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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. Thank you for the update. I will continue to pray for Sairah.
  2. I agree with everyone else - get a digital test and take it first thing in the morning. Then be sure to get on here immediately and post results! I have a good friend with a post-v baby. fhjmom, your daughter is beautiful!
  3. We use Student News Daily, too, along with a few other pre-approved sites. I have the kids write a paragraph on what they consider the three most important news stories for the week on Friday.
  4. That is so sweet. Be thankful that you have parents who have loved each other for so long. :grouphug:
  5. We hug each other several times a day, sometimes initiated by me and sometimes the kids. My boys are actually much more affectionate than my girls, but everyone gets hugs every day. They are all hs, but I don't really think that has a lot to do with it. We are just an affectionate bunch!
  6. We probably stopped doing that at about 8 or 9. We all go to bed at around 10:00, and give goodnight kisses and hugs before we head to our own rooms.
  7. He is beautiful! I know you are thrilled! Congratulations!
  8. I read them and liked them okay, but I wouldn't let a 10yo read them. My 15yo dd read the first one, but didn't care about reading the 2nd or 3rd. I think she only read the first because of the hype she heard from her friends. Some of them are extras in the movie.
  9. My 14yo has a double bed because it is the guest room when needed. My 12yo and 13yo have a twin, and my 18yo has an extra long twin. We are about to replace my 13yo's with an extra long - he had a growth spurt and is needing a longer one.
  10. Those threads and pics are all done in fun, and I am certainly not thinking anything truly inappropriate looking at them. If my dh did the same, and it was all in fun without lewd comments, I wouldn't have a problem with that. He and I both know we are totally committed to each other, but we're not blind. We've been married 30 years - I know which celebrities he finds attractive and vice-versa. I show him those threads lots of times so he can laugh with me. It certainly wouldn't keep me from recommending these boards to a friend.
  11. I agree with all of this. Our youth pastor is 47 and the father of a college student. The interns in our youth group are married couples. No single men would be allowed to work with our youth.
  12. Just saw this and wanted to let you know I'll be praying for the little guy. I hope their ped can give them some better answers.
  13. I have to make my 13yo boy a very specific checklist. Everything on the list has to be completed to my satisfaction for school to be done. He can work hard and be done by 1:00, or he can drag along and finish by bedtime. :001_smile: he finally realized that dawdling would not get him the, "okay, just be done" that he wanted and has actually started buckling down. This has mostly worked, but just last week I had to threaten to call his dad to come get him. He knew that would not end well, so got to work. That is just a difficult age.
  14. Old Navy boy's pants and shorts with the button-cinch thing in the waist has worked for my skinny boys.
  15. I am in Asheville, NC. I absolutely love living here. We actually live about 12 miles out of town on some acreage with beautiful views of the mountains. There are many organic farms on the outskirts of Asheville, so we have access to lots of fresh produce and organic meat. There are endless places to hike, camp, canoe, and a few places around us to ski. I look at the mountains sometimes during sun rise/set, and can't believe I am blessed enough to live somewhere so beautiful. :001_smile: There is a large artistic community in Asheville, so I think there are probably more opportunities for cultural events than in most cities this small. There are many homeschoolers. Our county has the highest percentage of homeschooled children in the state. The snakes I've seen have been harmless black snakes, and the spiders you would just have to deal with.
  16. I chose because of better quality, but also because I enjoy it and it happens to save some money.
  17. Southern girl my whole life, and yes, I wore them! I haven't thought about them in years. I even had my boyfriend's football number put on mine. :001_smile:
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