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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. Sounds pretty innocent to me. I thought this thread was going to be about less innocent parking lot hanging out...
  2. This thread made me realize I don't have many pics of me! (And every attempted selfie has 41 chins...) Here's a quick snap of a Polaroid that my 6 yr old niece took at Christmas (testing out her new camera): ...
  3. I added several boxes of herbal teas to my prep (Throat Coat, Breathe Easy, etc). Figure we'll have something warm to sip if we come down with crud.
  4. Great reminder. I hadn't planned on buying water, but DH uses distilled in his cpap.
  5. My county's local 911/emergency management FB page just released a series of infographics re:emergency prep for seniors. They have not mentioned the coronavirus at all...but I don't think the timing is a coincidence. One thing the included (that I don't see mentioned) is incontinence products.
  6. When I was in Walmart earlier, every single employee I saw was wearing plastic gloves. I have never seen it to this extent (maybe normally a cashier or two). Idk if this is flu related or coronavirus. Today I grabbed: sambucol, gummie vitamins, Clorox wipes, toilet paper, paper towels. And Easter candy. My next trip will be for: oatmeal, rice, pasta, canned beans, salsa, pasta sauce, powdered parm, canned veg & fruit, Spam, tuna, V8, breakfast bars. Maybe Boost or protein drinks. All things we use now, just 5-6 cans extra to stash under my bed...
  7. I like the curtains. (Though, in full disclosure, I don't have curtains in my living room because I prefer the clean lines...) Maybe get pillow covers to tie in the blues.
  8. Yikes. And here I was feeling sorry for myself because of ringworm on my stomach. But worm worms...you have my greatest sympathies. I know your teen was hysterical! I would be, too! (And yep, I'm itchy now...)
  9. This is us, these last two weeks. We're getting new carpet, and I'm boxing the rooms up (and purging big time!) This may be the thing that gets my oldest DD to finally organize her room. I've donated a trash bag of paperbacks, 2 bags of board games, 1 of clothes, and a giant plastic drawer/organizer. Whew!
  10. Love the pics. Did y'all plan the trip yourselves or was it a preplanned itinerary (travel agent, etc)?
  11. Paula's choice has a spray in her Clear line (SA) marketed for bacne. DD has it but isn't consistent so I can't speak on results. Cerave now has a BP face wash. I am thinking that may be good for the parts of shoulders/etc that can be reached in the shower.
  12. Younger DD will be in 7th -- and I've almost forgotten to plan for her since I've been focused on older DD's 9th grade plans. Math: TT7 LA: CLE Reading 6 and/or 7 (we're on 5 this year and it's a semester course); Writing - ??? Might try and do the first 2 books from The Paragraph Book series. Spanish -- Duolingo and ULAT Bible -- Starr Meade survey History -- ???? Maybe some state history + world geography Science -- maybe an earth science or astronomy. We have Tiner's History of Medicine...maybe. Art -- ??? Piano, PE at the YMCA
  13. Whew. Third time's a charm. Furniture loaded up and taken away! One step closer to a decluttered home!
  14. I'd mount a cubby/bookshelf on top, and then paint it all a cohesive color. Similar to these:
  15. Vent ahead. Ugh, I know this has been discussed before, but what is wrong with people?! I've offered up a piece of furniture for free on my town's local FB exchange. I'm on my 3rd person. They each contact me with interest, set up a pick up time, and then they no show/ghost me. Why?! If you don't want it, don't contact me! Okay, rant over.
  16. We buy used iPods off eBay. We've had no problem with the ones we've gotten.
  17. We adored the Aesop's Fables reading/writing/thinking series from Royal Fireworks Press when DD was younger. (Ooh, and I'm just seeing they've come out with a dyslexia font version!) https://www.rfwp.com/series/aesops-fables-books-about-reading-writing-and-thinking-special-dyslexia-friendly-font#book-aesops-fables-my-book-about-reading-writing-and-thinking-vol-i-dyslexia-version Anyway...DD is feeling like writing is a drudgery. Her older sister plugged happily away with EiW, but it isn't working for this working for this child, and we need a break. Maybe we'll come back to it later, but for now she needs something more fun and visual. A little drawing, a little grammar and mechanics, and little writing...all together. Is there anything like the above mentioned series, but for older students? DD is in sixth but isn't a strong or willing writer, so I'm open to elem. curriculum, as long as it isn't babyish.
  18. Following. I was all set to use CLE Bible 7 for next year (despite the KJV) but the more I look, the more I think it won't work for us. I'm considering some of the Kay Arthur books, maybe the three that go through John...
  19. Ditto with my dyslexic kiddos and the alphabet/days of the week/months of the year. They also (middle schoolers, mind you) cannot tie their shoes. Well, youngest somewhat learned a couple of months ago...but oldest, nope.
  20. Here's what I have so far, though I hesitate to share because DD will be working below grade level in a few subjects. (Perhaps it'll help others in the same boat...) Math: Alg. 1 (probably continue TT) English: EiW9/EiL9...probably Maybe Lightning Lit 7+8 as a gentle intro Science: 1-yr survey from Masterbooks History: CLE's Western Civ (technically a middle school course but it fits where she is) + Khan Foreign Language: Duolingo + ULAT Health/PE: PE at the YMCA (approx 70 hrs/yr so ~0.5 credit) + half of a health book maybe art
  21. I've unfollowed most of my FB friends, lol. I mostly just get my daily fix of cat videos and BBC One comedy shorts. (Even for my immediate family, I don't always like or comment on their posts...)
  22. I'm currently neck-deep planning for my first high schooler. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed, truthfully.
  23. So far so good. Oldest still is very sniffly/stuffy but no fevers or anything. ---------------- Are we safe to go to church tomorrow? Are we out of the red or could we still be sketchy?
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