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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. Robin (OakKnollMom on here) has a website about family hiking/camping, and what to take, etc. It is ultralitefamily.com. That would be a great source of info for you.
  2. I think I realized that I should feel "grown up" the first time I held my grandson 8 months ago. :001_smile: I am 48, but forget most of the time. I think my kids keep me feeling young. My dh is 53, but I have to remind him all the time that he's not a teenager. We were in Costa Rica a couple of years ago, and we were zip-lining. I turned around once I reached one of the platforms to wait for him. He came in upside down!
  3. I don't even have words. Unbelievable and horrific.
  4. :grouphug: Praying for you all, Chris. :grouphug:
  5. My PG son needed lots and lots of sleep when he was young. When he was five or so, he would go to sleep about 3:00 on Friday afternoon and sleep until Saturday morning. By the end of the week, he was just worn out. As an adult, he still seems to require more sleep than most people.
  6. To my best friend, but she always takes his side (she's usually right). :001_smile:
  7. Oh Chris, I'm sorry. That is beyond crappy. :grouphug:
  8. Oh no! I'm so sorry. That has to be difficult. :grouphug:
  9. Do you mean you're getting a granddaughter, too? I went a little crazy today and went and bought a crib for them AND one for my house. :001_smile: Can you tell I'm excited?
  10. I'm sorry your dd is disappointed. If I am remembering right, we are neighbors. If so, the homeschool sports league has a girl's volleyball team starting in the fall that my dd is going to play for. Maybe your dd would be interested? Feel free to pm me. My dd has danced since she as 3, and just got burned out. She wants to try some other things.
  11. I went to the ultrasound today with my son and dil, and it's a girl! I didn't think it was possible - both my girls are adopted. I am getting ready to go buy PINK!
  12. Yeah, me too. Where do these people come from?? You were much nicer than I would have been.
  13. My dh is a softie. He cried when our kids were born, when we got our daughters, when our kids got married, when he watches sad movies - Father of the Bride every time (especially the scene where the daughter is playing basketball with her dad the night before she gets married). The hardest I have ever seen him cry is when we left our son at the recruiter's office to join the Marine Corp - not there, but when we left. We had to pull the car over so that he could compose himself enough to drive us home (I wasn't in any better shape).
  14. Me too. What's funny about that is that I used to cry very rarely. It flusters my dh to see me cry, because that used to mean that something was really, really wrong. Now I cry sometimes watching sappy commercials, seeing a homeless person walking around downtown, or listening to music. It confuses him. :001_smile:
  15. :grouphug:Oh, Faithe. :grouphug: I know this has to be making old wounds fresh for you. I'm praying for you.
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