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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. OP - that stinks. My DH still technically has a job, but they don't know how they're paying him and his coworkers. This isn't a business that'll get govt subsidies or any help like that; it's a nonprofit run on donations...and most people won't have the money to give (especially since the service DH offers isn't being given due to closures).
  2. Gah. My parents live in that area. Eastern NC had no known cases of coronavirus...but I wonder how many of those fleeing DCers have possibly been exposed. It's such a rural area, also. Don't they realize how limited the medical resources will be, if they sicken while on this "vacation"?
  3. 😞 I think this will soon be everyone's story. Prayers for your loved ones.
  4. I saw on FB, my county is offering free breakfast and lunch, available to pick up for anyone under 18, at several school locations. Adults can also get food, $2 for breakfast/$4 for lunch.
  5. NC is making the move to drive-through/take-out only, today at 5pm.
  6. LOL! I told my girls that I wasn't that worried about TP because there's always showers and socks. The look on their faces...priceless.
  7. NC - schools closed, the zoo, state museums, state parks - closed. (Trails and bathrooms remain open/available.) Library in my county just closed. My kids' dentist - closed for the rest of the month.
  8. We've been staying busy. We just wrapped up a 3-week carpet installation saga, which required the complete emptying of most of the rooms in my house. So now we're putting all the pieces back together, but in a super tidy and mindful way. We purged so much and are really thinking about purpose and organization. It's like the world and our house are complete chaos...but our house is slowly clicking back into perfect, working order (which is soothing). And we did school today, which got dropped most of last week.
  9. Which is bizarre. I mean, surely she realizes she'll have to face your DD when this is over? (Or perhaps not, if they're out for the rest of the school year and they have different apartments/roomies next year). But still!
  10. I told my girls that if push comes to shove, we just eat a late breakfast (because we have plenty of oatmeal and breakfast bars) and then an early dinner. We can do fine on two meals a day. They looked at me like I was crazy. I was in jest...but also laying out my options if things get tight.
  11. But what kind of idiot allows their name and photo to be published, with proof that they have an excess of a highly desirable item in desperate times? Not very bright, if you ask me.
  12. Yeah. Lowes carries a brand called Moxie. (?) They had quite a bit the other day, even when my local Walmart and grocery stores were completely out.
  13. The movie Outbreak is currently trending on Netflix. It keeps recommending it to me and I'm like...nah, I'll pass.
  14. Thank you! The guy doing the dunking is DH.🙂 DD will be 12 this summer.
  15. I posted above that DD was to be baptized today, and then posted that our church was canceled (technically, they're switching to a streaming service for now.) Anyway, we had family coming in for DD's baptism and we didn't want to postpone indefinitely...so here we were, last night at the lake. We did have a few friends (and my parents) join us. (Don't quote pic, will later delete.)
  16. My county's Council on Aging has temporarily suspended Meals on Wheels. I hope there are backups in place.
  17. So...re: sniffles. Are people concerned that sniffles = coronavirus? All of the side-by-side comparison charts I've seen (covid/cold/flu/allergies) say that coronavirus doesn't present with sniffles/runny nose/sputum? Is this wrong? (I legit want to know if I'm misinformed.) (Or are people *in general* avoiding all those with any signs of illness? Not judging, just trying to categorize things in my head.)
  18. ...and ours cancelled. They followed the state's closing of the public schools.
  19. Our church just sent out their plan (subject to change). Their adding services so that the gatherings can be smaller. They're also taking steps to make everything touch-free (no food in the cafe, gloves door holders and such).
  20. Our church is supposed to make a decision tomorrow re: this Sunday. Our governor recommends no gatherings over 100 -- our church is currently less than that so...gray area. Selfishly, DD was supposed to be baptized this Sunday, so I'm hoping we'll make it one more week.
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