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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. I have a red leather Yoobao cover. I have been very pleased with it.
  2. This is just my opinion, but I would put her in Saxon Algebra 1/2 next year. I think that would give her a year to mature, which is important in Algebra, and it would help you to make sure she has all the math concepts in place to succeed.
  3. I have been to more than 8 countries, and plan on many more. We haven't been out of the country for a few years, because our kids activities have sort of overtaken our schedule. :auto: My dh and I plan to travel when we get them all grown. We used to think we would like to eventually move to a foreign country, but now I see that having grandchildren might nix that. I could never move far away from them.
  4. My dh gave me a new ring on our 20th anniversary. I gave my original to my oldest son to give his bride.
  5. Praying for you and your new little ones. I will be waiting to hear that they are home.
  6. Another adoptive mom sharing the joy with you! :party:
  7. :iagree: About getting used to the progressives. Be careful going up and down stairs while you're adjusting. :001_smile: I also know what you mean about the feeling old part. I keep thinking I'm seeing my mother when I pass a mirror.
  8. :grouphug: Praying for you. I'm so sorry.
  9. My 13yo has been busy making repairs to his fort for warmer weather. I would second the idea for Dangerous Book for Boys. My ds really loved the book a couple of years ago. There are all sorts of ideas in there that he might have fun with. Some other things my boys enjoyed at that age: Board games Logic puzzle books Digging and playing in the stream behind our house Making his own bow and arrows. Making a shelter in the woods Backyard Ballistics For his astronomy interest, have you seen the Stellarscope at Home Training Tools?
  10. My girls have had 5 between the two of them. My oldest just gave her Kirsten doll and all her furniture to her little cousin. They wanted them, but then never really played with them all that much.
  11. I have both, and I would definitely say iPad. I resisted when my dh wanted to buy me an iPad, now it is practically an extension of my arm! There are SO many more apps for the iPad. My nook is used now only for reading, because the iPad is just way better for everything else.
  12. Happy Birthday, Josiah! My 13yo just came and gave me a hug. I realized he's a full head taller than I am now. This time last year, I still had him by an inch or two. I made him promise to be my baby boy, no matter how tall he gets!
  13. Me too. I gave away very few books from when my kids were little, and now I am so glad! Grandchildren used to seem very far away for me, too. :001_smile:
  14. I am sorry you got lost, but totally understand your reaction to the hunk! I took my boys to a concert once and we stayed after in line for autographs. When it was our turn, one of the men in the band was so handsome, I couldn't even speak. That has never happened to me before or since. When I got home, dh was painting. The first thing out of my mouth was that I had seen the most gorgeous man ever in my life. He never stopped painting. He just said, "I'm glad you came home." :001_smile: At least being sore means you got your exercise for the day (week?)
  15. With my 3rd c-section, the anesthesia wore off before the surgery was finished. It was immediately obvious, and they knocked me out completely right then. I cannot imagine a whole c-section without anesthesia! I could only feel the pain for a matter of seconds, and I still remember it well 18 years later. Did they purposely do that? What possible reason could there be?
  16. :party::party: Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you!
  17. Congratulations! Boys are so much fun. Boys are all we could do, too (my girls are adopted). A pack of boys is something to be proud of. :001_smile:
  18. If you tap the little square with an arrow on it up at the top, you can send the link to your home screen to make an icon.
  19. Congratulations! Praying the process goes smoothly for you.
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