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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. PayPal has changed in the last year or so. The money is no longer held there and accessible. You have to accept it and have it transferred elsewhere (like a bank account). It's slightly annoying, though I've gotten used to it.
  2. We have a couple of camping trips scheduled this summer. If they do end up happening, I imagine some of the common amenities will be closed (playgrounds, pools, etc). So I'm looking for some outside games, along the lines of cornhole (we have). We also will have bikes with us, but I'm thinking about getting a few more small space games. Bonus points if they're fun with multi-ages or the athletically-challenged. 😂
  3. Right next to my living room couch. (1100 sq ft house - there is no where else).
  4. I'd first want to know if she really enjoyed mowing the yard. If the answer was "no," I'd be annoyed on her behalf.
  5. Gah, didn't know what to do with myself these last two days. Had to do productive things, like clean.
  6. Youngest DD has been using TTRS for several months now, but it seems like every few weeks we have tech issues with it. After a week or so of unsuccessful usage attempts, it resolves itself and we carry on. Anyone else using this program having intermittent issues? Previously she could get the lesson to begin, but it would sort of freeze after the first line of typing. Now she's finished a level, but it won't let her progress. It's quite annoying since I did actually pay for the use of the program and she likes it well enough when it works. I'm just wondering if this is everyone...or if the trouble is because our computer is older.
  7. Ah, it wouldn't be a big deal if it were getting picked up soon...public or private. I mean, the town picks mine up but I still pay for it in my water bill. But the empty can means poo sits in there for a week. Ewww.
  8. Omgosh, that's disgusting. Who just lets an animal potty all over the floor! It must reek. I'd totally send them a bill for wipes and pee pads. Crazy-town.
  9. This thread inspired me to get a few of the books (never read them but my library had a 16 week --!!!--wait for book 1 so it must be good, right?). I'd like some cake, too, but I'm a pretty cr@p baker, so I'll settle for some books.
  10. We're super stoked that Rise of Skywalker has finally popped up on Disney+! We'll be watching that tonight.
  11. Last week, I put on a pair of jeans for the first time in over a month. 😲 Told DH that I need to schedule a weekly "jean check" so I can keep myself on track. #theyweresnug
  12. I voted 13... but it might have been 12. And while I am glad she has it, she probably wouldn't have got one then except that it was a hand-me-down phone from my parents and they added her to their plan (worked better for them for getting unlimited data). I would have waited, not for ideological reasons, but because of the cost.
  13. Random decorative items. Top shelf only holds dust.
  14. Gosh, I have somewhere in the mid-20s...and I'm about the least fashionable person ever. I have rain boots and shortie rain boots and winter boots. 8 pairs of crocs in varying styles (see, like I said: least fashionable person ever). 3 pairs sneakers (2 old ones for yard work, one new for walking). Six pairs of dress flats, 1 pair leather loafers. Two pair of flip flop-esque sandals. Gee, I feel like such a diva.
  15. When this all started, I bought several series used on eBay (that had been on my wishlist). As the virus progressed, I no longer felt comfortable with that. Recently I've bought a few inexpensive kindle books.
  16. I do too! I always liked Laurel. Also Clary. I wanted youngest to be named Evangeline...but we ended up going with Ivy. (Which I was about to suggest, then I read your user name! :p) I also like Eden for a girl and Emmett for a boy.
  17. Yes! These are the style I like. (LOL, who cares how they look -PANDEMIC! - but still, a gal has to have standards...) I'm going to PM you, if you don't mind. 🙂
  18. If so, would you mind sharing where you found it? There's about a gazillion new etsy sellers selling masks, with minimal reviews. I'd like to see some positive feedback before purchasing. I'm ready to invest in some actual masks (and not my cobbled together versions). I don't sew and I don't have fabric at my house -- so easy or not, I'm not going to make them. I particularly like the look of the ones that go up to a lil' point on the bridge of the nose and down around the chin -- does that style have a name? Anyone here have an etsy shop? I'd be glad to send my business to a boardie!
  19. Talking about clothes for growing bodies: My new neighbor is pregnant with their first and due in July. She's just getting truly pregnant looking, and yesterday I saw her outside wearing her DH's basketball shorts and a big tshirt. I'm not judging if that's what she likes to wear (heck, I dress like that most days)...but I did wonder if it was out of necessity rather than preference.
  20. Meh, we're still plugging along with the winter clothes. When it warms up, youngest DD will just swap out her jogging pants for her mesh shorts from last year. T-Shirts are a constant. (But my girls are old enough that they're not rapidly outgrowing clothes by the season.)
  21. @PeterPan - what book are you using to learn? Do you like it? We were gifted a ukulele (several years ago, when DH -- a guitar/bass player -- was in the hospital long term). The friend who gave it thought it would help keep him occupied. I think DD might enjoy playing...
  22. I'm also in a university town. Our local downtown/campus area is notorious for its high rent/small business turnover. I've been wondering just what will be left when the dust clears...even the businesses that have survived for decades need student business to remain.
  23. Following. Both of my girls struggle with spelling (also both were very late readers). Apples & Pears has moderately helped...maybe. Youngest doesn't seem to hold on to it. I was thinking of just moving on to high frequency words -- at least getting those down. (Youngest still struggles to remember even simple words, like "your.")
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