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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. I'm on my way, Denise. I'm on a roll!! :001_smile:
  2. I did it!! 3000 square feet purged and cleaned!! I wavered when I had everything done, except the basement. 1000 square foot of teen boys - bedroom, weight room, TV/game room, and a 19 year old that, I swear, has hoarder tendencies. I summoned my inner braveness, and plunged in! I even moved furniture by myself, cleaned my porches, and planted my flower bed. Now I am giving myself a one week break, and then back to school planning.
  3. It looks like you had fun! It made me a little homesick. We moved up here to NC from Tallahassee 10 years ago, and still go back at least once a year. My dh grew up about 15 minutes from the caverns, and we went several times when our kids were little.
  4. to clean and purge my house. I am not letting myself log on until I'm finished. Wish me luck. :001_smile:
  5. I learned how NOT to be a mil from mine. I just do everything the opposite of the way she did it. It's working beautifully so far. :001_smile:
  6. I love pineapple sandwiches! I eat everything on your list, except for cucumber sandwich and tomato/onion salad. Are you from the South? Your list makes me think so. :001_smile:
  7. Me too. I know it's horrible, but it is so much extra work on top of my already busy life. It also brings up uncomfortable extended family issues. My bff calls me The Grinch and buys me Grinch-related gifts at Christmas. She has a tree in every room. <shivers>
  8. Ever so often I plate the food, but mostly not. We usually pass through the kitchen and fix our plates buffet style before sitting at the table.
  9. From one gym mom to another, I say not weird at all. I would use it. Did she go to IGC? My dd is going next week.
  10. Yes, we work together. I agree with Jean; we are a team.
  11. 40 minutes there, 40 minutes home every day. Does that make you feel good? :001_smile:
  12. Yep, my kids eat a ton of frozen mixed berries in the summer. We also like frozen grapes.
  13. I have waited to respond to this thread because I can't decide which weirdness to reveal. I can relate to many that have already been posted. I have the fear of height and being afraid I'm going to jump thing, and towels being folded just right. I can't begin a task (or school) until my house is totally picked up and clean. So just a couple of others (there are many more:001_smile:): I have a thing about even numbers (thus 6 kids), and things being balanced. If someone cuts food and it's not straight, I have to "fix" it. Large, close crowds and the "hum" of noise they make makes me feel like I am losing my mind. I am always afraid I am going to start screaming out loud. I haven't done that yet, but I have passed out in crowds from the stress of trying not to scream. So now you know.
  14. :iagree: It never ceases to amaze me when I read on here about adults acting this way. :confused:
  15. My (most recent:001_smile:) boys and blood story: Last week my 13yo walked in the house from outside holding his hand, which was pouring blood. He had walked up the hill from our barn, which is a little ways. My 19yo sat him down on the kitchen floor right before he passed out. Turns out, he had been climbing up the wall of the barn to get to the hayloft without using the ladder. He slipped and fell on a metal thing that hooks on the back of the car to haul stuff. He split the inside of his palm. He got quite a few stitches. I surprised myself by handling things well without freaking out. I used to always yell, "Max!" (my eldest) in an emergency, because he has always been our resident emergency handler. Now that he is grown and gone, I have to be the grown up. :001_smile: Max did call me to see how I handled it without him when it was all over.
  16. We have been to Disney dozens of times, so my kids know the parks really well. I started letting them go off in pairs at about 10 and 12. They all have cell phones.
  17. If it were my house, it would be in a kitchen drawer. Maybe a desk drawer?
  18. I try to keep healthy food in the house for the kids to snack on, and I make a homemade dessert a few times a week. As long as people eat their meals and are at a healthy weight, I don't make food an issue. I would let the kids have the snack when your mil brings it, as long as it wasn't an "all the time" thing. Once a week is a different thing than every day or so IMO.
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