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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. I hope your move goes smoothly. I'm excited for you!
  2. I am a white mom of two black girls, and I know it is not the same as the difficulties the boys will face. So far, most of the racial issues we have faced have come from dh's family, who we rarely see at all now for obvious reasons.
  3. I have been following, and is just heart-wrenching. It is unbelievable to me that the shooter gets to just walk away. From what I've read, he is a nut job.
  4. I use Feria and do it myself at home. I am 48 with medium brown hair and LOTS of gray. I usually get one shade lighter than my natural color, because it always turns out darker on my hair than it looks in the picture on the box. If it's too dark, it makes me look old and washed out.
  5. Oh Remudamom, my sentiments. When my dh wants to know what to do, he is to ask you . . .
  6. If you feel strongly about it, I would change it. I love Oliver! My son and dil are expecting, and if it is a boy, they are going to name him Oliver. :001_smile: Your boy is beautiful, by the way.
  7. I never had morning sickness, but my poor dil is suffering with it terribly right now. She is on Zofran, but still is pretty much living on instant mashed potatoes. It's the only thing she can keep down.
  8. Hey there! I'm glad to see you, and happy that you and Lara were able to meet!
  9. I voted both. I used to be strictly a dog person, but somehow ended up with four cats. I love my kitties, and can't imagine being without them. I also love my great big English Lab. She is the sweetest, most obedient dog I have ever had.
  10. I believe the newest edition is the 7th. We are using the 6th right now, and I used the 5th with my oldest two. I would just get the newest edition, because you'll have an easier time finding the current Workbook, Companion, and other supplements you may want to use.
  11. That sounds like fun! My 13yo is just now reading the first book. I want to take everyone when it comes out. Please give us a review after you see it.
  12. I have a 12yo, 13yo, and 14yo. I have to take a deep breath MANY times a day. Mostly it's the 13yo son that I want to wallop. :001_smile:
  13. This is incredible to me. I thought corporal punishment became illegal years ago. :confused: I had a teacher in the 7th grade (mid 70's), who would line the class up and paddle us all for no reason. He said we were "putting one in the bank." After about the third time I had bruises on my bottom, and finally told my dad. I don't know exactly what he did, but it never happened again. One more reason to be glad my kids are home.
  14. We're going to New York City for a week the end of May, taking a trip to Florida to see family in June, and camping at the beach for a week in July. My kids are all going to different camps for a week (all different weeks :confused:), my 14yo is going to Guatemala for two weeks, and then we start school the first of August. Whew!
  15. I have always had my washer and dryer on the main floor, until this house. Here the laundry room is in the basement, and I hate it! I much preferred it being on the main floor where I spend most of my time.
  16. Thanks for the update. I'm glad she is doing well and has pain meds. :001_smile: I'll keep her in my prayers.
  17. I understand. :grouphug: My best friend is 586 miles away. We talk/text daily, and visit each other twice a year, but it's not the same as sitting over a cup of coffee.
  18. My youngest had speech therapy at 3. It helped her tremendously.
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