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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. I doubt I'll make any major changes. Maybe I'll be better about washing hands after being out? Idk, I'm pretty loosey-goosey about many things (like germs, lol). This may just bring me up to other people's normal standards. DH wants to keep some (above and beyond) food stores on hand, but he's always leaned a bit prepper.
  2. DH pointed this out earlier. Wonder if it means anything.
  3. My kids have been playing scribbl.io with their friends online (while chatting voices only) via zoom/discord. They said it's like pictionary. https://skribbl.io/
  4. Could I use an electric hand mixer? (I don't have a whisk attachment, though...)
  5. DH was telling me about his Indonesian friend who came to the States and had to get used to TP. Said he used a whole roll for one bathroom trip because he just didn't feel as clean as he did with water (they didn't have a bidet but a bucket with a dipper).
  6. DH and I just had a long discussion, trying to figure the logistics of bidet-ing. I feel like there needs to be a drying step (washcloths or something!) DH spent a semester in Indonesia in college, and while he used the squatty potty, he never went without TP.
  7. I must be living under a rock -- I'd not heard I'd this! Now I'll have to pick up instant coffee so we can experiment.
  8. Well, I mean, I wouldn't turn down pie either... which probably explains why, to quote Tommy Boy: https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/7499f649-60ed-41ee-aef0-093727eb696a
  9. 😱😱 My goodness! I'm totally making cake this week -- consider me inspired!
  10. Well, I want to come quarantine at your house! I love cake! (The only sweet we've had is sugar-free pudding...because I overbought when DD had her wisdom teeth out last week. So...tired...of...pudding...)
  11. I always make photo calendars for family for Christmas, with pics from major events from the previous year. Last nigh, DH said that this coming year's calendar is going to be pretty boring; pictures of us just sitting around watching Netflix for March-June. 😂
  12. Meh, we just grabbed 1 of the 2 remaining that Walmart had. I haven't a clue if it's any good...(and I'm not even sure that it's helping, lol).
  13. I miss having the house to myself every now and then. I'll miss our traditional Easter gathering. We usually spend a long weekend with my parents and have church and lunch and an egg hunt/party with a large, extended family.
  14. Assuming they can get it. I've been trying for 3 weeks to get a pick up slot...nope. (Luckily my kids are older and I leave them home.)
  15. My MIL said her local pizza joint was selling those giant rolls (as well as sourcing meat purchases). I've seen a local bakery in my area selling commercial TP (again, the giant rolls) alongside milk from local dairies and such. I'm guessing just ask around...?
  16. Basically the same concept as a pessary. OP - I've been using these videos on YouTube but not long enough to say that they're effective. https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDputRBPsHFRw1KSB9o89XeNbTuD-Wi0t
  17. I have a whackadoodle relative who is hard core into natural healing and stuff. She thinks this flu is a weaponized wave (like radio, idk) of some sort having to do with 5g??!! And that the vaccine will microchip all of us so the government can track us...? I can't even. 😶
  18. Yep, I'm currently waiting on book 2 & 3 of a trilogy. *sigh*
  19. My girls were young. Around 10, I think. Young 10. Youngest was pretty regular from the get-go. Oldest had a short cycle, followed by a 3-month pause, then a very regular cycle since then. Also, my cycle went to heck-in-a-handbasket when oldest DD started. And like @fairfarmhand - my oldest had a lot of emotional/hormonal issues before. Since she was so young, I didn't really know why she was so...volatile (her entire 9th year).
  20. We always take a small trip (GWL) in late May. I'm thinking we'll postpone it until the fall/winter. (We've done Christmas at GWL, but never Howl-oween...maybe that'll be fun.) We paid deposits (in Feb) for three summer camps for the kids in June. I'm waiting to hear what the camp's plans are...then we'll see.
  21. No but funny enough, I asked DH why there were so many more dogs barking at night. Real dogs. I mean, are they all working from home now? Maybe it's the nice weather and they're all outside? I never noticed them before but every night, a cacophony of barking.
  22. Well, if no one shops online, those people will have no jobs. I think most people (especially those possibly living paycheck to paycheck) are glad, even now, to keep working.
  23. I'm not, nor gloves. I sanitize my hands when I get back in my car. I wash them again once I get home. Shoes stay at the door, as always. That's it (not changing clothes or anything.)
  24. I did it again, too. This time I filled the pitcher with Jello, lol. Maybe that'll throw them off since I've done the cups before...
  25. Pretty frequently, surprisingly. I've been to the grocery store or Walmart several times. Lowes 1-2x. The post office 3x. Drive thru at the bank, water bill payment, takeout. Walking at a local trail. DD had her wisdom teeth out last Monday. All of that seems like a lot...but none of it was gratuitous (except maybe takeout). We went straight out, minimal contact, straight home.
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