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Michael Jackson

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My thought was how much this would overshadow Farrah and Ed's funerals.



It reminds me of 1997 (?), when Princess Diana and Mother Teresa died on the same day. . . . . .


Or that C.S. Lewis died the day JFK was shot.


Just an interesting juxtaposition, I suppose.

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It reminds me of 1997 (?), when Princess Diana and Mother Teresa died on the same day. . . . . .


Or that C.S. Lewis died the day JFK was shot.


Just an interesting juxtaposition, I suppose.


I don't think Mother Teresa & Princess Di were on the same day. Maybe the same week? I think Princess Di died August 31st and I believe Mother Teresa was in early September of that same year. Tragic.

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I wasn't as surprised to read that he'd died as I was to read that he was 50!:001_huh:


Man, where did the time go...


Me, too. I remember being 12, dancing at my friend Renee's house to Billie Jean. No matter what MJ did I still love his music.

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I don't think Mother Teresa & Princess Di were on the same day. Maybe the same week? I think Princess Di died August 31st and I believe Mother Teresa was in early September of that same year. Tragic.


You're right! How did I miss that?


I remember when I heard about it - on the front steps of my friend's house - and I do remember thinking, in the midst of the Di craziness, that it was a shame that Mother Teresa's work would be overshadowed.


Out-deceased, exactly.

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I didnt mean to cause contention.

Let me defend my post a bit here...

I am trying not to judge him. I dont condone the things he was said to have done. I didnt follow the news about him. I know very little of the "things" he was accused of. Did he do them I dont know... I wouldnt trust my kids around him though. I didn't agree with the way he.. whats the word?.... "carried himself".

I was just trying to be nice. A man died. If he was good or bad isnt for me to decide. I'm sure there are people mourning his passing. I was trying to be supportive in my own way.

Sorry to cause a stir.

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I didnt mean to cause contention.

Let me defend my post a bit here...

I am trying not to judge him. I dont condone the things he was said to have done. I didnt follow the news about him. I know very little of the "things" he was accused of. Did he do them I dont know... I wouldnt trust my kids around him though. I didn't agree with the way he.. whats the word?.... "carried himself".

I was just trying to be nice. A man died. If he was good or bad isnt for me to decide. I'm sure there are people mourning his passing. I was trying to be supportive in my own way.

Sorry to cause a stir.


You didn't cause a stir, simply opened up an interesting subject.

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I didnt mean to cause contention.

Let me defend my post a bit here...

I am trying not to judge him. I dont condone the things he was said to have done. I didnt follow the news about him. I know very little of the "things" he was accused of. Did he do them I dont know... I wouldnt trust my kids around him though. I didn't agree with the way he.. whats the word?.... "carried himself".

I was just trying to be nice. A man died. If he was good or bad isnt for me to decide. I'm sure there are people mourning his passing. I was trying to be supportive in my own way.

Sorry to cause a stir.



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My husband and I were discussing this briefly this evening. To me, his music and his life are separate issues. I can remember dancing to Thriller and loving it as a preteen. I can acknowledge his musical talent. To my husband, his behaviour and paying off of parents of children was all that mattered, regardless of criminal charges being not guilty. In fact, we had to agree not to discuss it further, as my husband suggested, as he was getting upset even thinking about MJ.


My sincerest hope is that his children have a healthy upbringing, and become healthy adults.

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It surprises me that an officer would be sharing unconfirmed information like that.


I don't know what the confidentiality policy is for police officers. But the hospital staff *absolutely* should not be discussing that with the police. Police need a court order to access medical records.

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I am always saddened by the death of one of God's created beings. I hope his family is comforted. I don't know what his personal relationship with God was.


IF he was guilty of bearing rotten fruit, that means absolutely nothing to God if he repented. I believe the Apostle Paul participated in the persecution(murder) of Christians before he became one.


Thank you Blessedfamily...I've been kind of bitter about all of the attention given to him, but you put it into a right eternal perspective.

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So sad to see another icon of my generation gone. I am feeling very old right now.


However, I am very irked to open my supposedly respectable newspaper to see that they devoted 12 PAGES to him - and in the FRONT SECTION - not the lifestyles section. He did not cure cancer. He did not bring about world peace. He was an entertainer. 12 pages. Even Princess Di did not get that much.

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So sad to see another icon of my generation gone. I am feeling very old right now.


However, I am very irked to open my supposedly respectable newspaper to see that they devoted 12 PAGES to him - and in the FRONT SECTION - not the lifestyles section. He did not cure cancer. He did not bring about world peace. He was an entertainer. 12 pages. Even Princess Di did not get that much.



Our area had some candle-light vigil at a park. Oh please, get a life. I don't buy the newspaper and these are one of the many reasons I don't. And not one mention of him being a pediphile. I suppose he wasn't really convicted of it. But then again do you really think he would be?

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Most of the ones I know would be thrilled to have MJ in their ranks, as they would feel about any sinner that repented. In fact, the Christians I know, myself included, know that for the grace of God, there go they.



Yes, I don't really see a bunch of people gathered in Heaven and then someone saying, "What's he doing here?", when anyone shows up.

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Our area had some candle-light vigil at a park. Oh please, get a life. I don't buy the newspaper and these are one of the many reasons I don't. And not one mention of him being a pediphile. I suppose he wasn't really convicted of it. But then again do you really think he would be?


No, he wasn't convicted, but he paid the boy and his mom off...if that tells you anything. I often wonder how the reaction would be if he had been convicted and died in prison.

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To be fair, MJ did face trial the second time he'd been accused, and a jury acquitted him. On the other hand, regardless of the acquittal, the testimony given against him was, at best, disturbing. At the very minimum, the guy had incredibly poor judgment, and I suspect it was much more.


I guess the hardest thing about MJ, for me, was that he was so many different things on so many different levels. I don't think anyone can argue the fact that he was a multi-talented individual, potentially a musical genius. And so many times, individuals with that level of talent in any area are tortured souls who do not always make sound decisions with their own lives.


Throw in the fact that the guy was surrounded by hangers-on and yes-men, plus the drug addiction rumors that are being put out there by friends - it sounds like a disaster in the making. What a shame that family members could not find a way to ensure that MJ would get help, and how very painful for them for it to end the way it did. I hope that they can all find their own peace. And I pray for his children. I can only imagine how devastating this must be for them.


I didn't follow much of MJ's career in the later years, but the interviews I saw and read left me with the impression that he was very, very angry over his perception that his childhood had been taken from him. Since last night I have heard him characterized by his friends in so many conflicting terms: shy, confident, a wonderful humanitarian, a total control freak, generous, paranoid, childlike, an old soul. I guess it's safe to say he was unhappy (?) but who really knows.

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The press helicopters are starting to make me insane.


We live very close to the Jackson family compound. And they've been buzzing their home (and ours) almost non-stop since the news broke.


Whatever ones opinion of Michael Jackson I think his family deserves the respect to morn in peace. Treating his death like a circus is unseemly. Not that I'm surprised. But what happened to basic human decency?



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The press helicopters are starting to make me insane.


We live very close to the Jackson family compound. And they've been buzzing their home (and ours) almost non-stop since the news broke.


Whatever ones opinion of Michael Jackson I think his family deserves the respect to morn in peace. Treating his death like a circus is unseemly. Not that I'm surprised. But what happened to basic human decency?




My question is, "What the heck are they filming?" The roof of the house? Why? The same thing happened with Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. I don't get it...I hope it dies down for you, Bill.

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The press helicopters are starting to make me insane.


We live very close to the Jackson family compound. And they've been buzzing their home (and ours) almost non-stop since the news broke.


Whatever ones opinion of Michael Jackson I think his family deserves the respect to morn in peace. Treating his death like a circus is unseemly. Not that I'm surprised. But what happened to basic human decency?




I second the above - hope it calms down for you. It must be incredibly distracting. Perhaps part of it is that when something happens to a famous, wealthy person, it reminds people of their own mortality, and they feel like they have to do something, like go to the area where the person lived, in order to feel more in control.


As far as the media, well, that doesn't surprise me. I bet the ratings for cable news are through the roof over the last 24 hours. They're going to ride this story until they've exploited every last angle.

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My question is, "What the heck are they filming?" The roof of the house? Why? The same thing happened with Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. I don't get it...I hope it dies down for you, Bill.


Quite a coincidence, but just after you posted, it got "quiet". No helicopters. Yippee!!!!


They must have needed to re-fuel :D



Edited by Spy Car
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He has a couple of concerts scheduled at the O2 in London. I heard on the radio today that the management is considering whether or not to refund the ticket price. Hello! I'd be seriously ticked off if I had purchased a ticket and didn't get a refund. How can they only be 'considering' it?

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He has a couple of concerts scheduled at the O2 in London. I heard on the radio today that the management is considering whether or not to refund the ticket price. Hello! I'd be seriously ticked off if I had purchased a ticket and didn't get a refund. How can they only be 'considering' it?


The way they explained it on the news today had something to do with insurance. The promoting company (I think they're called AEG) was only insured for ten concerts, so I guess they have to figure out where the rest of the $ is coming from.


There are so many things I don't get about this. AEG claims MJ had a very thorough physical before they agreed to back his concerts, and he passed with flying colors. So how come MJ had a cardiologist living with him? Just *in case*?

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No, he wasn't convicted, but he paid the boy and his mom off...if that tells you anything.


Mom should have come up on child abuse. Who in their right mind, except a gold-digger, would send their child off with a crotch-grabber? She had dollar signs in her eyes. Ugh.

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No joke. It's a good things certain "christians" don't get the say. They'd be torturing the majority of people. Thankfully, the true God, the Creator of the universe, is much kinder and more loving.


That is a very judgemental and harsh statement that slaps many on the board across the face.... even with the term "certain Christians". Perhaps they need to remember this as they feed the poor, build hospitals in Africa, carry supplies over mountains on foot in Haiti, and provide homes for unwanted children in India (etc). These certain Christians serve & give & give.... but they also believe in biblical scriptures & accountability at the throne of God at judgement.


I always love the fact that so many "certain Christians" are condemned but are expected to be open to all others in the name of tolerance. People may not believe scripture and that is their choice. The comments made of MJ were in regards to scripture & not condemnation/hate.


It is quite possible that he is floating on a cloud drinking mint julips and in total bliss now (any scenario works here)... but it is equallly possible that he is in everlasting torment (which is terrible & sad) and NO ONE wishes that for anyone.


No one attacked atheist, pagans, wiccans, or any other group. They only expressed an opinion.... a reasonable one based on the average culture and historical background of this country.... and an opinion that was SAD or disappointed in his final state/life... not GLAD of his possible final hours & spiritual future.

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That is a very judgemental and harsh statement that slaps many on the board across the face.... even with the term "certain Christians". Perhaps they need to remember this as they feed the poor, build hospitals in Africa, carry supplies over mountains on foot in Haiti, and provide homes for unwanted children in India (etc). These certain Christians serve & give & give.... but they also believe in biblical scriptures & accountability at the throne of God at judgement.




As a Christian, I didn't take this to be a condemnation of the Christians that you describe - those who live their faith with love and humbleness. I took it to mean those "Christians" who use their "faith" as a weapon to condemn and judge others, a right ascribed only to God.

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  • 2 weeks later...
MJ believed what the scriptures say of the dead, that they are conscious of nothing, not planning or devising or working or thinking....they also aren't hurting or helping. They are simply dead. MJ also believed in the resurrection. I hope he'll choose to truly get to know and love God when he's resurrected. That will be true healing for everything he went through (and put others through also).




I just had this news article forwarded to me...


Dueling twitter feeds are furiously chronicling all the theories about the final destination Jackson deserves as 20,000 attended Jackson's memorial service at the Los Angeles Staples Center and more than a billion people worldwide experienced it on television and the internet. But some in the Jackson family, namely his mother Katherine, aren't concerned with heaven and hell.


More in the link.
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