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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. The BBC miniseries is Romola Garai. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1366312/
  2. I've just been buying staples and cobbling together meals from what I find. Some recent/upcoming meals: My kids call it "pink stuff" (chicken, black beans, corn, salsa and cream cheese in the crock pot -- served with egg noodles) burger & fries, fresh fruit tonight: hibachi chicken and veg, fried rice (cooked on DH's flat top) tomorrow: taco soup and cornbread pork loin, buttered potatoes, yeast rolls, cranberry sauce Roast chicken thighs, roasted broccoli, couscous
  3. That's the one I had (though I like the Adobo Chicken as well).
  4. I looove the BBC version. (Maybe because I crush on Jonny Lee Miller).
  5. We did cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Girls got their Easter baskets (candy and books). Watched church on FB. Lunch was takeout (Smithfield Chicken & BBQ). Then the girls hunted for eggs that I hid inside (rather too well, lol). Now we're just watching Bear Grylls.
  6. I always wanted to do the walk to Mordor. http://walktomordor.com/ (I seem to remember a different site for it -- the above was just what I found on a quick google search...)
  7. For your situation, I still say bike. But I wanted to share: my girls (11&13) are not super active. I've always exercised at home (videos) but they are not interested in videos at all. I bought an elliptical (for me) last winter, but now they are the main users of it. We have it in our living room, and my girls prop their screens/tablets up there and watch YouTube while they exercise. 😛 Before the virus threw our schedule off, they each had a turn daily before lunch. Ooh, you say she was doing a lot of walking. Do y'all have Walk It Out for Wii/U? That's an addictive little walking game! I used to play it often -- I loved building the island.
  8. We use CLE Reading for middle school. I love that it's all laid out and it covers so many things (vocabulary, word roots, literary elements, etc). I agree with the above re: the pacifist views. It's something I'm willing to work around because I like the rest. Also, their usage of KJV -- we skip the memorization segments and sometimes read the Bible story (1/LU) in our preferred Bible translation.
  9. +1 My uncle has very bad knees and a recumbent bike has rehabbed them quite a bit. You can definitely get a good one for that $$. Read reviews and see how the seat is rated (comfort wise). That's a big deal.
  10. It is beautiful and brisk and very breezy outside. I've opened all the windows and doors and am letting the cold air "blow away the cobwebs." Also, I managed to find a way to watch the final season of The Durrells for free. Woo!
  11. I can't seem to find anything I want to read, so I've been bingeing The Durrell's in Corfu. I've also discovered Pahla B. on YouTube, and I am enjoying her workouts for a change of pace. They're very gentle and encouraging.
  12. Gosh, that one sounds like it'd make a pretty interesting book, though!
  13. My girls have been bingeing The Greatest Showman lately, so they'll love this! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
  14. Yeah, whatever gas money we're saving, it's being spent on groceries. I'm spending $60+/week more on groceries than usual. (How?!? *sigh*) We always take the girls to GWL in May for their bdays. I suppose that's $400 saved...though it may shift to Christmas. We signed up for a class in May ($240). Haven't heard anything about it yet... And if summer camps are cancelled, that's another $300 saved. ETA: anything saved is a good thing. DH's job can only pay if they receive enough donations. Now is not a great time to work for a nonprofit.
  15. I preordered a few newly released books in January, so those are the main thing for the baskets. I grabbed candy on a Walmart run back in February (though I've eaten some...). Last time I got groceries, I bought cake mix (so we'll decorate an Easter-themed cake), and plastic eggs. I also picked up sidewalk chalk so we could do that together. We usually spend Easter weekend at my parents house, with a huge extended-family church, lunch, and egg hunt. I'm trying to still make it fun, even though my girls are old enough to skip it (middle school).
  16. So does Agent Carter wrap it up nicely? I've been meaning to watch it, but I don't wanna, if it's going to end on a cliffhanger...
  17. DH works with a nonprofit that serves university students (has for the last 15 years). So while the npo hasn't laid anyone off (they won't), there isn't a guarantee that they'll be able to pay DH if donations take a downturn (they probably will). Donations come from churches and individuals (often alumni); I know many local churches are already struggling to pay bills with the congregation not meeting in person. 😞
  18. Those are super fun! I wish there was someone around here to do that for me (except we have a very tiny porch/stoop, lol, so we'd be a bit cramped...)
  19. How sweet. My girls are older, and we don't usually make a big deal about Easter (other than the religious aspect). But we're sad to be missing our annual trip to spend the weekend with family (egg hunt, lunch, kite flying, the whole shebang). So we're gonna make a cake together, and I bought plastic eggs for them to find (probably in the house). I was going to buy eggs to dye, but our grocery had none.
  20. That's hard. 😞 Dh works with college students and many of them are dealing with big disappointments and disruption. It's a challenging time for that age group.
  21. So the recipe I followed just gave a ratio of coffee/sugar/water. I just grabbed a measuring cup (3/4 c., *snort*), which made an OBSCENE amount of foam, lol. I liked it, oldest DD said it was a little too strong. Youngest DD rinsed her mouth out after taking a sip. I stuck the remaining foam in the fridge so we'll have it again tomorrow. Or would freezer be better? (Also, we started with a whisk but hit a wall, then switched to hand mixer. That moved things along well!)
  22. Thought of another: I pay a grocery store pickup fee annually (cheaper than weekly and it's unlimited for the year). I've done it for 3-4 yrs. I'll probably drop it and start shopping in person...mainly because I'm ticked that I've not been able to get a pickup slot for a month now. What the heck am I paying for??!! *sigh* Minor, I know, but it bugs me. Maybe I should email corporate...
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