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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. Nothing specific -- just whatever my library had available as an ebook. I read a fair bit of Elizabeth Hoyt (def *not* "clean"). As far as clean romance, I really enjoyed Edenbrooke:A Proper Romance by Julianne Donaldson.
  2. +1 Also, for me, we sacrifice a second income so I can homeschool. This means we can't afford the extras that my kids' peers participate in. It's a trade-off, but we decided it was worth it. (And I'd definitely hard pass on helping another family get those extras.)
  3. My dad visited my brother on Saturday and then spent Monday-Weds at my house. Well, sometime (maybe Tues) we find out my brother and his 4 littles (2, 2, 4 and 6) are down with the flu. Brother had cold-like symptoms on Saturday but didn't realize the had the flu. Dad was fine at my house but called just now (Friday) to say he'd tested positive for the flu. 😷 So...at this point what can be done? We've been living for 2 days with no special cleaning precautions. Should I still Lysol the heck out of the house? Take more elderberry? (Does that even help?) Oldest DD has the sniffles today. Could that be the onset? We've not had the flu in a decade -- I'm panicking, lol.
  4. Also, is this just a tour for your oldest, or is it part of a larger group tour of the campus? (In which case, it may be bothersome/distracting for other college-bound students to have to tour with a group of littles...)
  5. Oh sure! I started off the new year with a 1 month binge of risqué romance novels. Nothing too deep there, lemme tell ya! 😉
  6. DH had it during chemo, maybe from a certain med.
  7. I'm having trouble posting a link but if you search "nanny" you're looking for the two recent threads by caedmyn (sp?). Here's one: https://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/691522-hiring-a-sitternanny-for-school-hours-reasonable-expectations/?tab=comments#comment-8455914 ETA: Chris in Va beat me to it. There are 2 threads. Hers is the update thread.
  8. What is the disturbing photo? Is it re: when she was groped by that dude?
  9. My 13 year old loves TS. What would you say the intended audience is for this doc? (Tween fan friendly?)
  10. Bike riding? (I know it can be hard to find good bikes for larger people...)
  11. Don't quote this -- I'll be deleting. Also, both my kids got a little...experimental...with the razor (below the belt) really early on and regretted it. That junk itches when it grows back in! If I could go back, I'd be more preemptive and say, "Hey, some ladies choose to shave xyz, however...this can be an uncomfortable experience if not done properly. Razor burn, itchy/pokey hairs/etc. Save it for later." 😉 Just sayin'.
  12. This is me. My family hates it because I also feel compelled to share my predictions, lol.
  13. Ah, so you're talking like a country ham. Like the salty kind? Yeah, I believe that would need some sort of soak/simmer. Sorry - I was talking about the other sort of Smithfield ham (maybe a picnic ham). I missed that "cured" meant "country ham." I've only ever used country ham bits in a soup or something.
  14. My oldest was fearful of razors so we did an electric razor first for a while. She eventually figured out it was quicker just to do it in the shower. Provide shaving cream. I don't use it (and my girls don't now) but they started off with it. My youngest shaves like once a year, lol, right before summer camp. Otherwise she can't be bothered. 😄 My oldest is meticulous about shaving.
  15. We bake ours (like big Smithfield hams at Christmas/Thanksgiving). Usually covered and with water in the pan, 30 min/pound.
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