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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. This was my mom most of the time. The rest of the time she was physically abusive. She would go for days not paying attention to anything I did. She didn't care if I stayed out all night, coming home obviously hung over, as long as I made straight A's. Then something would set her off, always something that had nothing to do with me, but I was the one she took it out on. She came home from work at 11:00 one night when I was about 14 (she worked shift-work), dragged me out of the bed by my hair to beat me with a belt. I had left the cloth in the sink when I washed the dinner dishes. I never knew when it was coming. The way she remembered my childhood was completely different.
  2. :grouphug: How very sad. I'll be praying for this family.
  3. I check my email several times a day, and either put it in a folder (after I read it and if it something I need to keep), or delete it. I never have more than 30 or so emails in my inbox. Having thousands would make me nuts!
  4. No, not a chance. I have worked on having a filter, but it doesn't come naturally.
  5. :grouphug::grouphug: I have had to do that. It is SO incredibly hard.
  6. I stir counter-clockwise, and I'm right-handed.
  7. I am so jealous, Robin. I went last year, and really enjoyed that conference. This year our dd's State gymnastic meet is that weekend. Grrrr.
  8. I would think 7 or 8 would be ideal, but I agree with Chris - there are layers that you will understand more fully when you're older. This is definitely a series to be read more than once.
  9. I did the same thing! I took Pre-Calc in high school, and Calculus in college. I did take Chemistry in high school.
  10. This has been my strategy for my kids as well. Coming from the perspective now of a mom with teens, I can tell you it has paid off. I had 16 teenagers in my house for Superbowl. I never know how many boys will come up from my basement for breakfast on Saturdays. I know my teenagers friends very well, and many of them have come to me for "heart-to-hearts" when they need to talk to an adult. Yes, the boys play video games late into the night on Friday nights, but they are good kids, I know who my kids are hanging out with, and they are home a lot more than most teens I know.
  11. Sure! We went sledding down the hill in front of our house in a canoe last year. :001_smile:
  12. My 18yo also has a dentist appointment today. :001_smile: My son has used the debit card there before with no problems, but I agree with everyone else that you should probably call first.
  13. Fallacy Detective and Art of Argument are both informal logic. The Memoria Press books, Traditional Logic 1 and 2, teach formal logic. I can't speak to VP's online classes if you are considering that. I would start with one of the informal books and follow that with the Traditional Logic courses. I taught them without the DVD's and it went fine. Maybe you could go through the formal logic course ahead, while your student is doing informal logic, so that you would be prepared to teach it.
  14. :iagree: Someone needs to tell her that her 20's were a long time ago. :001_smile:
  15. That is so sweet. My boys are all big now, but I have fond memories of them bringing me flowers out of the yard. :001_smile:
  16. Praying for you, Jean. Try to get some extra rest when you can. :grouphug:
  17. Oh, I bet he cries. My 14yo danced to Butterfly Kisses and dedicated it to her dad at a show last spring. There wasn't a dry eye in the house. Make sure to video his reaction. :001_smile:
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