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Confession Thread

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  • I stash food so my DH and kids can't eat it
  • Sometimes they find my stash and it makes me mad
  • I HATE to get dressed and will stay in PJ's 24/7 if I could
  • I cannot stand "drop in" company, please wait for an invitation
  • I used to be a social butterfly, now, I prefer online friends
  • I don't like to get phone calls, please text or email
  • I am a Christian and used to think homosexuality was a sin. Now, I believe that Christians drive homosexuals away by being judgmental. I believe a lot of homosexuals were born with a different gender brain than their body, and I believe God knows this. Even if that is not the case, it is not our job to pass judgement and criticize them. We are supposed to love them as Christ loved them.
  • I would love to adopt at least 2 more children, maybe even more
  • I want a maltese very badly
  • I don't know where I *fit* in the homeschool community. I always thought I was a conservative, but realize now that I am middle of the road compared to a lot of conservative HS. I feel like I fit better with secular HS because I know I won't be judged for not being conservative enough.
  • It bothers me that I feel judged by other Christians
  • I LOVE to cuddle with my DH. However, my kids touch me so much I go on touch overload and don't want them touching me.
  • I HATE where we live and cannot wait to move
  • I buy things and hide them from DH, then bring them out later and when he asks where it came from I tell him I had it for "awhile" and it is not a lie
  • I have a severe internet addiction
  • I hate housework with a passion, but feel it is the best way to "bless" my family, so I do it with a smile
  • Each member of my household has enough clothing to wear for almost a month without washing clothes
  • I am going through getting rid of clothes to where everyone (including me) has only 10 days worth of clothing

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[originally posted by bethanyiez]


2) I wonder what's so wrong with me that my mom doesn't love me.


Nothing wrong with you...something wrong with her!


6) I don't give my children a bath every day, and I don't know if that's normal; I'm too afraid to ask any of my friends IRL, 'cause I don't want them to think I'm gross. :001_huh:



I don't either. My kids' dr. told me from day 1 that kids generally don't need a bath every day (unless, of course they've been rolling in the mud or something). So as a rule, we usually bathe them on Tues./Thurs./Sat. And they always LOOK clean and presentable. (Just don't look behind the ears, LOL!)

Edited by muffinmom
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Last time I was pregnant, I craved eating dirt so strongly that I almost ate several of the mud pies my dd made me out of potting soil and hose water.


I'm pregnant again and I crave the smell of Vicks Vapo-Rub so much that I take long whiffs of it all day long and once even put a little bit on my tongue. It was delicious!:tongue_smilie:


Sounds like you had Pica, and may have it this time too

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1. I am very nostalgic and love to keep in touch with childhood neighbors and friends. DH thinks this is strange but with modern technology and facebook it has brought me much happiness to chat with and share pictures of childhood with people I knew in Methuen Mass and who I went to highschool with.


2. I hold some resentment towards my parents for moving from a perfect existance in Mass to the hell hole of S. Fl. But I am glad that I did meet my dh there and have many friends I still keep in contact with.


3. I really love being in my 40's and don't understand people who dread it.


4. I long to live in the same neighborhood I grew up in and wish dh would transfer to Mass. but he's a southener and doesn't do cold and snow well.

Edited by lynn
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Me, too! But is it really the movie or Christian Bale?!



Both! I think I saw the original Terminator 5 times in the movie theater. My entire family can quote lines from all the movies. But having Bale as John Connor :svengo: is almost too much. My favorite movie is "Batman Begins" if that tells you anything.


I guess that counts as another confession.

Edited by elegantlion
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Last time I was pregnant, I craved eating dirt so strongly that I almost ate several of the mud pies my dd made me out of potting soil and hose water.



Me too! And, I honestly thought that I might be losing my mind. I think that's the only time in my life that I honestly, seriously thought I might be a little crazy. In fact, I asked my OB about it before I told dh, 'cause I was so worried that I had a mental health issue. :D

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1) I still miss my mommy. My dad got custody when they divorced when I was 4, my mom stopped visiting when I was 8, I went to see her when I was 17, and it's now been 14 years since I've seen her.


2) I wonder what's so wrong with me that my mom doesn't love me.


3) I worry that I won't be a good enough mom. A LOT.


4) I wish my dh wanted to have more children; I'd have a bazillion if I could. (ok, maybe just 10 or so, but you get the idea)


5) I secretly like that my mil disapproves of my homeschooling, but that my dh supports me. I know that drives her crazy, and I like it. (man, that's bad)


6) I don't give my children a bath every day, and I don't know if that's normal; I'm too afraid to ask any of my friends IRL, 'cause I don't want them to think I'm gross. :001_huh:



My Mom chose her new husband over my brother and I, and we went to whoever wanted us, including in and out of children's homes and foster care. I was a HORRID teenager, but at some point I decided I would be everything she wasn't. People compliment me on my mothering skills. My best friend went through the same thing you did.


Have you hear the Kellie Pickler song "I Wonder"?


I am sure you are a great Mom and nothing is wrong with you. Your Mom is screwed up, it is not your fault.

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Okay, a couple more:


I am obsessed with Channing Tatum


My sex drive is about 10x that of my DH and I wish it would CHILL OUT!


I don't like other people's kids unless they are well behaved. Then I LOVE them!


My son is a spoiled brat (3yo) and if he was someone else's I would be mortified that someone allows their child to behave like he does.


I hate to do laundry, but get furious when anyone else does it. I ams o picky about how it is done.


I was not raised with my Mom, but do laundry the EXACT same way she does


I assign my kids the housework I really loathe


I never do dishes, see the previous comment.

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Fun thread! Ok, here are mine:


1. Even though we don't have TV, I am hopelessly addicted to Dancing with the Stars. I stay up late Monday night and watch the show via Youtube - which takes forever.


2. We usually start homeschool Tues. morning by watching the previous night's DWTS highlights.


3. I let my kids squirt whipped cream in their mouths directly out of the can.


4. My least favorite housekeeping chores is changing the top bunk sheet.s Ugh!

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I confess that the overwhelming reason I wanted my son's baseball team to win tonight was that I really, *really* dislike the opposing team's coach. :blushing:


Crissy I can so relate. My ds had a coach 2 years ago that I strongly dislike. He strongly favored his son and his son's friends and pretty much ignored the other half of the team. Also unfortunately my ds looked a lot like another player on the team. The coach would always get the two mixed up. The other kid wouldn't pay attention in the field and would often let a ball go right past him. The coach always thought it was my son. We would set him straight but it didn't matter. Ds and a few others always had to sit out more and never got to play infield even though it was against league rules. Ironicaly the team was in the championship and ds is the one who hit the winning double.


The following year my son was on another team. He got a chance to pitch, play a lot of infield and was a lot higher in the batting order. Ironically he ended up being our #2 or #3 pitcher and had the 2nd highest batting average.


I'll admit that when we play the other team I want to win by a landslide. I hope my ds strikes his son out every time at bat and that we win 100-0. (No, I don't hold any grudges)


Other confessions:


I have a secret stash of dark chocolate. If I ever run out I will truly panic.


I get up at 7:00 so that I can say goodbye to dh and dd before they leave for school/work and sometimes I go back to bed.


I'm very afraid of storms but have to pretend to be brave for the kids.

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  • I don't know where I *fit* in the homeschool community. I always thought I was a conservative, but realize now that I am middle of the road compared to a lot of conservative HS. I feel like I fit better with secular HS because I know I won't be judged for not being conservative enough.

  • It bothers me that I feel judged by other Christians




And I have the exact opposite issues, lol. Aside from a few glaring exceptions, I tend to fit in better with the local conservative Christian hsers than I do with my secular friends (who are largely unschoolers). My mouth is usually what gives me away as a non-Christian. ;)

And then I'm judged by both. :tongue_smilie:

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Okay, here:


1. I am not opposed to squirting whipped cream directly into my mouth, but would act horrified if my kids were to do it.


2. I only wash my hair every 3 or 4 days, but it's so dry, no one would ever know.


3. I sometimes wear earplugs in the car because I just want to be alone with my thoughts. I don't want to hear Nintendo noises or the kids singing "Funkytown" or even Tim McGraw. I just want to zone.


4. My energy level bottoms out at 2-3pm just about every single day and it has been so my whole life. It is not possible for me to be driving on a boring road, listening to a read-aloud or doing anything else conducive to sleep during that time if I wish to remain awake.


5. I think Ramen Noodles are surely the worst meal you could ever eat, however, I continue to buy them because my kids can cook them for themselves and I don't have to make lunch.

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And I have the exact opposite issues, lol. Aside from a few glaring exceptions, I tend to fit in better with the local conservative Christian hsers than I do with my secular friends (who are largely unschoolers). My mouth is usually what gives me away as a non-Christian. ;)

And then I'm judged by both. :tongue_smilie:


Actually, I just feel in the middle. I am way conservative according to my secular friends, but my ultra conservative friends are floored by some things I say or do. I can't win. LOL You wanna hang out? Sounds like we'd do just fine together.

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Okay, here:


1. I am not opposed to squirting whipped cream directly into my mouth, but would act horrified if my kids were to do it.


2. I only wash my hair every 3 or 4 days, but it's so dry, no one would ever know.


3. I sometimes wear earplugs in the car because I just want to be alone with my thoughts. I don't want to hear Nintendo noises or the kids singing "Funkytown" or even Tim McGraw. I just want to zone.


4. My energy level bottoms out at 2-3pm just about every single day and it has been so my whole life. It is not possible for me to be driving on a boring road, listening to a read-aloud or doing anything else conducive to sleep during that time if I wish to remain awake.


5. I think Ramen Noodles are surely the worst meal you could ever eat, however, I continue to buy them because my kids can cook them for themselves and I don't have to make lunch.


Me too, except I put my iPod buds in my ears not earplugs...and if I washed my hair more often than once or twice a week, it would look awful It is so dry.

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Actually, I just feel in the middle. I am way conservative according to my secular friends, but my ultra conservative friends are floored by some things I say or do. I can't win. LOL You wanna hang out? Sounds like we'd do just fine together.


I'd love to. So long as you're not opposed to Aspie jokes. Because, while I'm considered too obsessive by some fellow aspie parents, others tend to think I make too light of it.


Nobody likes me. Everybody hates me. I think I'll go eat some worms. :lol:

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4. My least favorite housekeeping chores is changing the top bunk sheet.s Ugh!


Precisely the reason I sold out bunks and refuse to ever have more


After reading all the confessions, I believe the common factor is a fascination with hidden CHOCOLATE! :lol:



Did I mention my stash is USUALLY chocolate? LOL

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I'd love to. So long as you're not opposed to Aspie jokes. Because, while I'm considered too obsessive by some fellow aspie parents, others tend to think I make too light of it.


Nobody likes me. Everybody hates me. I think I'll go eat some worms. :lol:


Oh my, I think we'd fit in together JUST FINE! LOL

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This will be a big one.....


1. I think chocolate is absolutly disgusting! It makes my mouth and teeth hurt (and I dont have cavities or other dental issues) even the smell make me sick. That said I love Almond Joys, for the nuts and chocolates only though. I wish they didnt have chocolate.


2. I dont drink, smoke, party, anything. I am obbssessive about remaining in control based on a freakishly out of control childhood.


3. I never realized that people did drink only one (or two) glasses of wine or other alcholic beverages, I thought all people drank to get drunk only.


4. I once stood up to a 6'5 nearly 300lb pound man (I am 5'2 and at the time barely over 100lbs) and told him to hit me cause I would kiss his *you know what*. He didnt hit me and I was the only person he ever backed away from. I was secretly very proud of myself even though I went to my room and shook for over an hour! :)


5. I posted a blog post about above man that I was glad when he died. As in I giggled and laughed because I was so happy and relieved. And horrible as it is, I am still happy about that.

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I hardly ever make my bed.


I too have a secret food stash (usually chocolate but occasionally something minty or some cookies)


I think Top Model objectifies women but I still watch it religiously and feel slightly dirty when I do.


I like being home alone during the day.

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My least favorite housekeeping chore is changing the top bunk sheets. Ugh!



:iagree: I have figured out a trick, though. We ditched the top sheet/blanket thing and just went for a duvet with a cover...at least now I only have to put on a fitted bottom sheet, and with that I just get it KIND OF on, then get onto the bottom bunk, and tighten it from the bottom.


I thought of some more. Man is this a FUN thread! (It has helped me realize that I am NOT as neurotic as I thought I was...



  • I have been known to hide, and then throw away some of my girls' less ahem, desirable* toys, just so I didn't have to face a fight with them over giving them to charity, which is of course the Christian, and charitable thing to do.

  • *I am a toy snob. I refuse to buy anything with a Disney princess, etc. on it...although some have crept into our home, and slowly are ending up in the Almost Mexico landfill. If it's made in Europe, I generally love it; in Thailand out of rubberwood, it's cool. Plastic is okay as long as it is modern and funky and cool, or Legos or the like...

  • I mentally judge people's shopping cart contents at the grocery store, and then go home and gloat how wonderful our diet is...until I remember the stash of hidden peeps, chocolate, Tostitos and Diet Pepsi, none of which are the organic kind :tongue_smilie:

  • I'm very shy around new people, and feel totally inferior in social situations, especially now since DH is rising in rank. People probably think I'm aloof and a snob, which I'm NOT, aside from the toy snob thing (which is I just like to call having discriminating taste :lol:), which is probably why I have very few friends. However, the friends that I do have are worth their weight in gold because they know and understand me so well.


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I confess that I didn't know this version existed...and I am a huge Anne fan. I am off to find it...


I got it from our local library, but here's the amazon link. I loved it because it stays significantly true to the book. Davy and Dora are in it, as well as Mr. Harrison, the blue town meeting hall, the AVIS and Anne going off to Redmond college and meeting Roy Gardiner. This is stupid considering I'm a married woman, but the guys they cast aren't that good looking, but it is really well scripted and acted, even if the production values are low (well, it was 1975 BBC).

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:iagree: I have figured out a trick, though. We ditched the top sheet/blanket thing and just went for a duvet with a cover...at least now I only have to put on a fitted bottom sheet, and with that I just get it KIND OF on, then get onto the bottom bunk, and tighten it from the bottom.




Very clever! I am going to try that next time.



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  • I have been known to hide, and then throw away some of my girls' less ahem, desirable* toys, just so I didn't have to face a fight with them over giving them to charity, which is of course the Christian, and charitable thing to do.

  • *I am a toy snob. I refuse to buy anything with a Disney princess, etc. on it...although some have crept into our home, and slowly are ending up in the Almost Mexico landfill. If it's made in Europe, I generally love it; in Thailand out of rubberwood, it's cool. Plastic is okay as long as it is modern and funky and cool, or Legos or the like...

  • I mentally judge people's shopping cart contents at the grocery store, and then go home and gloat how wonderful our diet is...until I remember the stash of hidden peeps, chocolate, Tostitos and Diet Pepsi, none of which are the organic kind :tongue_smilie:

  • I'm very shy around new people, and feel totally inferior in social situations, especially now since DH is rising in rank. People probably think I'm aloof and a snob, which I'm NOT, aside from the toy snob thing (which is I just like to call having discriminating taste :lol:), which is probably why I have very few friends. However, the friends that I do have are worth their weight in gold because they know and understand me so well.



This is me! Well except for the whole dorrito stashed food thing. Most unhealthy food makes my tounge swell and get bumpy, hardly sets the mood for other good stuff! :D

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I never make the bed.

I let my son sleep till noon today because I have a raging headache.

We homeschool year round because we take a lot of breaks during the year.

I would rather go to the dentist than walk the dog.

I love nature as long as I am looking at if from the inside of my house/car/climate controlled area.


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HeatherLynn, a lot of yours are true for me, too. :)


I also stash "my own" food, so I have a prayer of enjoying it before the vultures take over!


I also dislike "drop-in" company. I love living on a secluded lot in the woods because we have a very low chance of neighbors descending upon our premises.


I also HATE phone calls. I rarely make them, except for necessary things, like hair appointments. And the chances of me answering them is very slim, which I have been rebuked for by a friend or family member many times over.


I feel the same as you do about homosexuality. Not that I find the prospect of it thrilling, I just think this is a cruel descrimination that is sanctioned in Christian circles.


I long to adopt a few kids. I think about it many times a day. Dh has bashed me over the head with the fact that there are no more kids happening in this family ever, by any means, but I have not accepted it yet.

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This has been fun to read! Here are mine:


~I can't seem to keep my house clean. It is 3100 sq feet and when I spend a whole day cleaning one part, the other parts are just getting messier. It is a never ending cycle.


~It drives me insane that my house isn't clean to my standards. I am an OCD neat freak and things like dust on the baseboards drives me bonkers.


~I am secretly afraid my son may get the swine flu while he is with his dad and his dad will not take care of him or know when to get him to a hospital. Please pray this doesn't happen!


~I am a hypochondriac and I recently tried going off my Lexapro only to find that I hated everyone and everything and then started worrying about cancer again. :( Back on the meds I went. And I feel like a failure for it!


~I miss co-op classes already!


~ My back is KILLING me and I am worrying way too much about WHY. :( (insert hypochondria again)

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~ My back is KILLING me and I am worrying way too much about WHY. :( (insert hypochondria again)


I am a bit of a hypochondriac myself. Been having anxiety attacks that include chest pain, arm pain, rapid heart beat. Feels like I'm having a heart attack- even though I've been checked out quite a few times and my heart is FINE and there is no evidence of heart disease. I still panic and wonder EVERY time- 'what if this one IS a real heart attack and I should be going to the ER!?'. It's driving me crazy. I'm looking forward to medication.

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I am a bit of a hypochondriac myself. Been having anxiety attacks that include chest pain, arm pain, rapid heart beat. Feels like I'm having a heart attack- even though I've been checked out quite a few times and my heart is FINE and there is no evidence of heart disease. I still panic and wonder EVERY time- 'what if this one IS a real heart attack and I should be going to the ER!?'. It's driving me crazy. I'm looking forward to medication.


Me too...for me it's the bulge in my lower stomach, and pain on the right-lower side of my abdomen for several years now...no doc seems to think it's anything (Base docs, though....wink wink).


BTW SM, I love your Totoro avatar. My girlies love Totoro!!!

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We love Totoro! My mom just made each DC a crocheted Totoro, and I am making soot sprites with black fun fur yarn, and a pom pom maker. The kids collect acorns by the pocketful every time they see them. LOL


Base Docs are generally NO fun. I recently made an appt. for a pap and to see about starting anxiety meds. The wench of a Doc who saw me said that I was probably anxious because I have four children and that I should just try to get out of the house more often. Grrrrrrr. She said I'd have to make another appt. for my 'mental health' issue. Now I'm waiting for my next appointment. They used to be so quick to hand out pills and say 'try this for two weeks and then come back and see me'. Now that I actually NEED something, it's like pulling badger teeth to get it. Hoping your abdomen pain/bulge really IS nothing. :)

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I have more....


I hate, hate, hate to drive. I avoid it like the plague.


I really enjoy Phineas and Ferb. I like Back in the Barnyard, too. They crack me up! (For the uninitiated, these are cartoon shows--one Disney, one...Nickelodeon, I think.)


I also love America's Next Top Model. I am fascinated with how people transform in front of a camera.


I really don't like the sun. Unless there are a few good clouds in the sky, obscuring it. It just overwhelms me. (I think I'm a bit light sensitive...you think?)

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I have more....


I hate, hate, hate to drive. I avoid it like the plague.


I really enjoy Phineas and Ferb. I like Back in the Barnyard, too. They crack me up! (For the uninitiated, these are cartoon shows--one Disney, one...Nickelodeon, I think.)


I also love America's Next Top Model. I am fascinated with how people transform in front of a camera.


I really don't like the sun. Unless there are a few good clouds in the sky, obscuring it. It just overwhelms me. (I think I'm a bit light sensitive...you think?)



Will you be my friend?:D Although we would have problems seeing each other because I hate to drive too. As a matter of fact I refuse to drive in the winter.


Also I don't like to talk on the phone. I hate it. I avoid it like the plague. I prefer e-mail.

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Hi! New here, and thought I'd offer some confessions...


I don't like talking on the phone, and I don't tend to respond immediately to emails.


My mom frequently and enthusiastically passes things off to me that she is cleaning out of her house, or that her mom has passed on to her to clean out her house. I smile and thank her and put everything into a box to drop off at the local charity because if I say I don't want them it hurts her feelings.


I too, am a toy snob. And just recently I took back two toys sent for ds 6th birthday and used the store credit to buy my own gifts for him. How terrible is that??

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Oh man, I need to get off the Boards and get something done!!!!


One more post, though.


As for cartoons, I LOVE Charlie & Lola, Little Bear, Max & Ruby, Miffy, and Angelina Ballerina (even though she can sometimes be soooo self-centered...but she always seems to learn her lesson).


I don't like answering the phone, either. In fact, the last phone we bought has TALKING caller ID. Sometimes the translation is hilarious, but it is so helpful. I don't even have to LOOK who's calling, just listen! :lol:

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Hi! New here, and thought I'd offer some confessions...


I too, am a toy snob. And just recently I took back two toys sent for ds 6th birthday and used the store credit to buy my own gifts for him. How terrible is that??


Welcome to the Boards from one Toy Snob to another :)

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I don't like answering the phone, either. In fact, the last phone we bought has TALKING caller ID. Sometimes the translation is hilarious, but it is so helpful. I don't even have to LOOK who's calling, just listen! :lol:


I have a different tune assigned to all of my family/friends. That way, I know who it is by the song. If it is a generic song, I know it can be ignored.


I WILL NOT answer:



  1. Blocked Calls

  2. Annon. Calls

  3. Unknown Numbers

  4. Out of area

  5. 800, 866, 888, etc.


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  • I'm browsing WTM boards instead of cleaning the house.
  • I'm thinking of inviting someone for dinner just to get enough motivation to get my house cleaned and to cook a nice dinner.
  • I'm only 24 weeks along, but feel like a whale.
  • 103F and pregnancy don't mix. Yesterday I was trying to apply makeup before going to church and couldn't do it properly because I was sweating too much. :blushing:
  • I'm planning to re watch all previous seasons of Lost.
  • I need a hobby.


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Will you be my friend?:D Although we would have problems seeing each other because I hate to drive too. As a matter of fact I refuse to drive in the winter.


Also I don't like to talk on the phone. I hate it. I avoid it like the plague. I prefer e-mail.



Look...you email me, we'll hire a driver and get together to watch a few good cartoons on a cloudy day...sound good?

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Tomorrow morning we will be reading a new fairies book (a spin-off of the Tinkerbell movie) for our readaloud.


I like to watch Hannah Montana and Sonny with a Chance.


My cat gets knots on his back b/c I don't brush him and rarely cut them out.


My eye is half closed due to a pimple/skin infection that drains into the area. This happens to me pretty often.:confused:


My housekeeping schedule that I don't stick to has each bathroom and each bedroom cleaned every 3 weeks.


Feel free to post or PM comfort/comiseration. :tongue_smilie:

You might be allergic to your cat....my eyes tear, itch and swell shut from cat dander....just a thought.

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I confess that:


  • I'm awed that this thread is 10 pages long!
  • I wonder if the tag, "you're so evil" is directed to me, since I started the thread...and giggled, taking it as an uber compliment!
  • Its 1:17 pm, and I'm still in my jammies
  • I have a butt load of things to do, since our t/a is here tomorrow, but the kids are playing happily, so I'm here.
  • I've imagined duct taping my kid's mouths shut on more than one occasion.
  • I slept in til 1030, and I want a nap.


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All mine relate to the fact that I was dizzy and not feeling well all last week:


1) I snuck out of work as early as possible each day and didn't care.


2) I sat on the couch and complained and whined about how I sick I was.


3) I didn't care that my family was sick of me sitting on the couch and whining.


4) My dd and I ate most breakfasts and several dinners at Panera Bread last week


5) I tried to make my husband feel guilty about being out of town last week when I was sick. (He said he missed me but didn't feel guilty :lol:)

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Ok...my turn...


I hate to dress up! I make my husband wear more casual clothes to church(when we make it!) so I don't feel stupid.


I eat out for lunch every.single.weekday.


It is obvious by the size of my backside that I eat out for lunch every.single.day!


Probably the worst... I wish my children were more competitive and capable in sports. It was the only thing I did really well and they don't even like them.

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I am a closet Mountain Dew drinker. My family has no idea how much MD I drink.


Last week I bought Oreo cookies and hid them until I'd eaten all I wanted. Then I shared.


I spend a lot of time in my chicken house talking to my chickens.


My tack building is usually cleaner than my house.


I pick all the cashews out of the mixed nuts.

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I have just read the 5 pages of this thread that came after my post hoping that someone would say they liked my guitar and my heart sank that nobody did! hehe


I tell my daughter she can only have chocolate for dessert after dinner, but I secretly eat it during the day whenever I want to. I am eating 5 Hershey kisses right now.


My husband doesn't like to drive and makes me drive him everywhere and I feel like I'm driving Miss Daisy. :)


I confess that I have been reading this thread instead of homeschooling. I really spend too much time on these boards!:tongue_smilie:

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Ok, here's what I'm willing to share:



  • I was very anti-homeschooling before I became a homeschooler.
  • I absolutely hate having people in my house. I don't mind friends, if they're here by invitation, but a repair person, or someone I don't know well? HATE IT.
  • I believe homosexuality is a sin, but I don't condone mistreatment and abuse of homosexuals.
  • I believe abortion is a sin, but I don't condone the bombing of clinics or the murder of abortionists.
  • I have two boxes of Hershey sticks in my pantry and they're MINE.
  • Sometimes I really look forward to Thursday afternoons, when dd goes with her dad. I really need the peace and quiet that follows!
  • I'm almost over the fact my mother has resented me since birth. It's HER issue, not mine.
  • I never make my bed.
  • I watch Real Housewives of NY AND Desperate Housewives.
  • I will intentionally wait until the weekend, when dd is at her dad's, to go through Sonic for a chocolate cherry coke or an ice cream cone.
  • I don't fit in with the other homeschool moms in our church homeschool group. I'm the only one who uses classial methods and I'm looked down on for that.
  • I hate blankets on the floor.
  • Stupidity makes me angry.
  • I can't imagine ever rejecting my faith.


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Ok, here's what I'm willing to share:




  • I don't fit in with the other homeschool moms in our church homeschool group. I'm the only one who uses classial methods and I'm looked down on for that.




Why do you think this is? Amongst my homeschooling friends, it seems the reverse...I was considering NOT "going classical" and was eventually convinced after reading WTM...because I had misconceptions about what it meant. Do you think they are unaware of what it really means?

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