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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. Onions Garlic Tomatoes Potatoes Cabbage Greens for cooking (kohlrabi, turnips, chard, etc) Romaine Asparagus Brussels sprouts Green beans Corn Carrots Celery Cucumbers Green, red, and yellow bell peppers Those are the veggies I buy most often.
  2. You got me too! Glad he's going back to prison . . . under the circumstances. :001_smile:
  3. I have that in a frame in my library upstairs. :001_smile:
  4. My best friend's kids, who are like family, call me MamaT.
  5. Just one more voice telling you to read Anne! :001_smile:
  6. I can just picture my dh opening this on his birthday next month, and the kids wondering why dad is so excited over a teapot! :lol::lol::lol:
  7. What a gorgeous quilt! She is a sweet auntie.
  8. You are doing what you deem is best for your daughter. That's a good thing. :001_smile: I hope she has a great year!
  9. :iagree: I would let them enjoy their vacation. Learning will happen naturally on a trip like this. If something they see sparks their interest, let them research and find out more about it. That's all I would do.
  10. We have had it set up both ways in the past, but right now we have a table. The kids usually only use the table when we're doing stuff together. Most of the time they grab whatever they're working on and take it to the living room. Sometimes they take work to the library for quiet and use my desk. They are older now and tend to spread out around the house.
  11. :grouphug: That is a lot to deal with in a short time. Praying the wedding goes smoothly, and you don't wear yourself out. I agree with the pp who said to ask people to help. More :grouphug:
  12. I'm sorry things have been hard for you. :grouphug::grouphug:
  13. Our local Shakespeare company just finished Much Ado About Nothing, and will start The Merry Wives of Windsor the end of this month. Late August will be Richard II. It is performed in an outdoor theater and is free!
  14. Yes, the Nance books work better for mathy kids, and Traditional Logic is more wordy. Traditional Logic works great for kids who are really interested in Logic. DoD is much more engaging than Traditional Logic, and worked for my dd who is not mathy and only studied Logic because I made her. :001_smile:
  15. I'm not sure how to vote. I used the Nance books with my two oldest, Traditional Logic I and II with my third, and DoD with my fourth. I think different programs work with different kids.
  16. Yes, for all of them. Out of 6 kids, we had 1 who had to have them redone.
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