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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. Happy 4th everyone! I have my entire family here today, plus some friends. It's going to be a fantastic day!
  2. We decided on a pull, and we are also planning a trip out west (one day:001_smile:). We also take many camping trips that are closer by. We like having a vehicle to drive around once we get somewhere. If you have a motor home, you have to unhook your electric, water, sewage, and roll your awning up before you can go anywhere.
  3. Open, except for my bathroom. We have a cat who has a Q-tip obsession. He takes them out of the jar on the counter and spreads them all over the place.
  4. I used Speilvogel, SWB's book, Teaching Company Lectures, Timetables, and it seems like there was something else I am not remembering (files are on my laptop and I'm on my IPad).
  5. Wow, that is great! It will feel great to get your projects completed and mark some things off your list. I'm happy for you!
  6. :grouphug::grouphug: I can't imagine the terror you felt that day.
  7. Your daughter is adorable, and he is clueless. My dil still has freckles, and she is gorgeous!
  8. I do the same thing. It's like I'm so frustrated, my brain will not work for a minute. This has only happened to me in the last couple of years. I'm 48.
  9. That is terrifying. Praying for folks out there.
  10. I helped my oldest son and dil move. They are now 5 minutes away from me, instead of 45. Woohoo!!
  11. I'm Tammy McDaniel. I can't figure out how to link on my IPad. :confused:
  12. I'm glad it all worked out, and that you guys are okay up there. :001_smile: I hope your power is back on and you have a great time visiting with Heather and her family. And, yes, I am jealous! :001_smile:
  13. I had just taken a week off the board to declutter and deep clean my house, which took tremendous willpower. Just as I am done, the Board goes down. NOT FAIR! It was painful. :001_smile:
  14. I plan by weeks instead of days. I divide the work for the year into 36 weeks, so the kids know what has to be accomplished that week. The older they get, the more freedom they have in when they do it. I have gotten more meticulous in planning as the years have gone by. It just makes everything run smoother, and I am not a fly by the seat of your pants person.
  15. I just wanted to say I'm sorry you're having to deal with this. :grouphug:
  16. My youngest dd still sleeps with her "mankie" and she will be 13 this month. It has been sewn together many times and her siblings call it her "rag." It is disgusting looking at this point. I finally just decided she will give it up when there is nothing left to hold on to. :001_smile: She left today for gymnastics camp more than 600 miles away, and mankie is going too.
  17. My youngest son is Andrew. He hates to be called Drew, bit mil does it anyway no matter how many times we tell her he doesn't like it. His siblings call him Rew. :001_smile:
  18. I'll never tell. It was hard, but feels SO good now that I'm done.
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