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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. I tried paying my second son not to talk all the way to church when he was 11 - a 15 minute ride -but he just couldn't do it! Has she talked yet?
  2. The alarm goes off at 5:00, but it's usually 5:30 before I actually crawl out of bed.
  3. :grouphug: Praying for you, Mariann. Moving is hard and stressful enough without being sick. I just want to know how Jennifer got that picture of my cabana boy? That's me in the background, of course. :lol:
  4. Yes, I gave him an engraved pocket watch and he gave me a diamond and pearl bracelet (which I promptly lost:crying:).
  5. What about something sentimental that doesn't cost anything? I made all of my kids a bound book, sort of "Mom's advice for living life."
  6. :iagree: I am the only person around here who is capable of replacing empty anything, apparently.
  7. :grouphug: Praying this boy is home safe and sound soon.
  8. Congratulations! What a beautiful place! Your boys are going to have a great time. We live on acreage and it has been a great place for our kids.
  9. :grouphug: Praying the other job gets nailed down quickly. I know that's a scary place to be.
  10. When my oldest son got married, the bride's parents did not contribute anything. My dil and I planned the wedding, and it was very simple and low-key (but beautiful). My dh and I paid for half, and son and dil paid for half. With my second son, we did not contribute anything - her family wanted to do it all. When we asked about places to host the rehearsal dinner (out of state from us), we were told her grandmother wanted to host it, and she did not want us to help with costs. All that to say, I think today it is more situational who pays for what. Just tell your dd how much you can contribute and let her go from there.
  11. :grouphug: That must be hard. We all have limits, and it's a good thing to know them.
  12. All of my sons (and my dh when he was a kid) are sleepwalkers. They have all outgrown it by 15 or thereabouts. One of mine also had night terrors - he doesn't have them anymore as an adult, and they stopped about the same time he stopped sleepwalking.
  13. I think all of my kids are close, but if I had to say - my two oldest, who are 21 months apart, then the next two, who are almost 4 years apart, and then "the babies," who are 9 months apart. They all get along well, though, and love it when they ALL get to hang out together. My dils are wonderful about wanting the kids around, too. If there is conflict, it usually involves my 15yo dd and my 13yo ds. They are 19 months apart.
  14. :grouphug: I hope you get the answers you need. That sounds terrifying. I will be praying for you both.
  15. My dd has gotten pretty good at making money on EBay. She finds items on clearance, usually at Office Depot or Staples, and sells them on EBay for a profit. She bought a couple of items for $5.00 recently, and sold them for $90 each! She has been doing this for a couple of years now. She also has people who bring her things they want to sell, and she lists/ships them for 20%.
  16. Yep, me too. I love it when I get the opportunity to help out my grown kiddos.
  17. No, you do not have to be invited. My now 18yo ran for the Asheville Lightning JO team for several years. It was a great experience for him.
  18. That sounds like my boys! My 13 is outside and has a fire going right now. AND he has a scrape on his forehead from falling out of a tree. :confused: My teen girls have learned to stay clear when these thing are going on. A few years ago, now 18yo cooked ants over the fire, told the girls it was something else, and had them eat them. My teen girls also like to make videos (usually pure silliness), play board games, cook/bake, or jump on the trampoline.
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