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Jon and Kate: The big announcement is out ...

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I think a marriage can survive a lot of things--maybe even a reality TV show--but it probably can't survive lack of respect. That was what came out loud and clear in Kate's attitude toward Jon.


And, not to excuse Jon's affair, but didn't Kate also have an affair?

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Just remember that many people are basing their opinions and judgments of this couple on a half an hour TV show that is, most agree, in part or in all scripted.


Only the two people involved really know what went on in their marriage. Only they know what is really going on in their lives. Only they know how much of this has been manipulated by TLC for a certain end, how much is to garner ratings, and how much fault lies on either side.


For those who are calling for CPS, there have been letter and email and telephone campaigns to that agency for months now, perhaps years. We can be certain that if CPS workers saw some reason to intervene, they would have - and they will in the future if there are grounds to do so. What, exactly, is the complaint of abuse? The children are clothed, fed, cared for. They are being educated. They have opportunities to travel. They are living in a beautiful house with plenty of room and time to play. There are many, many children in this country who do not have food, or a place to live, or many other things that the Gosselins do have. Perhaps if the general public turned its attention and energy away from its witch hunt of the Gosselins and towards some of the truly sad conditions that needy children are facing instead, something constructive could actually be accomplished.


I see the same thing coming down the pike with the Duggars. People are watching the half-hour show that devotes perhaps five minutes to the kids' home schooling, and they are getting up in arms that the kids are "doing workbooks" and "not receiving a quality education."


As a home schooler, I'm far more concerned with the potential fall out that might result from those kinds of remarks than whether or not Kate Gosselin wears a bikini or stops for gas wearing high heels.

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She is devastated and he is excited about the new chapter in his life.



Vicki, I caught those words in last nights airing as well. After those words I cried. Even more upsetting is when Kate said she would darn well be around for holidays, events, and birthdays - and then Jon commented that he just doesn't know. :(

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I think a marriage can survive a lot of things--maybe even a reality TV show--but it probably can't survive lack of respect. That was what came out loud and clear in Kate's attitude toward Jon.


And, not to excuse Jon's affair, but didn't Kate also have an affair?


It goes both ways. He was no prize either.

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Vicki, I caught those words in last nights airing as well. After those words I cried. Even more upsetting is when Kate said she would darn well be around for holidays, events, and birthdays - and then Jon commented that he just doesn't know. :(


Apparently he's been spending time with realtors looking at luxury one-bedroom rentals in Manhattan.


A magazine that I read (it was in our beach condo on the first day we got here, and I wasn't able to pick up the library books before we left :() suggests that there's a TLC-engineered plot to manipulate and film the whole process, with Jon moving into an apartment, and an on-screen reconciliation planned (though whether it's on-screen-only is up in the air). Blech.

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It goes both ways. He was no prize either.


No, it does not appear so.


Highereducation raises a good point. We have to remember that TLC producers take hundreds of hours of footage and edit them in just such a way to script whatever they want us to see. If Jon says something and then cuts to a disgusted look on Kate's face it's impossible to know whether she was really reacting to what he said or if that was spliced in to give us that impression.


These shows are not really "reality."

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You know, I never took fault with them for the way they are. Is she difficult? Yes. Is he lazy/a push over? Seemingly so. But they married each other and seemed to compliment one another. Did they have work to do? Yes, but so do dh and I. Marriage is all about the refining of self through the looking glass of your spouse.


What absolutely pisses me off is not their personalities or faults, it is their insistence on continuing this show when it's obvious that it is damaging their marriage and family. That is what I just don't get. at. all.


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I think any family that has 6 babies at once is asking for trouble. A woman's body is not meant to have 6 babies at once....and I am sure it is for a good reason. I can't imagine trying to raise 6 infants...and two kids at the same time. So I think they started off in a hardship from the beginning. I think it would be hard for ANY marriage to survive all that. I really really think having all those babies at once did them in....and I doubt anyone will agree with me...

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Only the two people involved really know what went on in their marriage. Only they know what is really going on in their lives. Only they know how much of this has been manipulated by TLC for a certain end, how much is to garner ratings, and how much fault lies on either side.



This is true, but they still had to have gone along with the way the show *has been* edited and manipulated in order to get to this point in time and this series of shows. I liked the show in the early days, but there were moments of Kate behavior that I thought, "Yikes! Doesn't she cringe seeing this airing? I would be so embarrassed!" Like when she went postal over the kids' melting ice creams at Disney. I'm a little on the OCD side myself, but seeing video of me having a breakdown about ice cream dribbles could definitely cure it! Even just moments of self-awareness when I've been going OCD about something have made me think, "Holy cow! I sound like a raving fool!":tongue_smilie:


Personally, I feel the most...well, almost betrayed, because of the vow renewal in HI. I'm sorry to keep harping on this, but when I watched that show, I felt such affinity for Kate when she was saying, "We think it's really important for our kids to see this and witness that we would still choose each other." Something like that. It now makes me sick. That is the sort of thing I would say if I was doing a vow renewal, but now we learn that apparently, this was nothing but a show. :ack2:

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I think any family that has 6 babies at once is asking for trouble. A woman's body is not meant to have 6 babies at once....and I am sure it is for a good reason. I can't imagine trying to raise 6 infants...and two kids at the same time. So I think they started off in a hardship from the beginning. I think it would be hard for ANY marriage to survive all that. I really really think having all those babies at once did them in....and I doubt anyone will agree with me...


I think it's impossible for any of us to tell exactly what did them in, given how removed we are from the reality of their lives.


However, parents of multiples (from twins on up) have increased divorce rates, so I have no doubt believing that having a set of twins and a set of sextuplets contributed greatly to the stress on their marriage.


(As the parent of twins, I truly shudder at the thought of the shrew I would have been with six newborns/infants/toddlers.)

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I call for a boycott of this show. I have watched from the begining :blushing:. However, last night did me in. No matter what your opionon is of Kate & Jon; I think we can all agree that this show is not good for their family. So ladies are you with me? Lets stop giving them our ratings. Tell your friend to stop watching. We can talk all we want but lets take action (I'm speaking to myself first :blushing::banghead:).

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I call for a boycott of this show. I have watched from the begining :blushing:. However, last night did me in. No matter what your opionon is of Kate & Jon; I think we can all agree that this show is not good for their family. So ladies are you with me? Lets stop giving them our ratings. Tell your friend to stop watching. We can talk all we want but lets take action (I'm speaking to myself first :blushing::banghead:).


Since we do not have TV anymore...this should be easy. (We didn't watch it when we had TV either.)


I do, however, wish they would have full episodes of the Duggers online.

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If there is something they're doing right it's the housing. The kids are staying in their house. They bought that house for the kids and both adults ademently believe it's theirs. The parents will be coming to stay when it's their turn to have the kids.

I'm really sad for the family and as a mom I can't imagine not seeing my kids half of the week.

I'm kind of happy for Jon though. He did say in the episode last night that he let her berate him and boss him around and that was his mistake but he's only 32 and he's ready for the next chapter in his life. Good for him. Kate is just really sad.

I told myself I wasn't going to watch but it really is just like a train wreck; I couldn't avert my eyes. :o

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Personally, I feel the most...well, almost betrayed, because of the vow renewal in HI. I'm sorry to keep harping on this, but when I watched that show, I felt such affinity for Kate when she was saying, "We think it's really important for our kids to see this and witness that we would still choose each other." Something like that. It now makes me sick. That is the sort of thing I would say if I was doing a vow renewal, but now we learn that apparently, this was nothing but a show. :ack2:


I think it's possible that the vow renewal could have been a last ditch effort to save the marriage. I know several couples who have had big elaborate vow renewal ceremonies and then began divorce proceedings a few months later. I kind of think of it as a cry for help.


Of course, I know this is not always the circumstances, but I have seen it happen SEVERAL times. Especially when it's not for a 25th, 50th or BIG YEAR wedding anniversary celebration . . . when it's done in the lower years, I've really seen it backfire.


JMHO . . .YMMV . . . and all that jazz. :D

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I am just so worried that they will be documenting the whole divorce thing for the show and the kids will have to live with that. It's bad enough that both parties felt compelled to tell their sides in People magazine.


I have a lot of Kate in me and my dh is an IT guy. A quiet, get along guy, but he definitely has more backbone than Jon. He just chooses his battles. I don't know what may have caused Kate to be so controlling, but my dh stuck by me while we worked through it all. It was not nice, but he helped me, sometimes by just not leaving. I look at them and think, that could have been be. I also think, things can work out.


I also have to say, as a Christian, that this hurts, because this is a dumb reason for your marriage to fall apart. There may be more, but egos and drifting apart don't seem to be Biblical reasons to split. Last I saw, their website still had devotions on it. Not trying to be judgmental, but this is a horrible witness.

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Agree with Kate!



You've got to be kidding? I have never seen a woman emasculate a man more - and infront of millions no less! She is horid. My husband predicted this divorce the first time he ever saw just 10 minutes of the show. He said, "No man can take being treated like that for long. They'll get divorced soon enough." That was YEARS ago. A man who has had his manliness stomped on continuously for years, at some point will try to prove he still has a pair. I'm not saying what he did was right. He never should have allowed himself to be treated like that in the first place. But she certainly contributed her 50% to their problems and then some.


I am devastated for the kids. I come from a broken family and it stinks. They need their mommy AND daddy and this is terrible for them. Too bad mom and dad didn't turn off the cameras and get some counceling years ago. Just awefull....:sad:


Ps. I am not a fan or watcher of this show. I have only caught it a couple of times over the years. But everytime I did see it, I cringed to see the way Kate treated Jon. Just disgraceful.

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Apparently he's been spending time with realtors looking at luxury one-bedroom rentals in Manhattan.


A magazine that I read (it was in our beach condo on the first day we got here, and I wasn't able to pick up the library books before we left :() suggests that there's a TLC-engineered plot to manipulate and film the whole process, with Jon moving into an apartment, and an on-screen reconciliation planned (though whether it's on-screen-only is up in the air). Blech.


I could totally see TLC doing something like that. The tups are going to be in school three days a week, and then next year full-time, so there's not going to be as much material to work with as far as the kids go - what better way to take the show in a new direction? Leading up to the reconciliation, there could be episodes about Jon and Kate dating other people and trying out the single life. Seriously, part of me thinks we're all being duped. They've done the vacations, family outings, cross-promotion with other TLC shows - and now they're going to do Jon & Kate With Dates .... all leading up to the perfect Hollywood ending.


It's pretty twisted if that's what's really happening, but I wouldn't be totally surprised.

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I think any family that has 6 babies at once is asking for trouble. A woman's body is not meant to have 6 babies at once....and I am sure it is for a good reason. I can't imagine trying to raise 6 infants...and two kids at the same time. So I think they started off in a hardship from the beginning. I think it would be hard for ANY marriage to survive all that. I really really think having all those babies at once did them in....and I doubt anyone will agree with me...




I agree with you but I already stepped on enough toes with my opinions during the Octo-mom debates...

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money, money, money


As someone mentioned earlier, the money they are making allows them an easy out. And apparently the money is too tempting to stop the production of the show to save the family, or at least to stop the bleeding. Yeah, they already had issues, but the money is clouding their judgment, IMHO.

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Just remember that many people are basing their opinions and judgments of this couple on a half an hour TV show that is, most agree, in part or in all scripted.

Only the two people involved really know what went on in their marriage. Only they know what is really going on in their lives. Only they know how much of this has been manipulated by TLC for a certain end, how much is to garner ratings, and how much fault lies on either side.


For those who are calling for CPS, there have been letter and email and telephone campaigns to that agency for months now, perhaps years. We can be certain that if CPS workers saw some reason to intervene, they would have - and they will in the future if there are grounds to do so. What, exactly, is the complaint of abuse? The children are clothed, fed, cared for. They are being educated. They have opportunities to travel. They are living in a beautiful house with plenty of room and time to play. There are many, many children in this country who do not have food, or a place to live, or many other things that the Gosselins do have. Perhaps if the general public turned its attention and energy away from its witch hunt of the Gosselins and towards some of the truly sad conditions that needy children are facing instead, something constructive could actually be accomplished.


I see the same thing coming down the pike with the Duggars. People are watching the half-hour show that devotes perhaps five minutes to the kids' home schooling, and they are getting up in arms that the kids are "doing workbooks" and "not receiving a quality education."


As a home schooler, I'm far more concerned with the potential fall out that might result from those kinds of remarks than whether or not Kate Gosselin wears a bikini or stops for gas wearing high heels.


But, you've never heard Kate complain about the editing for the show. She doesn't seem to have a problem with the editing or the way she is portrayed.

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But, you've never heard Kate complain about the editing for the show. She doesn't seem to have a problem with the editing or the way she is portrayed.


Oh, I agree with you. She didn't mind coming across as a shrew and Jon didn't mind coming across as spineless, and I'm sure getting paid had something to do with that. Part of my point, though, is that there are many, many people on the Internet who say horrible, horrible things about her, to the degree that I understand why she has a bodyguard - and I think it's unfair of them to judge her completely as a person based upon a thirty minute TV show that may very well have a lot of input from writers.


Just for the record, dh happens to think she is a shrew and some other words I can't write here, and that was as a result of the book signing we attended, not the show.

Edited by Highereducation
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(As the parent of twins, I truly shudder at the thought of the shrew I would have been with six newborns/infants/toddlers.)


You were not then and never could be a shrew. :001_wub:


(And sorry for outing you as the wife of this sometimes opinionated guy, but I just couldn't help myself.)

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Oh, I agree with you. She didn't mind coming across as a shrew and Jon didn't mind coming across as spineless, and I'm sure getting paid had something to do with that. Part of my point, though, is that there are many, many people on the Internet who say horrible, horrible things about her, to the degree that I understand why she has a bodyguard - and I think it's unfair of them to judge her completely as a person based upon a thirty minute TV show that may very well have a lot of input from writers.

Just for the record, dh happens to think she is a shrew and some other words I can't write here, and that was as a result of the book signing we attended, not the show.


And I, in turn, agree with you. :)

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This makes me so sad. I haven't been able to watch the show since the beginning of this season. It made me sick to my stomach. Those poor kids.




We have watched since the beginning and I have had a hard time watching this season. I feel so awful for them that they can't find a way to get back to the family they were when the show first started. I just keep praying for them.

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Neither here nor there, probably, but Us Weekly is reporting that the show has been put on hiatus.




It could be taken two ways - either the people involved have finally wised up, or TLC is giving viewers a chance to hash things over and let things settle a bit in order to try and build up huge interest in the show's return.


I'm cynical. I'm going to go with the latter.

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It makes me angry because it just does! My biological parents divorced, my mom divorced my stepdad, my sister has divorced twice, another sister once and I hate it!!! I hate the effect it has on children, especially. Except in cases of true spousal abuse I say grow up, stick it out, commit to something that is less than ideal. I guess I should apologize for this harshness but man, I just burn inside at the very thought of divorce (especially when there are kids involved). Lately it has made me even more angry because at church we had a marriage renewal Sunday and the elderly couples who have been married for 60+ years shared what they had gone through in their married lives, the challenges and how they each had times when they had to commit to stay even when they didn't want to. What a testimony they were to the younger couples, most of whom (like myself) can't imagine going through anything close to what these dear couples went through.


I agree.


Jon and Kate are selfish and completely wrapped up in what *they* want, no matter how much they say they do everything for their kids. It has become about them and they should be ashamed of themselves because in 15 minutes when their fame is over, they will look around and say, "What the blank just happened?"


I would have more respect for them if they had come out and said, "We are giving up the show, sue us for breach of contract, we are putting our family back together."

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Neither here nor there, probably, but Us Weekly is reporting that the show has been put on hiatus.




It could be taken two ways - either the people involved have finally wised up, or TLC is giving viewers a chance to hash things over and let things settle a bit in order to try and build up huge interest in the show's return.


I'm cynical. I'm going to go with the latter.

How interesting. I like this quote :

Only six episodes of the 40-episode season have aired. Through tears on Monday's show, Kate declared "the show must go on!"


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Only six episodes of the 40-episode season have aired. Through tears on Monday's show, Kate declared "the show must go on!"


:svengo: Obviously somewhere along the line her priorities got skewed.

From what I've read, I'm guessing her priorities were skewed before she even had children. Some people simply are the way they are. I never enjoyed watching them.

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I call for a boycott of this show. I have watched from the begining :blushing:. However, last night did me in. No matter what your opionon is of Kate & Jon; I think we can all agree that this show is not good for their family. So ladies are you with me? Lets stop giving them our ratings. Tell your friend to stop watching. We can talk all we want but lets take action (I'm speaking to myself first :blushing::banghead:).



I just read this morning that the show will continue. Both have agreed to keep filming; they'll just shoot their parts separately. WHAT???? Okay, before I was thinking that one might be more "guilty" than the other in all this, but now they're equally at fault. You can't deny that this show has most likely added to the strain of their marriage AND cause irreparable damage to their children. Now they're going to continue parading around their family as it disintegrates??? Can't they take TWO MINUTES and think of what this will do to their kids? Imagine when these kids are our age and knowing the entire country watched it all, step-by-step, in their homes. Ugh. I'm afraid I'm going to have to be totally judgmental here. They're BOTH at fault and should be ashamed of themselves.

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If any of the kids have to have therapy when they are older, they won't have to rely only their memories or perceptions -- it will all be pre-recorded.


I wonder what a childhood lacking any semblance of personal privacy does to a person. It can't be good for them. I am an adult, and I could not handle being on a reality show.


I watched maybe 10 minutes of the Jon & Kate show years ago, and I never watched O.J.'s murder trial. They have something in common, as far as I'm concerned. Even though I don't keep up with them at all, I hear about them wherever I go (not O.J.'s trial any more, naturally).


My son came home from school the other day. He complained that his class spent the entire hour plus discussing current events -- and all the girls and the teacher wanted to talk about was Jon & Kate. He was bored out of his mind, but related the content of the discussion to me -- I can't get away from even in my own home!


Here, of course, I chose to read the thread. I wish they weren't getting a divorce.

Edited by RoughCollie
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Where are the people screaming abuse like they did with Octomom or whatever they called her. They were saying she didn't have the kids best interest at heart and that she was abusing them by having them in the media etc. YES, I am being sarcastic.


I am not suprised the show must go on. It's all about priorities. :glare:


We watched the show once and I could not believe how she talked to her husband. The show was when the kids were @ 2? and they took them ALL to Toys R us Christmas shopping. She was screaming at him across the store. I'd have walked out , but he just stood there and took it.

Edited by Quiver0f10
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Yeah, you'd think by now they'd have made enough money not to need to do the show.


For me, it is like they sold their souls (and their children's) to the devil.


Yeah. I edited my comment because I am not sure that $ is a rumour or not. I wouldn't be suprised though. Either way, family should have come first and it is sad to see.

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I just finished watching the show and he(Jon) is one spoiled little boy let me tell you. I am amazed that so many people blame Kate for this--no matter what her tone of voice or her attitude he put his pen*s before his family! How can she be blamed for that?


His statement that he is just 32 and has his whole life ahead of him, made me want to vomit. Hello? What about your 6 five year olds that literally have their entire life ahead of them? Really, what about them? The parents keep saying that everything they do is for the kids, but then he turns around and makes a self-centered statement like that! Not to mention the earrings, the car, ugh. It just repulsed me.

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I only really caught 1 show. The kids had been given gum by an Aunt who was taking care of them, and Kate completely lost her mind. She was flipping out, some got on one of the kids lovey, and Kate was ranting about putting it in the garbage, even shoved it into the kid's face while this poor kid howled. That was it for me thanks. I've caught blips here and there of the parents and can't stand the way she talks to him.


If their relationship is remotely as its portrayed, its probably better they split as it seems to be pretty toxic. Frankly, I think Kate is plain nuts. He seems the more capable, sane, rational parent of the two.


Why in the world anyone tapped HER to write advice books is beyond me. Aren't they ghost written anyways?

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Here's a link that goes into another angle of this whole mess:




I'm paraphrasing here, but Kate had only to mention "Crooked Houses" on the show, and within moments the company's website was inundated with hits.....there is no way that TLC is going to let go of this cash cow, nor are the advertisers if the woman has that much influence on viewers!


And I have to add, at the book signing (I think it was in May), the line literally stretched through and around around the entire store. When Kate arrived, people were screaming like she was a rock star. And it wasn't just young or middle aged women. There were a lot of college-aged guys and middle-aged guys, and tons of teenaged girls. I guess they were the ones who were making all of the noise.;)

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I only really caught 1 show. The kids had been given gum by an Aunt who was taking care of them, and Kate completely lost her mind. She was flipping out, some got on one of the kids lovey, and Kate was ranting about putting it in the garbage, even shoved it into the kid's face while this poor kid howled. That was it for me thanks. I've caught blips here and there of the parents and can't stand the way she talks to him.


If their relationship is remotely as its portrayed, its probably better they split as it seems to be pretty toxic. Frankly, I think Kate is plain nuts. He seems the more capable, sane, rational parent of the two.


Why in the world anyone tapped HER to write advice books is beyond me. Aren't they ghost written anyways?



Good grief!! :eek: I need to stay out of this thread because I really don't know anything about the show or the people in it. I read the about them page of their website and I thought they were all Christians, but this kind of behavior.... well, I'll just leave it at that. :(

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I only really caught 1 show. The kids had been given gum by an Aunt who was taking care of them, and Kate completely lost her mind. She was flipping out, some got on one of the kids lovey, and Kate was ranting about putting it in the garbage, even shoved it into the kid's face while this poor kid howled. That was it for me thanks. I've caught blips here and there of the parents and can't stand the way she talks to him.


If their relationship is remotely as its portrayed, its probably better they split as it seems to be pretty toxic. Frankly, I think Kate is plain nuts. He seems the more capable, sane, rational parent of the two.


Why in the world anyone tapped HER to write advice books is beyond me. Aren't they ghost written anyways?


That episode, in the fairly well-populated world of anti-Gosselin (mostly anti-Kate) blogs, has come to be known as Gumgate. There is also Cupcake-gate and a few other Gates that I can't remember. One could get lost in the anti-Gosselin blogs for days and days. The women who post on them are almost all social workers or psychologists or experts on pedophilia, and they all want Kate burned at the stake or stoned to death, depending on which one you ask.


It's like a soap opera. Different blog owners fight with each other and then leave posts on the other's blog under the name Anonymous. Then they start threatening to reveal IP addresses....honestly, it would be fascinating stuff if some of it wasn't so scary.


And I'm probably scary for reading it. I've just never seen anything like it before. They make the hockey boards seem really, really sane.

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Here's a link that goes into another angle of this whole mess:




I'm paraphrasing here, but Kate had only to mention "Crooked Houses" on the show, and within moments the company's website was inundated with hits.....there is no way that TLC is going to let go of this cash cow, nor are the advertisers if the woman has that much influence on viewers!


And I have to add, at the book signing (I think it was in May), the line literally stretched through and around around the entire store. When Kate arrived, people were screaming like she was a rock star. And it wasn't just young or middle aged women. There were a lot of college-aged guys and middle-aged guys, and tons of teenaged girls. I guess they were the ones who were making all of the noise.;)


TLC announces today they are in "hiatus"... what a joke. The next episode is a re-hashing of J&K's 10 yrs together. Then no filming or new episodes 'til August 3. What vultures.



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