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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. Wow, that's a tough one. I guess the question is - what do you WANT to do? I would be playing all kinds of scenarios in my head if I were you. :grouphug:
  2. :grouphug: Kari, there are no words. :grouphug: Remember when we agreed to pray for each other's boys? I still have your name beside Tyler's in my prayer journal, and continue to pray for you daily. I wish there was more I could do.
  3. I thought the same thing, but I really enjoyed it. Lionel Richie is definitely not country. :confused: I love Lionel Richie songs. :001_smile: My teens asked me to stop singing along - the nerve!
  4. Reading this made my heart sink. Back to praying they find this young man.
  5. From my older sister who is 12 years older than me. She sang me to sleep, read to me, and loves me like no one else (maybe dh).
  6. How beautiful. I, along with kitty, am very impressed!
  7. It sounds like things are going great! It's good to "see" you. :001_smile:
  8. I know what you are talking about. In our case, there was really nothing I could do to keep my kids from losing respect for a family member, especially as they got older. I have to say it wasn't just because of a lack of intelligence, but also small-minded ways that manifested in bigotry, intolerance of different types of people, and just plain mean-spirited pettiness. They avoid this person like the plague now.
  9. We moved here to the Smokies, because we love it. We live rurally, but anything we might want to do is not too far away. We moved from North Florida - I grew up on the Gulf Coast, and would like to live there again one day, or at least have a house there (probably on Mexico Beach).
  10. I was hoping to see he had been found this morning. I will keep praying. :grouphug:
  11. I don't know how to answer that. I was much more laid back with my oldest boys, but they were motivated, very bright, and natural writers. They love learning to this day. I am much more structured and require more with the youngers, but they would rather be doing something besides school. I have been pondering the thought that I am the reason they feel this way. I'm wondering if my attempt at rigor has killed their love of learning. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about that yet.
  12. We have TV with basic cable and Netflix, and we have no restrictions. No one in our house is hyper focused on watching, though. Days will go by without it being turned on. If someone in our family was glued to it all the time, there would be restrictions.
  13. My son and his wife have a next door neighbor like that. It is so hard for them to watch. We were there last weekend, and the poor current puppy was tied up to their back patio on a very short leash the whole time we were there, :confused:
  14. We also moved from a state that allows participation (FL), to one that doesn't. All my boys have been into sports and my oldest had played football for the middle school right before we moved. Here in NC, there is a pretty large homeschool sports association that offers soccer, baseball, football, volleyball, cross-country, and softball. That is all for middle/high school. We are in the middle of baseball season right now. My dh is the middle school coach. I'm not sure if there is something like that in AL, but it's worth checking.
  15. Mine know what the IRS is, and I think it's odd that teens wouldn't know. :confused:
  16. I am so sorry! I've had the flu once, and honestly thought I was dying. I hope you feel better soon.
  17. I had a great day, except for 15yo dd taking ALL day long to do her math. She started at 9:00 this morning, and we just finished going over it. :banghead: She did other subjects in between math problems, but doing it that way drives me bonkers. Other than that, I'm good. Happy Anniversary, Tammy!
  18. One of our favorites is boneless, thick cut pork chops slow-cooked with Italian dressing. Just pour it over them, and cook. Simple and delicious.
  19. :grouphug: Praying and hoping this boy is found soon.
  20. Everything regentrude said is spot on, and could be describing MY 13yo son. They do grow out of it. This is my fourth and final go round. :001_smile:
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