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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. For what it's worth, pineapple always does that to my tongue. I love pineapple, so sometimes I eat it anyway, knowing my tongue will hurt. :001_smile:
  2. Wow, that sounds scary. I'm glad you guys are okay, and I hope they catch him before he does harm somewhere else.
  3. I have 16 years worth! I am unable to get rid of anything. I am definitely a curriculum hoarder. Isn't there a nicer term for us?
  4. These are my requirements for graduating: 4 credits of English/Composition 4 credits of History 4 credits of Math (I have only had one child complete Calculus at home, and one more that will probably do so. The others went through Pre-Calc). 4 credits of History 4 credits of Science with labs (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, one more of their choice) 2 credits of Latin 2 credits of a modern language 1 credit of Formal Logic 1 credit of Art/Music History 1 credit of Religious Studies .5 credit of Government .5 credit of Economics/Personal Finance .5 credit of Philosophy Electives they choose. Other requirements are a list of life skills that do not count towards credits. Things like changing a tire, regular car maintenance, basic cooking, etc.
  5. We used to have a no Sunday events rule, but had to give in since gymnastics meets are always on weekends and out of town. That stinks for your dd. Maybe she could find an Upward sports team to participate in. They don't have Sunday games.
  6. There are some things I would share with no one, except dh. I have talked about some things in my past with my teenagers when it is appropriate and I felt it could be helpful to them, but they don't need to know everything. They are fully aware that I'm nowhere near perfect.
  7. What a tragedy. Yes, the area should be fenced.
  8. In the car, under the couch, between the seats of the couch, in the toy box, at grandma's? We have had beloved blankets go missing in all those places.
  9. My 13yo is a level 8 competitive gymnast. Her coach helps her with the mental aspect, but really, she has had her own way of dealing for quite some time. She seemed to instinctively "know" what works for her. We are not allowed to talk about the meet the day of, we do not tell her "have a great meet" or anything like that. She totally goes into her own head. She had her first mental block about doing a difficult move just last week, and I posted about it. I thought her coach was being too hard on her. I was wrong. She competed Saturday, did the series she was having trouble with, and won all-around - not just for her level - she had the highest all-around score for the entire meet. It was a lesson for me in trusting her coaches. I don't think I would engage a psychologist unless my dc was really having trouble with mental readiness for their sport.
  10. I would not have a problem roasting and eating that turkey. Obviously, don't eat it if it smells off.
  11. I paid $20.00 for half an hour for Spanish tutoring. This was for a student tutor. I would think you should charge considerably more with the scenerio you described and your credentials. $50.00 per hour at a minimum.
  12. I freeze shredded cheese all the time, because I like to buy in bulk. I've never frozen sliced cheese. We do not eat American cheese.
  13. Just saw this, Mariann. I am so sorry! Shingles are so painful. I'll be praying for you dh, and glad you made it through the day. :001_smile:
  14. If you take a regular sized one (you could even print it off the Internet), a UPS store can blow it up to 36x42, or even make it in pieces for you. It would only cost $10.00 to $12.00, or around $25.00 laminated.
  15. We have used Apologia with success in high school for the two (soon to be three) I have graduated so far. This year my dd (9th grade) took it at a co-op and really enjoys doing the labs with a group. The teacher teaches the modules, gives her assignments for the week, and all testing is done in class. The classes are in Arden. Pm me if you want the info.
  16. I always buy 50 lbs. of oats at the time, so yes. :001_smile: Do you mind sharing where you are getting them? We live in the same city, you know. I always buy mine at Earth Fare from their bulk section. If you buy the whole bag, it's 10% off the regular bulk bin price.
  17. My 13yo son is reading Oliver Twist right now, and he's almost finished. He asked me if he had to read Dickens in high school - he really is not crazy about the book. My 14yo (15 next month - she is a 9th grader) started Great Expectations today, so no real feedback yet. My oldest three liked Dickens and read the two books above, plus a Tale of Two Cities. I think people either really like Dickens, or really don't. :001_smile: All that to say, if your ds liked a Christmas Carol, he will probably like whatever you pick. We did A Christmas Carol together as a read aloud. I think A Tale of Two Cities is more difficult than Great Expectations, and Great Expectations is more difficult than Oliver Twist.
  18. Kari, we didn't really do anything there except the meet, but I just had to tell you that is one of the most fun gymnastics meets we ever went to. I wish we were doing that meet this year.
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