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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. For 6th grade, about 40 books for school, plus about 20 just for fun. ONE novel? Really??
  2. I hate to bust your bubble, but I have been informed that resignations are not being accepted. Oh, and there is no union, Jennifer! :lol:
  3. We have always tried to have a regular "date night" and we have been married 30 years. When our olders were little, we had a sitter and only went out once a month. When the olders got old enough to babysit, it was weekly for a while. Now we find about twice a month is all we can handle with the kids' activities. We also try to spend a weekend or at least overnight 3 or 4 times a year.
  4. I also deal with it this way. I LIVE by what is written down, including a schedule of when things get done. If I don't keep/make lists, my head is a whirl of confusion. :grouphug: I'm sorry it has gotten unmanageable for you.
  5. The lava cake. Yum! This was served the first night of a cruise we took. All 7 of us ordered it every night after that, even though it wasn't on the menu again.
  6. I agree with calandalsmom for this very reason. I'm not so sure that my dds would have told me about some things that were said to them if we had not already discussed racism. I might not have gotten the chance to reassure them and deal with the issue (especially in our extended family).
  7. I'm no help, Nakia. I have my fingers in my ears. :001_smile: I will cut corners somewhere else.
  8. I am white, one of my daughters is AA and the other is mixed. My girls are old enough that we have discussed this issue pretty much in depth. I'm sorry to say that we have had to deal with some racist people IRL - a little girl down the street, some kids at the park and pool, and some family members. They have been very mature and gracious and recognized the ignorance behind it. They handle it much better than their brothers who are profoundly offended on their behalf. We celebrate MLK day, listen to the "I Have a Dream" speech, and read/talk about him every year. As one of my girls said to me, "If it wasn't for him and the brave people who fought for civil rights alongside of him, you probably wouldn't have gotten to be my mommy."
  9. :grouphug:, prayers, and congratulations. That is a lot at once.
  10. Yes, that's why I mentioned the article called "on the use of living books" on the classical-homeschooling.org website. We used a modified version of that for my children's notebooks in high school.
  11. Yes. It was more than enough! If you look at classical-homeschooling.org and read what she has to say about using real books at the rhetoric level, along with some note booking WTM style, it provided a great high school experience for my high schoolers. My senior has been offered 2 scholarships so far, so for me, it has been a success.
  12. She sounds like my 12 yo daughter. I have also been doing this a long time (16 years) and have just about pulled my hair out trying to figure out what to do with this kid. She is also very, very literal. So she doesn't pick up on any nuances in her reading and doesn't make connections that seem obvious to me. Yesterday after reading she could tell me nothing about what was read. I had her read again, writing the main idea in each paragraph after she read it. I'm not sure if that will help or not yet, but as I said, I'm still trying to figure this one out. :confused:
  13. Yes, that is mainly how we do school. Textbook type books are mainly just to fill in the gaps. I organized my library at home and made a list for every subject and every stage. I found that subjects I would never get to if I was following a curriculum plan were easy to cover this way - natural history, science history, art and music, worldview, government and economics at the middle school level, and the list goes on. I say go for it.
  14. Wow, I am only one of two so far who wakes their kids up at the same time every day. My dd has to be at gymnastics at 2:30 every day, so we start school at 8:00 sharp.
  15. Absolutely! We get dressed when it's time to leave the house.
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