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What do you do with your eyebrows? (do you dress up spinoff)

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Do you let them grow? Pluck them? Have them waxed? What is threading anyway?


I like the way mine look when they're neat. I don't have a pencil thin line, or ultra defined look, but I do pluck strays. The problem is, they grow back too fast and before I know it I'm past time to give them attention.


I've never had a professional do it. I don't even know how much they charge. Is it reasonable? Does it work better than plucking? How often does it have to be done?


Is it even worth it?


Sorry for the multiple posts tonight, DH is gone for training and I'm really missing the adult interaction. :rolleyes:

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and they are not very dark, either. And I'm hypothyroid, so along with some general hair loss, the eyebrows have gone somewhat as well. Once in a while I tweeze some strays, but for the most part I *very lightly* pencil in the brows when I go out.

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I pluck them. They'd take over my entire forehead if I didn't. ;)


I'm in that camp, too. I had the "unibrow" when I was in middle school! :eek:


On a semi-related topic: I did notice, when I was pg, my facial hair stopped growing. Those were the days! :D

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...but when I get on a long phone call I go pluck out the Grandpa Wild Hairs...yucky part of being 50.




I never understood the line from Veggie Tales - "Aunt Ruth has a beard" - until - well - just let's say until about 3 years ago. :eek:

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but was never exactly sure how much or where, so I was always conservative. Recently, while I was getting my hair cut, the women in the shop were talking about getting eyebrows waxed. I asked the lady how much it cost to have my eyebrows waxed and since the $10 she quoted seemed fairly reasonable, I went for it. I was amazed at how different I looked! I never would have plucked well enough to do that. My husband really liked it and even my kids were impressed. I dont' scare small children anymore. :)


I say, at least try it and see what happens. I figure now that I know how they are *supposed* to look, I can keep them tidy by plucking. She said to wait two weeks after they started growing in before getting them waxed again so the hairs will pull out easier. Since it took a couple weeks for the hairs to start to show again, I'm guessing a month between waxing would be good?

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...but every once in a while I will pull a Patty...



Until I finished the sentence, I thought "a Patty" was the name you gave your "errant hairs" :p




I never used to think about my eyebrows... I guess I've tackled one thing at a time. ;) I don't think of myself as a salon girl, but I kinda liked the way they looked after trying out a "plucking session" several years back and have been plucking the grow-ins ever since. I'm just wondering if there's an easier way.


If I pluck a few a day, then they grow in at different rates and it's a neverending job. (Not that I even THINK about it every day... just when I get close enough to the mirror to notice!)

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In the last few years they don't grow as much. I was told by older women that after years of plucking they stop coming in. :eek:And lo and behold, it's starting to come true after 15 years of plucking!:cool: The great thing is I can go for quite a while and my unibrow no loner comes back!:D

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I get mine waxed when I get my hair cut and I pluck the strays in between. Otherwise, I tend to look like Bert from Sesame Street.


And, um, Patty Joanna, are you telling me that the crazy 12" long chin hairs I keep discovering at random times (It's gotten bad enough that I keep a pair of "car tweezers" now) are just the beginning? My eyebrows are going to go nuts too? That just seems so cruel.

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Yeah - something about the light in the car makes me "see" stuff I've missed, KWIM?


Sometimes my kids come up to the car - "Mom, are you sitting in the car AGAIN? What are you DOING?"


If they only knew :eek: Dd 7 is a hair-monster - she'll have to wax her back one of these days - I hate to let her know what she has in store. . . . .

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If they only knew :eek: Dd 7 is a hair-monster - she'll have to wax her back one of these days - I hate to let her know what she has in store. . . . .


:D:eek:::D Too funny. My kids are just mean. They say things like "Can't you feel that thing flapping when you walk?" Of course, no one mentions it until after I've spent 15 minutes talking to the orthodontist or something.

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:D:eek:::D Too funny. My kids are just mean. They say things like "Can't you feel that thing flapping when you walk?" Of course, no one mentions it until after I've spent 15 minutes talking to the orthodontist or something.


I've told my guys they can laugh, make jokes, have all the fun they want IF they tell me before we leave the house. If I happen to notice something like that after it's too late to do something about it, I make sure everyone shares in the misery.


That said, I had my eyebrows waxed once and it took forever! I thought it would be a splash-zip but *then* she "cleaned them up" with the tweezers, and they were so sore from the waxing, it hurt! And I looked like I had a clown face for a week, my forehead was so red.


I might not remember to tweeze them like I used to, but I don't think bushy eyebrows are as noticeable as that angry red forehead -- not to mention the "surprise" look I ended up with because they were so thin!

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okay - I need suggestions about my eyebrows. Mine are so light they can hardly be seen. From the sounds of it, maybe I should be counting my blessings! :D ANyway, what color do you use if you pencil it in? I think anything brown or black would be SOOOO obvious on my pale face.


Maybe I'll ask the next time I get my hair cut.

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okay - I need suggestions about my eyebrows. Mine are so light they can hardly be seen. From the sounds of it, maybe I should be counting my blessings! :D ANyway, what color do you use if you pencil it in? I think anything brown or black would be SOOOO obvious on my pale face.


Maybe I'll ask the next time I get my hair cut.


Mine are very light, too. Even though my hair is darkish brown, I use taupe. It seems to look the most natural. I get the cheap ones from NYC, and they are as good as the expensive ones.

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I pretty much leave them alone...but when I get on a long phone call I go pluck out the Grandpa Wild Hairs...yucky part of being 50. If you are ever on the phone with me, and you hear a lot of little yelps, that's me getting rid of the longsters. If I don't, I'll have to learn to braid.


I'm 32 and I have the grandpa wild hairs! I had my thyroid radiated a few years ago and they seemed to start after that, along with the menopausal style thinning and small bald spots.


OK to answer the ?, I wax my eywbrows. I buy the sally hanson wax, it lasts forever. If you don't want to rip dried wax off your face alone, it's inexpensive to have it done, most places charge less than $10 for an eyebrow wax.

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I had the Unibrow well into College. I finally got them fully waxed when I met my Husband! Mine grow so fast and they are heavy and dark. It's that Puerto Rican blood I guess. I'm lucky that my hubbies cousin owns her own salon, so I get a great discount. I think $10 is pretty standard. I also have to get my lip done.


I used to wax on my own, but I would wait months. So, it's nice to get out once a month, chat with a gal, and get cleaned up!

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I used to get mine professionally waxed on a regular basis. I would make regular appointments every 3-4 weeks. I would have my brows and upper lip waxed. I'm thinking it was maybe about $25, which included the tip?


I stopped having it professionally done on a regular basis about 3-4 years ago. Mainly, because it wasn't a good use of our money at the time (and still isn't), but also because I had done it long enough that I knew the thinness of the brow and the general shape I liked. So after I had it done the last time, I went out and bought a waxing kit at the drugstore and just followed the same lines that were done professionally. I've done this ever since. However, I have gotten just lazy enough with it, that finding that "line" (shape) is near impossible. I really would like to have it done again professionally, just once, to clean it up and then I can resume what I was doing. I don't know if that's gonna happen anytime soon though.


So perhaps what you could do, is have it professionally done, see how you like it, and then just follow that same shape yourself, either by plucking or using a wax kit. Personally, I think both are needed. I pluck and wax. The wax gets the fine hairs (or fuzz) that you can't see so well (and my upper lip needs to be done regularly), while the plucking can get the more obvious ones.


Hope that answers your questions!

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okay - I need suggestions about my eyebrows. Mine are so light they can hardly be seen. From the sounds of it, maybe I should be counting my blessings! :D ANyway, what color do you use if you pencil it in? I think anything brown or black would be SOOOO obvious on my pale face.


Maybe I'll ask the next time I get my hair cut.

I would suggest a light brown powder-based shadow and a brush. You'll get a much more natural look than with a pencil.

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My eyebrows are barely visible, so I don't really need to pluck. I don't use eyebrow pencil either because it looks fake (on me) to me. Then, I don't wear other makeup often either. My kids have much heavier, darker eyebrows. It's the Italian from dh's side. Oldest ds plucks to maintain two separate brows and oldest dd does too, though she does not have such a continuous line.


My SIL plucks hers very thin and then pencils over. I think it looks very unnatural and just plain odd. I usually think people look better if they keep close to how they're made. A little bit to enhance your natural features can be nice, but too many people try to change themselves into someone else entirely. I'll stop here before I start to rant about my SIL and her quest for beauty. I wish she could see that she was beautiful--is beautiful--without changing herself into some airbrushed ideal she has stuck in her brain.

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Oops. I'm sorry. I did it anyway. Ranting about something not really related to the thread. I didn't mean to imply that what I said at the end was the case for the OP or anyone else:o Sometimes I just get a little worked up. I should put that energy and passion into cleaning my house:rolleyes:

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I thread and wax. It depends on where I am in town and what's convenient. I prefer threading. There's not a difference in price. I pay $6 plus a $2 tip about every two weeks. I have very dark brows and the new growth drives me nuts because they are tiny and I just can't pluck them w/o hurting myself.


Self-waxing is out of the question. I had a traumatic experience a while back while giving myself "The Telly Savalas" down "there". shocked003.gif

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My eyebrows are fairly sparse, so I just pluck strays occasionally. But now that I'm 50, I have a new development on the eyebrow maintenance agenda -- trimming with scissors. Some of the hairs are now "too long". So in addition to tweezing, I have to trim a few of the remaining hairs to keep things neat.

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How does the pain compare between threading and waxing?


Waxing is faster, but makes you want to punch the poor girl in the stomach. Threading it's more "plucky". You can almost feel each hair being pulled out. I walk out some days and threaten her family. So, I'd go with the waxing if you have a short temper. Please also take into consideration that I have a looooow tolerance for pain.

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My eyebrows are fairly sparse, so I just pluck strays occasionally. But now that I'm 50, I have a new development on the eyebrow maintenance agenda -- trimming with scissors. Some of the hairs are now "too long". So in addition to tweezing, I have to trim a few of the remaining hairs to keep things neat.



LOL, my mom has to trim my dad's eyebrows too. He lost almost all the hair on his head before he turned 30, and the rest of it was gray, but he gets a sort-of "horned owl" look when she forgets about it. :p 'Course HE doesn't notice. ;)

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Waxing is faster, but makes you want to punch the poor girl in the stomach. Threading it's more "plucky". You can almost feel each hair being pulled out. I walk out some days and threaten her family. So, I'd go with the waxing if you have a short temper. Please also take into consideration that I have a looooow tolerance for pain.




I have a fairly high tolerance for pain, but you know, I'd still really rather avoid it altogether :)

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I watched my neice get hers waxed the day before her wedding and I thought it looked painful and yucky. If they mess up and get too much included in there, then the result could really be bad.


I'm old so I pluck. It seems much simpler to me to take only a hair here and a hair there, but I do recall that eyebrows grow much more quickly when one is young. I only have to pluck an occasional hair now days. They seem to quit growing when you get into your 40's (wish the hair on my legs and underarms would stop, too)....


I got mine into the shape/size I wanted them years ago and it hasn't been hard to maintain them since then. I'm a little concerned as they currently seem to be shrinking. Do eyebrows disappear when one gets old, LOL????



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also the wild hairs that grow out of my chin :eek: - what the %^$# are these anyhow? I go nuts when I find one of these.


I know it is risky letting her do it but I can't see well enough to do it myself and she does do a pretty good job, probably at least as well as I could do, LOL.

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