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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. That's as far as I've driven, but it was 5 days a week. Thankfully, my dd changed gyms and my drive is now only about 25 minutes. If there was not a gym suitable nearby, I would be willing to drive further for gymnastics at this level. There are some parents who drive 2 hours one way, and our coaches have even had a gymnast board with them. That, I couldn't do.
  2. My oldest and his wife just gave me a present. It was a positive pregnancy test all wrapped up. I am SO excited.
  3. :grouphug: praying for you and hoping you feel better soon.
  4. I felt like I "knew" we were supposed to call an attorney about adopting. I wasn't supposed to be able to have anymore by birth (had my 4th son anyway, but that's another story). I told my dh and he told me just to call and inquire. Long story, but dh knew what her name was to be, and said it out loud 3 days before she was born. She was in our arms 9 days after I called the attorney to "inquire." lol All that to say, God has a way of making it plain, but sometimes we have to take the first step by faith. If you know there is a 4th child for you, now is as good as later. I agree with Remudamom - financially another baby probably never makes sense! If your dh is on board, I say go for it.
  5. Oooh, you channel Remudamom nicely, Imp. :001_smile: Have you been practicing?
  6. We've had them come to our door a few times. Who would buy meat off a truck? Does anybody know where this meat comes from?
  7. We use it in oatmeal, muffins, and smoothies. I have one dc who just gets a bowl full and eats it. I also use it to make cobbler - super easy, yummy dessert.
  8. Hey Imp, not so fast. My grandson Charlie would be a perfect match for Olivia.
  9. That and a card. My dh is the romantic one, so I go look at cards and buy the one that is so sappy it makes me gag. He is thrilled.
  10. Wonderful news! Here's to a fantastic 2012 for your family. :cheers2:
  11. Congrats! Grandbabies are wonderful! My Charlie is 5 months old now. I love Olivia, too. It is my 12yo dd's name. :001_smile:
  12. Yes, I would. I think it is touching that people would come together to help a neighbor in need. I think we could all use a little more of that in our world.
  13. I googled my maiden name, which is definitely not common, and still nothing related to me.
  14. No pictures of me came up, not even my profile pic on Facebook. I went through 3 pages and no links related to me were there. My name must be more common than I thought.
  15. Unless you are in pain, I would think it would be okay to wait. I'm hoping that would be okay, because that's what I am doing. I need two crowns. I am also putting it off because I would rather eat nails than go to the dentist.
  16. Thanks for being proud of her with me! Here is a picture of her doing her straddle jump on the floor at her last meet:
  17. :grouphug: Denise, I am so sorry. I can't imagine how hard this is for you, but I can pray for you.
  18. She has completed this pass repeatedly in the past, and yes, it was a matter of pushing past fear. No, it was not a required skill for her level. She is competing 8, and it is a level 9 skill.
  19. The power struggle deal is what we felt like was going on - but maybe we were wrong. :001_smile: Dd just sent me a text to tell me SHE DID IT! She then went on to do it repeatedly. She is going to compete the more difficult series. Could it be that her coach was right? I guess I can chalk this up to a lesson learned (for me).
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