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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. I made coconut macaroons tonight, so I'll bring those!
  2. It sounds like she had a great time! I know you're glad to have her home. There is nothing like having your kid excited about Jesus! I would have loved to hear your teens in church this morning. Now it's your turn to pray for me - Francesca landed in Guatamala an hour ago.
  3. I somehow missed that part. I change my answer to never. :001_smile:
  4. We go out without kids about once a month on average. Sometimes we don't go out for a couple of months, and every now and then we'll get dinner out twice in one week. It just depends on what's going on. It's much easier once you don't have to get a sitter.
  5. Have you tried letting them sit in ice water as soon as they are cooked? That makes them much easier to peel.
  6. I cook or make breakfast and dinner, but I fix lunch. I had to really think about it!
  7. Yes. I forgot where reverse was on my stick shift, and kept trying to put it bottom right. It is top left. I called my dh and told him the car wouldn't go in reverse. I drove around all day making sure I wouldn't have to back up. I even took it to a mechanic who told me it would cost a LOT to fix it. My dh told me just to get home and let him look at it. Imagine how amazed I was when I watched out the window while my dh actually backed the car up. I had to go out and try to back it up myself. I will never forget the look on his face when I got in the car and tried to put the gear in the wrong place. I had been driving this car a year and a half.
  8. I hear "Ima fixin to" here more often than "Ima gunna."
  9. My dh is a small business owner with 5 retail stores (we opened one in the last two weeks).
  10. This. No, do not include parental relationship.
  11. So much of what Danestress said also applies to my dd. I also agree with her second paragraph. A lot can change between now and high school.
  12. You've almost made it through the week! It sounds like it has been an amazing experience for her. She is such a beautiful girl. :001_smile: I am going to be in your shoes next week. Francesca leaves Sunday morning with a group that is building a second story on an orphanage in Guatamala. She will be gone for two weeks. I am not ready, and have been wondering what in the heck I was thinking when I told her she could go!
  13. You should listen to it. It is a beautiful piece of music, and I bet you'll recognize it right off. Now you know it's Taco Bell's Canon. :lol:
  14. Mine too! Sometimes we think it is so funny, we start saying it the wrong way on purpose. It gets to be a habit and I forget which way is right. :001_smile: That article is hilarious.
  15. :grouphug: and prayers. Try to take it moment by moment, do the next thing, etc. until you feel free to just crash. :grouphug: ETA: My dil had an ovarian cyst, which ended up bursting on its own (very painful), but then it was gone. I hope your dd finds out what's wrong, and it's something that can be taken care of easily.
  16. I second the slim tampons. My older dd wears them, but my younger prefers pads. Yes, she can swim while using a tampon. The whole hormone settling down thing, maybe . . . but teen girls are just going to be emotional, I think. :tongue_smilie:
  17. How exciting!! Congratulations! :party:
  18. You all look gorgeous! I'm glad the wedding day went well, and I agree - we need a pic of the bride!
  19. Have you seen this site? http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/
  20. I think I have already had mine. :001_smile: I am 47. I have done the tattoo thing, had my bOOks picked up, bought a 2-seater convertible (which I didn't keep long - how impractible can you get!), and now I am content to just enjoy each day. I AM planning to go a little crazy when all the dc are grown. :tongue_smilie:
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