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What are your all-time favorite read alouds?

Guest Lorna

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Gone Away Lake

Henry Reed Inc

Henry and Ribsy series by Beverly Cleary

Inkheart (read aloud so I could change a bit of the language)

Misty of Chicoteague and others by M. Henry

The Westing Game

The Shakespeare Stealer

Detectives in Togas and the sequel The Mystery of the Roman Ransom

we also really enjoy books be G A Henty

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We absolutely giggled through The Mysterious Benedict Society.


The Chronicles of Narnia are always fun! And the Hobbit flows nicely when read aloud.


We are only at 11 and 9yo for my oldest children, so I'm only mentioning the most recently enjoyed books. I'll have to watch and record some of the selections mentioned by others. Thanks for the post.



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I would love a good list for the times when it is my turn to choose a bedtime story for my twelve and ten year old. ;)


Rascal by Sterling North is what comes to mind right of the bat. We also loved Carry on, Mr. Bowditch and the Chronicles of Narnia. And Danny, the Champion of the World. That was the favorite thing anyone read to me when I was a child, and I loved reading to my boys, too.

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Princess and the Goblin/Princess and Curdie

Little Princess

Carry on Mr Bowditch

Secret Garden


The Princess and the Goblin was my favorite, favorite, favorite story as a girl. I read and re-read that book so many times - I loved the book too, it was my grandma's copy from when she was a girl. I always swore if I had a little girl one day I'd name her Irene. :D The Secret Garden was a close second.


Two read-alouds my sons enjoyed were Peter and the Starcatchers and The Thief Lord.

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In addition to those already mentioned,

"Number the Stars"


Generally, lots of stories of epics, myths and folktales--like "In Search of a Homeland", "Black Ships Before Troy", "The Wanderings of Odysseus", "Stories from the Silk Road", "The Sea of Gold, and other Tales from Japan".

"Half Magic"--this one is unbelievably funny. You will laugh out loud together.

"Tom Sawyer"

"Little Women" and others by LMA

"Ben and Me"--a very funny send up of Ben Franklin's life, told from the POV of a mouse who becomes his advisor.


And, lately I have been remembering how much SWB and also her 12 year old son love "The Once and Future King" so I started to read it to myself last night to see if I would like to read it to DD, who is 11 1/2. And all I can say is, WOW. I'm going to love this book, and then she and DH are going to love it, too.

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Here are some we've enjoyed that have not yet been listed:


Red Sails to Capri


A Wrinkle in Time

all the Jungle Doctor books

Shakespeare's comedies



I want to second:

Understood Betsy

The Princess and the Goblin/the Princess and Curdie


My older kids still gather 'round when I read Beverly Cleary to my middle boy; I find that even though the kids are *reading* above the level of the of the books we read aloud, they still enjoy a good story.

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I haven't read all of your responses but I did see Little Princess mentioned. We are reading that now and my girls love it. But I recommend looking at the Sonlight read-aloud titles. We use Sonlight (cores 1 & 2 so far) and we've enjoyed every book and each time, my girls are sad to see that book come to an end. I have to assure them that another good one is to come!

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Guest Lorna
Have you read them the Moomin books?! I love your avatar by the way. I grew up watching Moomin cartoons on t.v. (I grew up in Japan).


Yes, the Moomin books are some of our all time favourite books and we have read them all as read-alouds. They really help me remember what a happy childhood is like (strange as they are!). Hence the avatar. I haven't seen the cartoons but I love the comic strip books too which they have re-released in recent years.

Our favourite was 'Comet in Moominland'.

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I second (third?) Understood Betsy. We just finished reading it and I had the biggest lump in my throat.


Right now we're reading:


Harriet the Spy

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


I also remember loving:

The Egypt Room

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Owls in the Family - Farley Mowat

The Scarlet Pimpernel I forget the author. Last name starts with an "O"-something like Ozky?

The Phantom of the Opera I forget the author's name of this one also.

Father Brown - G. K. Chesterton

All Creatures Great and Small - James Herriot


I have a 12 yo, a 10 yo, a 7 yo, and an almost 3 yo who doesn't usually listen but has learned to stay (somewhat) quiet so that the others can.:)

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My kids are 10 and 12 and some of their all time favorites that we've read aloud:


Detectives in Togas (hilarious, we laughed all the way through it!)

The Mystery of the Roman Ransom (sequel to Detectives in Togas)

The Westing Game

From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler

Anne of Green Gables

Anne of Avonlea

A Single Shard

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