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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. My girls still talk about the April Fools when I put red jello in their cups and told them it was Kool-Aid and they tried to drink it. That was years ago. I have Jello in the cabinet...I may do that for them.
  2. Sure it's fine! Especially now -- good, snugly book time will be more remembered and effective. I really like CLE reading, but I like to for grades 4-8 where they only have 5 LUs for the year. Then there's time for novels and such.
  3. My new squishy carpet has tanked my yoga practice so I caved and bought this: http://www.getlifeboard.com/ I'm sure being home all the time (and a little bored) had a little something to do with the purchase, as well.
  4. Today was good for me. DH took the girls to an outside activity (they were the only ones there) for the entire day, so I had the house to myself for hours. It's was fabulous. I took a walk, I read, I ate candy. I watched terrible tv. Then the fam brought home takeout for dinner. Score! Pretty good day.
  5. Ahh, I bought a wifi booster so everyone could Zoom in their rooms without signal dropping out repeatedly.
  6. Well, DH's nonprofit squeaked enough donations to fund this next, bi-monthly paycheck...but we're not guaranteed the next. We'll probably save it until things are stable or we need it to pay bills. (The spendy part of me wants a new tv to replace one that recently died...)
  7. We had carpet replaced right before the shut downs began, so we've been slowly putting all the pieces back together. Plus, I purged/cleaned big time as we boxed and moved things out, so everything is looking so tidy. (Also painted my bedroom right before getting the carpet in, and got a new -- much smaller -- tv stand for the living room so the room feels huge!) DH has big outdoor plans. (DH works on a university campus so has been home for weeks...and will remain home until it opens.) He wants to get rid of a large swath of pampas grass --that we've been trying to get rid of for a decade. He's convinced that this is the year it'll happen!
  8. I know, right?! I'm sure I bought it more for myself than the kids. 😉 It just arrived today - I hope it's a fun project!
  9. This morning I couldn't find TP, flour, chicken breast, and real butter sticks. There were also very few cured meats (sausage and hotdogs, especially). Limited breads.
  10. I mean, a bit of extra food and what not, sure. But as for fun stuff: we bought this DIY, mini book shop kit. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07G2MT9FQ?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_dt_b_asin_title
  11. I technically CAN make do and come up with stuff to make...I just don't like it. 😄 I like my planning and lists and knowing exactly what's on tap. This winging it mess...not my happy place.
  12. The mental energy of trying to figure out well-rounded, healthyish meals for the household...it's exhausting I'm spending more than typical on groceries but coming home slightly disappointed each time. I've given up meal planning and am just keeping a running list if things in the freezer and potential meals that can be made. Then I check them off as I make them. I guess I'm buying first and planning when I get home and survey what I found. I don't love it.
  13. Caramel Cadbury eggs. They're supposed to be for the kids' Easter baskets but I keep sneaking them.
  14. I'm 50/50 on how I order. BUT!! The times I order "queso" the waiter always replies "cheese dip?" and I KNOW my accent is not that bad! So I'm kinda like - why bother with the effort to be correct...
  15. OLD THREAD BUMP!! Has anyone used this program? I'm considering it as a summer course or 1-semester of next year...
  16. Not a meme but it sure made me smile. (Alpacas visiting care home residents through the window.) https://www.bbc.com/news/av/uk-scotland-52050755/coronavirus-alpacas-visit-care-home-to-cheer-up-residents?fbclid=IwAR1IkGKd_ZoRerub_KfZ0k46LLdoJ6_BiiWAZGeAg6affUMEWF_8mCFE0Fg
  17. Everything I've looked at ordering this week had waaay extended delivery times, like late-April or into May. (One being a wifi booster to help with all these online meetings...)
  18. I have found it less active (less easy to use?) since the forum changed to the new format. I've been selling on eBay.
  19. I've done the same, several times in the last two weeks. I feel comfortable doing so, for my location (# of known cases) and my family's health situation.
  20. Lol. I just sold an expensive video game on eBay (in which the buyer way overpaid, but whatever). I told DH that we should include a couple of rolls of TP, just to show our appreciation. 😄
  21. Same. We are not avoiding stores (I can't get online order/pickup times, so we're having to go in for groceries, more than 1x a week). I've been to the post office. DD had her wisdom teeth out on Monday. We're getting takeout at our fave, locally-owned diner (because we want them to still be around when this is over). Usually, only one of us goes out. We wash hands when we get home. No face touching, leaving space between others who are out and about. That's it for now. I don't feel unsafe* or fearful; just cautious. *this is subject to change
  22. I've seen 3rd parties assume that I, as a homeschooler, am available as a glad resource for the new "crisis schoolers." (I.e. Preacher from my church assuming that I'm here to offer counsel and advice to those navigating their new normal.) I don't especially appreciate that...
  23. We're sleeping in later here, as well. It does seem to help the day pass a little faster....but it's going to be hard to break when things are back to normal.
  24. The above combined describe our day. Math and reading followed by lots and lots of memes. We're also binge watching movies. Luckily my kids are old enough that I'm not too worried about keeping them happy, lol. We're all just going along with whatever the day brings. Trying to get outside (at least) every other day, zoom meetings for youth groups, discord chats for friends. Youngest has been wanting to play board games and cards, so I'm trying to make that happen.
  25. Aw, those squeaky, baby meows. So precious.
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