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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. :iagree: I would give her a time frame and offer to be with her, but I believe her mom needs to know.
  2. That is incredible! How wonderful that you were willing to listen and obey without knowing the need.
  3. Next week I start my de-cluttering/spring cleaning, and I'm sure I'll come up with more things that need a home (or need to get tossed).
  4. Yes, it did feel weird. I counted to six when we were out to make sure I had everybody, and just mentally "saw" my oldest two in my head for the longest time. It takes some getting used to with each one that leaves the nest. I am experiencing this now for the third time.
  5. Okay, Imp. I'm coming after you! :auto: Watch out, this granny moves fast!
  6. I remember all the sounds, and most everything else that was mentioned. I'm so old my dh had an 8-track player in his car (1976 Impala :001_smile:) when we were dating.
  7. Have you tried Breathe Right strips for his nose. I couldn't sleep in the bed with my dh if he didn't wear them. :001_smile:
  8. My just turned 15yo has to be in her room (or at least quiet) at 10:00 on school nights, but I let her decide when to go to sleep. The same goes for my almost 13 and 13yo kids. Everyone gets up at 7:00. Weekends they usually stay up later. I don't have a problem with them being up after I go to bed.
  9. Praying for your family, and especially for your ds. :grouphug:
  10. I have a lot of it, and dh loves when I wear it. I haven't put any of it on in a long time, so I guess maybe I should make the effort. I would much rather sleep in a t-shirt.
  11. :grouphug: I'm glad you went to the ER. We women are notorious for "waiting it out." It is a good reminder to take chest pain seriously. Take it easy, and do what they tell you to! I'm with Faithe, it seems like there are one or two heart attacks on here every day lately! What is up with that??
  12. Unless he starts drinking more than a couple of cups, I wouldn't worry about it. None of my teens like it, but I wouldn't have a problem with them having a cup in the am if they did.
  13. Yep, you're looking at the wrong page. If you go to their archive page, all the lessons are free. I shouldn't have said workbook, as I made my own from those free pages.
  14. I'm not sure if the wood looks real, we are just now considering it for our basement. We only have the tile-look so far, that's why I'm :bigear:.
  15. Light grammar will be totally fine. I would use dailygrammar.com. They have a workbook, and it's free!
  16. Yes, it does. Most people just assume it is tile. My husband installed it himself, and it wasn't difficult at all. I understand about dh saying no to such time-consuming tedious jobs. My dh put our bamboo down himself (about 1800 sq. ft. worth), and that is why I am interested in the plank vinyl for the basement. He is done with laying hardwood. :001_smile:
  17. :bigear: We are thinking of putting about 1000 sq. ft. of it in our basement. We did put the tile version of the same material in our kitchen two summers ago, and I absolutely love it. It is not hard like tile, so dropped dishes are less likely to break. It is very easy to keep clean.
  18. I only have one hole in each ear. Years ago I had a second hole in one ear and a belly ring, bit those have grown up.
  19. Praying for the best outcome for your ds, and peace for you. :grouphug:
  20. I got my first tattoo when I took my oldest to get one at 18. He still talks about how cool he thought that was.
  21. :iagree: I honestly don't see the big deal unless they are smacking or popping gum.
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