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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. When I'm nervous, I tend to babble and make a fool of myself. I hate going to parties, or really anywhere there is a lot of people that will expect conversation with me. I would be happy being cave neighbors with Paula, too. :001_smile:
  2. Wow, sounds awesome! Praying it works out.
  3. I can commiserate. We are on our 5th set of braces, and our insurance doesn't cover them. We had to put braces on our youngest daughter very early because of her bite issues, and she will have them again when it is her turn. :001_smile: Right now 15yo dd has 9 more months, then next ds, then youngest again. I have terrible teeth, and although they are straight enough, I have a mouth full of crowns. Root canal and crown this summer is costing me almost $3000.
  4. I would give it until tomorrow morning, or the end of their hours today, and then call again.
  5. I am in the same boat. 9th grade for dd was a mix of me trying to teach the way I love to teach, and giving up and getting out the textbooks. She is not academic either, and I haven't ever taught high school to a child like this. I am so tired of trying to decide what to do. All my books from this past year are spread all over the school area, and my new stuff is all over the floor of my study. I am fried. I told dh yesterday that I wish I could go somewhere and hide for a week (or two or three).
  6. :iagree: There is no excuse for that. I would be livid.
  7. It is absolutely beautiful!! Love, love it.
  8. I am amazed that someone would actually do this. :confused: I would assume people would know something that over the top was bad manners. My dh would have a fit if someone tried that here.
  9. Yes, I love it. We have our off days, but I can't imagine living life any other way. I love the amount of time I get to spend with my kids, and learning things along with them.. We will start our 17th year in the fall, and I have 6 to go. I will be sad when the ride is over.
  10. I left my then 6yo twice in the span of a couple of months. I had just adopted our second dd, so I had a newborn, 9 month old, 2yo, 6yo, 11yo, and 13yo. My two oldest boys usually put the 9mo and 2yo in their cars seats while I took care of the newborn. 6yo was responsible for getting himself in the van. Twice I drove off without him. We left him at a friends house and church, and immediately turned around to get him, so it wasn't too terribly scary. That's when I started doing a head count.
  11. I was very smart, got a full ride to college, and was a spoiled brat baby of the family. So spoiled that I refused to start my junior year without a brand new Camaro. I was 15 with only a permit, but my dad bought me one anyway. :confused: Oh, I didn't want any kids. My family assumed I would be a high-powered career woman who was way too self-centered to have kids. Instead, I got married and proceeded to have six kids that I homeschool. Thankfully, I am not materialistic at all and lost my self-centeredness along the way.
  12. I think someone from the family should be there. We have only had to put one pet down, and my 2 middle kids wanted to be there with their dad. The rest of us were a blubbering mess. It is so hard. :grouphug:
  13. I'm sure if we laid them on the counter, my lefties would put it on the left. We have towel rings/bars in all three bathrooms, and the hand towels hang there.
  14. My youngest daughter had several fillings under anesthesia at 3. She did just fine. I know it is scary when they have to put your little one to sleep. :grouphug:
  15. Yep, there was already a grandma, granny, and a Nana, so I'm Mimi (although I really like Oh, exalted mother :001_smile:).
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