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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. This was my suggestion. We have one on the east side, against our house. It just finished blooming, but my dwarf gardenia on the north side is still going. Ours is about 2" tall and 2-3" wide; I've pruned it a few times, once quite a bit. (I'm in central NC.)
  2. Thanks. I'll look into the recs. I definitely don't have a problem with "too young" if they're interesting and informative. 🙂
  3. This thread makes me anxious, lol. Outside noises bother me, and I'm conflict-avoidant, so I'd just be stewing in it. I hope they're more considerate now! He sounds like a bit of a jerk.
  4. I've seen that somewhere...maybe here? This one has a mask, lol.
  5. DD loved The History of Medicine (Tiner). She wants a follow-up, since that book doesn't go into modern medicine. Is there anything out there that is comparable? She like the writing style, as well as the subject. I'm not sure if Hakim's science histories would be what she wants; she specifically says she liked the medical aspect. Thanks!
  6. We were out today for a dr appointment. We also hit up Chick FilA and made a return to Ulta. Stopped by Walmart on the way home.
  7. I made these tonight. They cook at a super-high temp (made me nervous!). The dough was very easy to work with. They were yummy -- so soft and begging for some apple butter! I'll make them again, though I'm going to try a few more recipes from this thread. Here's my proof, lol: This picture was taken as I was putting leftovers away. The half biscuit in the foreground, I decided to snack on even though I'd had a perfectly adequate dinner. 😮 ETA: they were a little lopsided but I just (not meticulously) patted the dough a bit before cutting. I was rushed, lol.
  8. We like: NY Times Shawarma Budget Bytes Baked Fajitas and Balsamic Chicken with Mushrooms This Chicken Tawook these copycat Bojangles roasted bites sweet and spicy chicken bites Key West chicken bites keto butter chicken (In case you can't tell, we like bite sized chicken, lol, with strong flavors.) We also have several soup/stews that we fall back on.
  9. When my girls were little, I used to take my catalog with us to the lake. While they played at the water's edge, I'd lay on my towel with an iced coffee and my homeschool catalogs. I folded down all the pages of interesting things things that required further research. Good times.
  10. I never did because it looked about as exciting as a phone book. I received one this spring (the first time in years!) and they've really updated their look. So much more visually appealing and so many pictures! I enjoyed it.
  11. I do both. Any cooking skills I have (minimal) are self-taught. (ETA: as far as cooking tradition: rural, southern, farming community)
  12. So...biscuit tangent. Does anyone put cheese in their biscuits? Are some biscuit types better for cheese? The way my mom did them was a chunk of cheese inside each before they were baked. (Not shredded cheese incorporated throughout...)
  13. Well DH's birthday is the day before Father's Day, so double whammy! BUT...he bought himself a new iPhone last month (*cough*birthday*cough*) and I bought him a specialty hot pepper/spice set that was supposed to be for FD but I caved and did it early. So...I'm thinking a card and dinner out.
  14. I sat through an orthodontist appt yesterday. Even with the air running, it was warm. I feel for those that don't have reliable ac (if DH had to take the kids to appointments, for example, his air doesn't work). Our ortho also had my 13 yr Old schedule the next appointment. Um...ok. Like that kid knows *anything* about what we've got going on. 🤔🙄 ETA: our ortho requires parents/etc to be in the parking lot or outside the office. No drop off/pick up.
  15. Not new or novel...but after listening to DD whine for MONTHS about missing bubble tea, our preferred location finally opened back up. Since we were over there for an orthodontist appointment, we got our fix. She tried a new variety (Panda tea - with both black boba and clear agar boba). ETA: since regular bubble tea is not in our budget, I bought stuff for DIY tea for DDs upcoming bday. Hoping it's good...
  16. We like rolls and bread, too. 😄 But some meals just require biscuits! (Like, last night was sausage patties and the veg cream soup that's a copycat of the Dixie Stampede soup -- that calls for biscuits!) I'm likely too lazy for homemade cinnamon rolls, lol. (I think I have that recipe saved somewhere, too...)
  17. My youngest had the first dose at 10 or 11....but mainly because she was at the appointment with her sister (who was 12 or 13) so we just did them both. (Also because I'm not regular about getting them for checkups since they're up to date for most vaccines and generally healthy.) They'll go back next month for the second shot (at 12 & 14).
  18. @soror - my DH thinks Alton Brown is the final word in food, lol. I'm surprised he hasn't referenced Alton's biscuit tutorials yet....
  19. I have so many recipes to try, lol! I think I'll go with cream biscuits first because I hate cutting in butter (I should just buy a pastry cutter-inner thing.) I'll try to update with how things go. Ftr, I've never heard of White Lily flour and I am in NC...but like I said before, I've never been much of a baker.
  20. I hate that outside smell. When I taught first grade years ago, I'd stand at my door as the kids all trooped back inside after recess. Whew! It was a wave of hot body/scalp smell. Not even like BO...just hot stank. Not my fave.
  21. I have done drop biscuit things with Bisquick (like Red Lobster copycats). They're okay for some meals...but not really biscuit-biscuits. (Tonight I tried some Southern Biscuit mix --just add buttermilk!-- and it was a wet mess. We tossed the batter and started over from scratch.)
  22. Meh. We eat the cinnamon rolls from a can, but I never liked the taste of the plain biscuits. (LOL, but they're probably better than what I've been serving!) Oh my. This is the difference a real baker and myself. I can do nothing without precise details! LOL. I'm doing the Wayne's World "we're not worthy" thing right now. ETA: my gran makes very good buttermilk biscuits -- but that's the sort of recipe she follows. 🙂
  23. I'm not fabulous in the kitchen, but I make do. I've been feeding this family, reasonably well, for two decades. And yet I cannot make good biscuits to save my life. I have even screwed up frozen biscuits - more than once, idk how, don't ask. My poor family is biscuit-deprived. So...do you have a no-fail, biscuit recipe (preferably easy and not messy and quick because I'm not fond of baking)? I also don't have any fancy kitchen gadgetry... Also, related: any time I make ANYTHING with baking powder, my kids whine that they can taste gross, little baking powder balls/chunks. I whisked my dry ingredients -- what am I doing wrong? Please don't tell me to use a sifter, lol -- I don't want to!
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