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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. https://www.google.com/amp/s/pagesix.com/2020/02/20/meet-the-hair-colorist-who-helped-sharon-osbourne-and-jane-fonda-go-gray/amp/
  2. I thought gray has been "in" for a few years now. Jane Fonda and Sharon Osborne just recently debuted their new looks (though they had the assistance of a professional colorist, hours and hours and thousands of dollars, to make the transition easier). I don't color my grays because I'm cheap and lazy. End of story. I'm sure it ages me...but no more than my crocs and cargo capris. 😉
  3. I like the next to last pic. The first two (and possibly the last) have too much blue, though I do like the pattern of the last one.
  4. Mine have always loved Mrs.Piggle-Wiggle (they still do!), Igraine the Brave, Mr.Popper's Penguins, and Dragon Rider.

    • FOR SALE
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    BOOKSHARK SCIENCE 6 Includes: Teacher's Guide all books supply kit sold by Bookshark 2 extra sets of student sheets A few student sheets have been used (but the guide comes with a complete set of sheets for copying). I just purchased them separate because I'm lazy. 😉 From the science kit, the packet of soap flakes has been used -- everything else is new and unused. This is a like new set, other than that listed above. Will ship in 2 boxes.


  6. Lol. Same here but it was that both kids are away for the night! Yay! DH wakes up with a nasty cold and Aunt Flo visits early and with a vengeance. Well, never mind...
  7. This is local to me. I just saw the notification sent out via FB from our county emergency center. I hope he's been strict with his self-isolation (though I'm not holding my breath - he was in an outbreak area and symptomatic and he still flew home...)
  8. Well, that's assuming the tea can be brewed properly. I mean, if for whatever reason the tea can't be well made, then it's not an enjoyable experience.
  9. I think it'll look great, especially if you get the grout close! And it'll have a bench over it, right?
  10. I'm considering spelling for my rising 9th and 7th graders. Both have been through several levels of Apples & Pears, but they're still inconsistent spellers. I don't know that we want a traditional spelling program at this stage , especially the 9th grader, though I'd love a 1-2 year intensive...if it existed. Has anyone ever just taken the Fry 1000 High-Frequency word list and just gone through it? I kind of feel that as long as they can spell these commonly used words, they can get by with everything else. Thoughts? Or would it be pointless with two undx dyslexics, and I should just go straight for assistive apps/software for them. I don't want to waste time if it's proven to not be helpful...
  11. Okay: here's my story about people thinking no one can see them in cars... When my girls were little, we were waiting in a parking lot on a college campus. I glance at the car next to me, and a young man was...idk, rearranging his man parts. Fully pulled his p3nis from his shorts and was, I don't even know, but I could see. Everything. So I'm all like, "Girls! Look at that!" and pointing in the opposite direction, lol. I'm sure he would've been mortified to know he gave me a show.
  12. I haven't prepped a whole lot. I bought rice, beans, canned veg, applesauce, peanut butter, pasta and jar sauce, oatmeal. Some shelf stable milk and protein drinks. Cough med, restocked my sambucol, lots of herbal tea, hand soap. Toilet paper and laundry detergent. That's pretty much it. All things we normally use, in the sizes I usually buy. Might grab a few more things here and there. Finding a place to stash it was interesting! We're currently in the middle of recarpeting the whole house and shifting things from room to room as they get done. I stacked everything in my master bathroom closet for the moment.
  13. Yikes! I bought several boxes last week, in anticipation of possibly getting sick in the coming weeks. I did have one mug and the brand I used (Traditional Medicinals) was good...but had a very strong aspartame-like aftertaste that punches you right in the back of the throat. Other than that, I fared well. 😉 DD likes chamomile and minty things; I'm more fond of sweet or strong spices (❤️️ cinnamon).
  14. DH went into Walmart last night to grab something non-coronavirus related. He said there was no water except a few gallons of distilled (which he bought because he uses it in his cpap and is almost out), only a few packs of toilet paper (which I now want to forever call "loo paper" because...it sounds adorable), no sanitizer, and no tylenol (not even generic). We're in NC and haven't even had many cases yet! He did but jalepeno spam because he said it looked interesting...
  15. Yeah, I cube it pretty small and just throw it in a (dry, no oil) pan for a few minutes. Then sprinkle with soy sauce and fry a bit more. It's pretty salty (spam=salty, soy sauce =salty) but the rice cuts it.
  16. I'm not going to judge you. We eat it, maybe, once a month. We pan fry it with soy sauce and eat it over rice. DH learned to eat it this way from his college roomie whose Vietnamese mom cooked it for them. (And I bought 4 cans to stock up because it was on sale, and I know we'll eat it...)
  17. My DD has gotten into herbal tea. They serve it at a weekly event she attends, and she'd like to have it at home. I bought her a sample pack of Bigelow (which I cannot see without saying in my head: Deuce Bigalow Male Gigalo... 😳) and so far she's content, however: What are your favorite brands and flavors? For herbal teas, do you cover your cup when you steep it? With what? I was thinking if getting her little silicone cup-covers or a cup with a lid to go in her Easter basket... Honey, sugar? Thanks!
  18. Sweet tea is so individual. Every family has their best way. Growing up, my mom had a special pot that was only ever used for tea, lol. It was a little thing, missing its handle, stained a bit brown from years of steeping tea. 4 tea bags and water and steep the heck out of it. Pour it in the pitcher, then add approx. a cup of sugar, and two more pot fulls of cold water. I rarely make sweet tea, though I love it. (Too much irritates my mouth.) When I do make it, I make it in a quart jar with a family size tea bag and sugar to taste (I use 1/3-1/4c).
  19. I just saw this. I have to admit: both of my DD's are headed to Raleigh for a huge, multi-church youth retreat this weekend. I've got the faintest of uneasy twinges about it now...
  20. We already know of one student whose (either spring break or summer intensive) was canceled. This student needed that class to graduate *this May*, and was supposed to start law school in the fall. Now they're not sure what to do.
  21. Posted at the same time as Pawz, saying mostly the same thing... Also, people are being told to prep/stock up. Most prepping prior to this (at least that which gets attention) tends to focus on large-scale disaster (EMP, government collapse) in which case, utilities would be unavailable. So people may think "be prepared" = copious amounts of bottles water.
  22. I assume because emergency preparedness for a weather-related emergency is a Known. Most haven't experienced any sort of epidemic/quarantine, so that's an Unknown. When times are uncertain, people tend to stick with the known.
  23. Yeah, people are so flaky. I have had so many people contact me for things *I'm GIVING away* and go through the effort of arranging a time to get it...and no show. Totally ghosting me when I try to contact them.
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