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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. I got the recipe here last Christmas! It's yummy (we skip the onions and peppers because my kids want none of that nonsense.)
  2. Sometimes I just slice tomatoes and shred lettuce on paper towels. 😳 Then just toss when done (there's usually not leftovers.) Cheese is bagged, jalapeños/salsa is in a jar. Sour cream we scoop straight from the tub. Those just go back to the fridge.
  3. Growing up, I was obsessed with those ham/cream cheese/dill pickle rolls. Usually they're sliced into bite-sized bits. Yum! (I forgot about those -- may have to make some!!)
  4. We do appetizers for NYE. This year we have pizza dip + baguette, apple dip and apples, pork dumplings, samosas, mini tacos, lemon ricotta, and macarons. (The last 5 are from Trader Joe's.) We also like jalapeño popper dip, meatballs, and little sausages.
  5. I love Jane Adams's Gentle Yoga DVD. I've got all her DVDs but Gentle Yoga is my fave. It has several practices. Her Balance & Strength DVD has a seated practice I enjoy. ETA: I just saw that you needed lying. Gentle Yoga has one lying practice and one that's partially on the floor. Maybe Mimi Solaire Deep Stretch Yin Yoga. It's super gentle and soothing. From what I remember, it's done laying down.
  6. I didn't read all the replies (so my apologies if this is redundant or irrelevant) but my local community college has a growing sustainability farming/green building program. The students who are in the ag program tend a small farm/large garden and learn about methods and such, with hands on experience. Maybe something like that would be beneficial.
  7. This is very similar to the approach we used (with good results). I also started with a treatment of the heavy duty stuff from the pharmacy, and then was just diligent with brushing. However, if I'd treated and treated and was still having issues, I'd seek a professional. And I'd strip my house down and deep clean (high heat dry) everything.
  8. I believe I'll go with VISION (get it? 2020 vision?). I like a good pun. But seriously, I tend to float along and not make progress. I turn 40 this year and am feeling the need to create VISION, to plan what I want my future to look like.
  9. If you have central air, change the filters! (Ask me how I know, haha!) Febreeze might help.
  10. No mishaps but MIL and SIL (who live together and host Christmas for that side of the family) neglected** to tell us that they'd been sick. Like, requiring antibiotic, coughing-up-a-lung sick. Despite my obsessive Germ-X and elderberry use, youngest DD is currently laid up on the couch with a fever and sore throat. Grrrr... **and by "neglected," I mean purposely didn't tell us because they wanted our presence, no matter what.
  11. My goodness, how insane. Next time, she should leave them on the porch to (potentially) get stolen. Sheesh!
  12. Mine haven't bickered much this year...but they did both acquire colds during our travels so that might have something to do with it. 😉 They're both laid up on couches with blankets now, watching their iPads in silence.
  13. Haha. I have one like this and teaching her to ride a bicycle was awful! I'm sure people thought I was a terrible, abusive mom.
  14. @Ottakee - we like the games you listed and we got a game called Cinco Linko for Christmas. It's a "make 5" game (like connect 4) with some variation. Easy to learn and can be cooperative (players working together to stop another from making 5) or not. We've played this several times since getting it. Your players might like it.
  15. Yes, it's a quick reaction game (with visual and speech discrepancies -- say one thing but see another). And yes, it's a dangerous game!! 😂 DD fingernail-stabbed me last night. Ouch. For those that liked this game, we got another game from my mom for Christmas that's very similar. It's called Color Smash (it's another visual/word discrepancy game with slapping).
  16. That's wonderful! I haven't seen the movie, but a few months ago I watched a documentary about Mr.Rogers. He was such a gentle, kind soul -- I was literally in tears for parts of it. (And I wasn't a huge fan as a kid; I watched but at that age I preferred Sesame St.)
  17. This year was our first that Santa didn't play a part. It was all so low-key and chill, lol. No late night scramble! Wooo!
  18. This is what I was doing to say. Maybe tickets to some com-con or something.
  19. Interesting! I love to see other' reading plans! This year was a higher # for me (just shy of 80 books) but I'm considering giving myself some structure/guidelines for the coming year...
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