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Did you exercise today?

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I thought I'd just give a thread to encourage everyone (and possibly remind a few people too).


This morning I did 45 minutes of My Fitness Coach (wii). I'm not sure what all else I'll do. I was thinking P90X Cardio later. But I have volunteer work this morning and have to work also. I might settle for Wii Fit while supper is being made :)

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Congratulations! I am jealous. I want so badly to get out there. We have had fantastic weather and I am stuck here sick with the flu. We could have ridden bikes to the library and to park day. We could have walked to the grocery store and back.


I feel like my already flabby body has turned to complete mush in the 5 days since I last exercised. I would love to be fit and healthy enough to do p90x (bad back, bad knees - just plain old;)). I have to make do with nordic walking and weights at the 'Y'.

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Yep. I did the 20 minute free step on Wii Fit (almost 2500 steps worth). I'll do my Physical Therapy exercises in a bit. I'm trying to be gentle until I'm sure my back is healed.


As soon as I'm sure I will being training to run a 5K (it seems every time I try something happens. The first time I tried I developed a horrible cough and gave up after running 5K twice because it wasn't getting easier and I thought I was perpetually sick. The second time I started I got the same cought and went to the doctor and found out I have exercise induced asthma. Then this last time I threw my back out again during Judo and ended up in PT).

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Me, me, me! I did! (And I'm so proud of myself. LOL)


I just came back from a brisk 50 minute walk through my neighborhood and over to the nearby park. Beautiful morning! And it felt soooooo good to exercise.


Thanks for the thread!

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Usually I do about 45 minutes of squats, push ups, crunches, stretches, etc....then followed by 30 minutes on the exercise bike. But I am SOOOOO bored of that!


So yesterday I went out and got the new Wii Active. I havent actually done it, but I kinda put the disc in and tried it out this morning (I had a bad headache so I couldnt really do it)....but I think I'm going to love it! I'll probably do it after lunch today.

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I did week 2, day 1 of the Couch-to-5K program today. Then, the kids and I did some gardening. Tomorrow is a strength training day. Will do either level 2 of 30-day Shred or another Jillian Michaels dvd. That woman kicks serious bum, but I feel so strong after a workout.

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I am headed to workout for 1hr and 30 minutes with my trainer.

I have not felt like exercising all week though. I have made it one other day so far. I need to get motivated and start an ab workout daily. Haven't found the energy. Working on the mind set.



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No I haven't, but it's not even 5am yet, and I never exercise before 5am! Yesterday I did some housework, does that count? Today we'll be walking down to the chiropractor and back. Assuming I'm not a complete wreck and unable to leave the house by then; I've been awake since the boy's feed at 1.30.



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