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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. Well, as a mil myself, my take is that the mil is being unreasonable. My sons have their own families, and while they seem to want to include us and spend time with us, I'm thinking that maybe it's because they feel no pressure from us. :001_smile: I am ready to include them any holiday I can get, but know that they will not always be able to be here, and that's okay.
  2. That is a terrible, awful feeling. My second son hid from my parents behind our heavy living room drapes when he was about 3. My dh was at work, and I was in class. I was attending college at the time, and it was before cell phones. My dad had just had surgery, and my son watched him walking up and down the road in front of our house calling for him - on his crutches. When he heard my mom call the police, and his dad to come home from work, he came out. My mother was still a mess when I got there.
  3. That. I didn't post in that thread, and didn't see it for the longest time. I'm hardly ever on the K8 board anymore. I have read through it several times now, and my head is still spinning. Welcome back, Dolphin!
  4. I'm not really sure "how" you get it, but I'll tell you what my boys did. My 18yo used to have the hair you're describing, and all he did was grow it out from a buzz cut. His hair is naturally wavy. It looked good on him. My 13yo tried it, and his hair was just too curly. It just got "big." :001_smile: It didn't look right, so I cut it.
  5. My 18yo son is working as a gymnastics coach. He got too tall to compete well, and turned to coaching. He loves it, is being trained to coach higher levels by an Olympic coach, and makes considerably more than minimum wage. He has changed his college plans in order to keep working there. He also works for my dh in our business about 8 hours a week, and his 15yo sister is about to take over his hours there. We are blessed to have a family business to employ our teens.
  6. Jelly Belly for sure! Two of my boys have to have their own bag of Brach's black jelly beans, too.
  7. I have a dd who is finishing up this meet season and getting ready to train level 10 next year. She trains 6 days a week, 4 hours a day (most of the time longer than that!). She eats constantly when she is at home, but cannot eat at all during practice. That is just her. I cook healthy meals and make sure there are lots of healthy snacking food around, and let her have at it! Maybe your dd could use some energy bars at practice. My dd's coach swears by a small bit of dark chocolate during meets. Maybe that would help?
  8. I only know one Owen, but I like the name. I think Owen Michael sounds great!
  9. I've been to all those places, and I would pick Aruba or Jamaica. Which one depends on what kind of trip you want to have. Aruba is a nicer, safer place. Jamaica is lots of fun and a little more "rustic." The only one I have chosen to visit twice (other than Nassau, because my kids wanted to go) is Jamaica.
  10. My house is usually pretty picked up because my kids are older, but even when they were little and things were usually messy, I would invite them in. I figure they know we actually live there, and sometimes things get messy. No big deal!
  11. :iagree: That is what I was going to suggest. One of my dd's names is Francesca Grace. She gets compliments on her name all the time. We call her Chessie, but all her teenage friends call her Frank. :confused:
  12. My dh is a small business owner. He has degrees in Bible and History.
  13. I think she overreacted a bit, and I wouldn't say anything else about it. I have asked someone when they were due, only to have them tell me they weren't pregnant. I do not ask strangers that question anymore, even if they look like they are going to give birth right then. :001_smile: My sister has been asked if she is my mother many times. She is 12 years older, and I have always looked younger than my age. Someone once referred to my dh as my dad! We all think it's funny and laugh about it. I think the lady at Zumba must take herself a little too seriously. Just pretend like it never happened.
  14. I had three and they were surgically removed my senior year of high school. So far, my oldest three kids have had four wisdom teeth, and they all had them removed.
  15. We used/use Saxon,but it's what my kids were used to.
  16. I have everything I would need, and then some. I've been at this for 16 years, though. :001_smile:
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