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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. At least it was an accident. My oldest two, then 5 and 3, dumped the flour and sugar canisters on the floor of my galley kitchen, filled the canisters with water to pour on it, and had a sliding contest in one door and out the other. The worst part was the bi-fold mirror doors my washer and dryer were behind. They were covered in sticky. It took forever to clean up.
  2. I miscarried, had one cycle, miscarried again. It took 10 months after the second one, but ended in another miscarriage. Three in a row was tough emotionally, but is what led me to adopt my oldest dd. Started adoption proceedings for my second daughter, and got pregnant with son number 4, which is how I had three kids in 28 months. :001_smile:
  3. That is so horrible, it makes me sick. He must be one messed up person to do something like that. I am so sorry for the victims and their families.
  4. Congratulations! She looks so happy! You have a beautiful family, and I also really enjoy your blog.
  5. My in-laws were this way with my kids. It made me sad when I heard my 2nd son, who was about 8, tell his friend in the car that his grandma didn't like him. My kids, now that they are older, really want to have as little as possible to do with their grandma (fil has passed). Her loss.
  6. Aww. She looks so sweet, and she has such beautiful eyes!!
  7. I do not normally buy soda for the house, unless it is pizza night every couple of weeks. My 15yo dd is not crazy about soda, but will have one every now and then when we go out. My 13yo usually gets a Sprite when we go out (he can't have any caffeine due to migraines), and my 12yo likes root beer. It is only an occasional treat, so I don't mind. My 19yo is free to make his own choices.
  8. No way! I knew 6 was enough for me. I'm getting my fix with grands now. :001_smile:
  9. The city itself, inside the "loop" around the city, is pretty liberal. Outside of that, in all directions, is as conservative as any other city in the Bible Belt. (Choose North, up here by me :001_smile:).
  10. I haven't read the other replies, but I say trash it. Comply with NC law, but you have no obligation to waste your time doing more.
  11. August 13 - if I can get off my duff and finish getting ready. I'm procrastinating. All the planning and ordering is done (the fun stuff), and I have printing off/copying (not the fun stuff) to do.
  12. It is going to be incredibly hard to cast Jamie. :001_smile: I can't think of anyone. I'll be thinking. . .
  13. My parents and grandparents were all short, thin to medium build, with the exception of my paternal grandfather. He wasn't overweight at all - he was just taller and built larger. I don't know about dh's grandparents. They had all passed before I met him, and I've never heard anyone talk about their size. My dh and I are a healthy weight, as are all 6 dc.
  14. I am not a nurse, but I would send it with the lines in blue included.
  15. I would call the library, just in case. :grouphug:
  16. Where do these people come from?? We had a lady come in one of our retail stores and tell my oldest a very racist joke. When he told her he didn't think that was funny, she starting screaming and cursing him all the way out the door. The other customers just stood there in shock. He also had two elderly women get in a fistfight over who was next in line. They were actually hitting each other, and he had to break it up. They both had to be in their 60's. The whole world has gone crazy!!
  17. I have been called a few times, and actually was selected to serve on the jury the last time I was called. It is definitely an inconvenience. My ds got a summons while he was deployed to Afghanistan. It took forever to get him excused. I finally had to call the governor's office, and they took care of it. Crazy!
  18. Me too! I would have not only had a heart attack, but would have broken my leg trying to get away. My video would also have a lot of "bleeps" in it.
  19. My 15yo loves to shop, and she is a great bargain hunter. We go for a big trip for summer and winter, and usually shop the consignment stores first (love Plato's Closet), and then go to the mall to pick up whatever we couldn't find there. She also goes with friends sometimes and usually buys something she found for a great deal. We like to shop whenever we vacation, too. She usually gets a few things then. My soon to be 13yo is just starting to get into shopping, but won't buy anything unless her big sister says it's cool :001_smile:
  20. :grouphug::grouphug: No one else's opinion carries weight. You are doing what you feel is best for your family, and that's all that matters.
  21. I love Ruthie. I also like Rose or Grace (my girls' middle names :001_smile:). For a boy, I like Noah, Henry, or Eli. I don't care for "matchy" twin names.
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