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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. It is so good to hear from you! You are missed here. I am very glad your life is going well, and your dc are succeeding. You sound happy. :001_smile:
  2. I live in rural NC, so I see them all the time. I saw a woman in them yesterday.
  3. Water guns and water balloons. They are tradition on our camping trips. We also have a horseshoe set that gets used a lot. The older kids enjoy playing card games with us at night, think Phase 10.
  4. I just got back from my dentist appointment where I had the 2nd half of a root canal. Yes, two appointments. Did you hear me say root canal!!
  5. I would say sometime between 14-16 they begin to self-monitor what they watch. If it doesn't line up with what our family deems appropriate, they turn the channel or turn it off - even my 18 year old. They choose not to watch themselves. There is only one Primetime show that I can think of that we regularly watch, and that is Touch. We usually watch Netflix or a DVD when we watch TV.
  6. I did it when we first got married, but haven't for years. Our relationship is pretty strained, and I don't feel comfortable doing it any more. I'm sure dh sent her a card.
  7. Congratulations! I am excited for you! A whirlwind for sure, but a good one.
  8. :grouphug: I am sorry things are so tough for you, Joanne. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
  9. It's hard IMO when your kids are small. I like it more now that my kids are older, and can look back and actually appreciate what I have done for them and find ways to show it. My dil is cooking me lunch and I am going to have a nice day. :001_smile:
  10. I don't really have any advice beyond what you've already gotten. I just wanted you to know I'll be praying for you both. You know you can call me if you just need an ear. :grouphug:
  11. This is my second Mother's Day without my mom, too. :grouphug: to you.
  12. We had to stop everything else when training hours made it impossible. My 12yo dd trains at least 24 hours a week as a level 10 gymnast. It it all-consuming for her. I probably would never have started gymnastics if I knew how good she was going to be. Sounds terrible, I know.
  13. We have been married almost 31 years and love each other to pieces, so it would be very unlikely at this point. If I had to leave for some reason, I would go to my sister's. My parents have both passed away.
  14. Yes, I give my adult children and their spouses something for their birthday. They are very good about telling me what they want. :001_smile: We also still have a birthday dinner at my house with a cake and the works. Birthdays are a big deal to our family, but I know every family is different. Maybe ask your dd if there is something she would like to have, but maybe can't afford to buy herself?
  15. I graduated high school in 1981, and it was definitely prevalent/norm. It was the geeks, cool kids, everyone really. There were a few kids I knew of that stayed away from drinking and drugs, but they were few and far between. It was mostly heavy drinking and pot, and a few kids I knew did cocaine.
  16. :iagree: That sounds perfect to me! Yum.
  17. :grouphug: I am so sorry. :grouphug: Hoping and praying things get better soon - for all of you.
  18. Usually just salt, but every now and then I'll dip them in ketchup. I have a friend who dips them in mayo. Grosses me out every time.
  19. It goes so fast, doesn't it? Wait until you are holding your grandchild!! It is such a surreal feeling. It seems like my son was just making "potions" in the back yard, and now he's a dad. Enjoy your dd. 6 is such a sweet age.
  20. I would buy the largest one you can afford. Ours is 15' and that doesn't seem large when there is a friend or two over.
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