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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. Definitely do a forum search. I know I've asked this (and chimed in on other threads) because of my dragon-obsessed DDs. @Lori D. has contributed her well-organized lists to many of those threads.
  2. And thanks to this thread, I have another pair of crocs heading my way. (A fashion sandal style for $19, with a $5 off coupon! Woot!) Now to see if I can sneak them in past DH, lol.
  3. I have two pairs of those Skechers sandals and like them a lot. (OP -- I'm a huge crocs fan so I'd say try other crocs variations. Maybe the flip flops with thick massage-y soles, not the thin-soled, fashion flip flops. They are not as comfy.)
  4. Just an update: I am enjoying the series, very much! The only downside is my native (rural NC) accent, which I have carefully and deliberately eliminated over the last 20 years, has come back full force. I blame the books.
  5. Yep. Funny thing is, half of these items I have no interest in buying...and yet I click links and look anyway.
  6. If you want cheap options, I've bought some fairly nice, plus-sized night wear on Amazon. I like the idea mentioned above, supportive yet attractive bra+diaphanous robe-y garment. Just be forewarned, if you order something cheap from overseas, you may have to sign for it upon delivery. And when your postman shows you the teensy envelope to sign for, and you say "but what is it??!" he'll read the import duties note that says "sexy pajamas." And that'll be awkward.
  7. Everyone emerged a little more..."well-rounded" than prior.
  8. Yuck. I hate any kind of smoking wafting into my outdoor time.
  9. Not a meme...but DH and I were watching a tv special on the penal colony in Port Arthur. They showed the church, with its little individual seating boxes (so the criminals could attend but not socialize). Told DH: look! That's what we need! 😄 (All in jest. Yes, yes, I know germs can float around that.)
  10. Special messages. Maybe a slideshow of the grad (from elementary years through high school).
  11. alisoncooks


    My family is behind the times -- we've never listened to a single song, nor watched any bit of it. We'll finally catch up with the rest of the world once this hits Disney+!
  12. Those last two remind me of once when I took my kids to the zoo. Oldest DD looked at the parking lot and said, "Man! It sure is crowded for a Monday!!" To which I replied, "Yep, but today is Wednesday." Homeschoolers.
  13. That's pretty impressive looking! (though single layer -- is the rec still 2?) I wonder if the raw edges gets annoying...
  14. Also, Kelly Coffey-Meyer (30 Min to Fitness) has several cardio workouts but she made two "Athletic Conditioning" workouts designed for teens. https://www.totalfitnessdvds.com/30-Minutes-to-Fitness-Athletic-Conditioning-Kell-p/998.htm
  15. My first thought was BBOD - they have a lot of athletic-feeling workouts.
  16. I seem to be less oily when I have something on my face, so I daily wear a tinted sunscreen and then powder. Also I'll put on a mere sweep of a neutral eye shadow, and I'll curl my lashes. That's for at home. For out and about, I add blush (and increase amounts of the above).
  17. Before the SIP, I was learning Spanish and piano. I seemed to lose all interest for about 1.5 months, but now I'm getting back on it! (Piano is in my room, where DH is currently working from home, so my schedule just was thrown all off!) Anyway, those two...and I'm thinking of reading the SOTW books. We didn't use them for school...but I'm thinking I'll give them a try, just for fun. (Not really a skill, but learning something new.)
  18. Thought this was clever...though terribly inaccurate. Obviously Belle, being educated and forward-thinking, would be the one to social distance and mask. Obviously. 😉
  19. My church has been live streaming this whole time, but now they want people to start hosting small "watch parties" in their homes. Technically, the state allows groups up to 10...but I'm still uncomfortable with that. I guess they figure the small group in each house will be the same week after week, and this is a way to foster community until we can all meet together. But idk...as an introvert, I'm also really uncomfortable with "churching" in someone else's house.
  20. DH has been sick sick with a headache since yesterday. Normally, I'd ignore it because that man is 1-part germ-magnet, 1-part hypochondriac. But now I'm super paranoid...
  21. Lol, yes! I snooze my MIL because she posts excessive amounts garbage. Every month or so, I'll be scrolling along, wondering why my feed is full of unpleasantness. Ahh...mil is back. Re-snooze.
  22. Thanks for all the ideas! We currently have corn hole, swingball, horseshoes. Some of the water games might be good (no room for slip 'n slides but water guns might work). Maybe badminton! That'd be new. Not sure about croquet...small camp sites and not too much grass... Thanks again!
  23. Well, I don't have a business account so I can't speak to that. I don't have a PayPal debit card, either. But previously, money I'd made from selling an item would be waiting in my PayPal account, and when I paid for something via PayPal, it would automatically be pulled from that amount. Now, when I sell something, I have to do something to get that money (accept it, transfer it to my bank, etc). ETA: found this PayPal article: https://www.paypal.com/us/smarthelp/article/policy-updates-and-user-agreement-changes-to-personal-paypal-accounts-faq3996
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