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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. Chris, there are a ton of Chris Binders! What does your profile pic look like?
  2. I can't figure out how to link mine on my IPad. :confused: If you get a friend request from Tammy McDaniel, it's me. :001_smile:
  3. Congratulations! My second grandbaby is due October 1. Grandbabies are wonderful!
  4. Daily: Beds made Dishes done Counter/table wiped down Downstairs hardwood and tile swept Pick up messes as we go kitchen trash Pets fed/watered Litter box changed 1 time a week: Yard work Cars washed/vacuumed out 2 times a week: Bathrooms cleaned Furniture dusted Carpet vacuumed Laundry washed/folded/put away Upstairs hardwood swept All trash cans emptied Monthly: Oven cleaned Throw rugs washed Doors and walls spot cleaned Baseboards Ceiling fans Hardwood mopped Inside windows Inside/outside sunroom windows Refrigerator thoroughly cleaned Trash cans washed That sounds like a lot, but between the kids and I, 99% of that is taken care of in our 20 minute chore time in the morning. The yard work and cars get done with dad on the weekend.
  5. Renee, I am so glad he is okay. Like everyone else, I agree that could happen to anyone. When my youngest son was 3, my oldest had friends over who had recently gotten their driver's license. About 20 minutes after they left, they called to tell me my 3 year old was asleep in their back seat. :confused: Things happen even to good moms.
  6. :grouphug:Praying for Desmond and for peace for you, Sarah. :grouphug:
  7. Exactly! I grew up on the beach. While I appreciate the beauty around me here in the mountains, boy do I miss it. The smell of the ocean smells like home, and the sound of a boat motor sounds like home. I can't wait to get there in June. Night Elf, I'm glad you've enjoyed your time off.
  8. Happy Birthday!! 40 was great for me, and I hope you have a great year. Cheesecake sounds SO yummy. Enjoy!
  9. Agreeing with everyone else that bleeding in pregnancy is common. I know it's hard not to worry. I'll be praying for you. :grouphug:
  10. Kari, I think she looks adorable. 13 is young, but if she really wanted it, I don't see the big deal. But then, I took my oldest to get a tattoo for his 18th birthday (and I got one too). :001_smile:
  11. Yes, by students and teachers. One teacher was fired, and one never got caught and now holds a political position in the town I grew up in. Once a friend of mine was held down by a group of boys and assaulted in a classroom. The teacher thought it was funny. This was a public school. This was back in the day, though. I graduated in 1981.
  12. I detest being late. It puts me in a really cranky mood. In order not to be late, I tend to get myself ready early. Then I have time to make sure we have gathered what we need, and get out the door. I have done this since my kids were little.
  13. I am that way, too, and looking around right now - somebody needs to make me mad. Seriously. I think I am so tired right now, it would take a lot. :001_smile:
  14. Ours went up $112 a month. He drives a 2003 Tahoe, but can also drive our other two vehicles.
  15. We put bamboo down two summers ago, and I love it. It is easy to clean and doesn't seem to scratch easily, and we have a house full of people and pets.
  16. Well, I am partial to Cameron (my 18yo) and Charlie (my grandson). I would go with Charles, and call him Charlie. I think either middle names goes with Charles or Cameron, but I really like Randall. Owen is a great name, too. I'm not much help, am I? :001_smile: ETA: I think Charlotte Mae is just beautiful!
  17. I agree with this, and carried on as usual. I do not function well without coffee.
  18. Congratulations! My #4 was my easiest baby, and within 28 months I had added #5 and #6. You can do it!
  19. We have camped a lot of places, but Grayton Beach is my favorite. We take bikes and go to Seaside. We love Disney, too, and try to go at least every other year. We also love to cruise. I just asked the kids what their favorite vacation was so far, and they say cruising. I was surprised. I was sure it was Disney.
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