a cooling footbath.


If we didn't have a new puppy I'd probably leave home and spend the entire day in air conditioned stores, etc. The heat makes me feel sick so I don't do beaches. :tongue_smilie: (On Saturday I went to Costco and the refrigerated rooms for vegetables and dairy were just heavenly!!!)

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I think we should have a week-long Pacific Northwest get together retreat at Tap's house.



Sure, come on over I made a double batch of Jamaican Banana Bread today! I figure the neighbors will be over soon to play Rock Band :0) The more the merrier

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88 in our Seattle house at the moment with very little hope of relief overnight.


A glass of white wine while I put my feet in a tub of cold water works very well for me. I do that out on the deck until the skeeters bite too much, then I move back in and aim the fan straight at me and keep at least one foot in the bucket.


Try it. You'll like it!

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When we put an addition on our house to add a schoolroom, my dh insisted we put an ac in there. I thought he was crazy. We have more problems with it being cold in there in the winter and we are never doing school during July and August. However, I am praising him now because we decided to move our king size bed in there last night. We were so comfortable even though the rest of the house was well over 80 degrees. In fact, I had to turn the thing off at 3 a.m. We kind of feel like we're in a hotel. I hate the noise of an ac, but I'm thankful for the cool relief.

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Our Italian plums aren't ripe yet either.


I really regret planting this early-ripening variety. If we have a late frost of very heavy rains, I don't get any plums at all. And when I do get them, they are always ripe just during the hottest week of the year.


I slept outside last night. My family thought I was crazy. But it was actually pretty fun. I think they're going to get out the air mattresses and join me tonight, if the temps are as high as predicted.

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This is crazy sick. I am waking up at 5a to run the dishwasher and do laundry so I can get a bit of cool (70+ degree:confused:) air in the house before everything becomes an oven again. Is it just my imagination, or does each summer seem to be increasing in 90+ days?


I'm cranky.


I hope everyone finds a way to stay cool and safe. Take care of yourselves!

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