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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. @Ottakee - what leggings did you end up ordering? I'm considering the Pop Fit (finally saw the FB ad) though I'm on the line between two sizes, so I'm not sure which to get...
  2. Awesome, thanks all! I've already got this coming year covered, but this will possibly be for the following year (10th).
  3. I mean, eww. I'll admit to letting my dog kiss me but I've never intentionally (I have been caught off guard by enthusiastic pups) let or encouraged a strange dog lick my face. Eww.
  4. I mean, idk. But that family, though! Can we expect a Kardashians in the White House special? Yikes. My hang up is: we seem to have forgone the need for experience in this position. Rich/successful *does not equal* politically knowledgeable/capable. I'd sure like to see someone with success running, say, a state, before handing over the reins of a country.
  5. Has anyone used this? I'm not sure if it's a MS or HS course, but it's caught my attention. I've never used Oak Meadow before so I'm unsure of what to expect. Here's the sample: https://www.oakmeadow.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/english-9-overview.pdf The sample says there's no teacher's guide, but the store does have one listed. Is it needed?
  6. I do! In fact, just this week I got all caught up to the current year. I hadn't printed pictures since 2014! (In my defense, DH was diagnosed with cancer that year and many things were let slide...). I got everything uploaded (which took forever) and ordered: just shy of 1,400 pictures! 😵 Price was about $140 total (part of that was $50 shipping -- that's where Snapfish gets you). Anyway, I put them in 300-picture albums, nothing extra or fancy; I just write the timeframe on the inside cover. They're all organized chronologically but I just fill up each album (so an album may run, for example, May 2015-Feb 2016). Once an album's filled, I start a new one. ETA: I also print occasional photobooks, usually for special events. After our dog passed 3 years ago, I made my kids books compiling all our dog pictures. Same for after our big Disney trip. I'll probably do another from a family photo shoot we did a few years ago.
  7. Gosh, it all just sounds like such a logistical nightmare. Especially for those districts that are cycling days/weeks at school with weeks at home. I don't see how parents will find child care for these schedules (though -- are most of these cycling schedules for older kids?) It also seems like there's a big likelihood of kids showing up on the wrong week. Surely I'm not the only person that (at times) can't keep my mess straight, lol. Plus, those kids with minimal home support -- I hope there'll be support from the school system so kids aren't mixing up their schedules!
  8. Ha! I just told DH last week that I was going to turn my mask into a feedbag! Except I was going to use Cheetos. 😄 I suppose M&Ms would be tidier.
  9. If you like mythology at all, I recommend Circe by Madeline Miller. It was one of my favorite reads from the past year.
  10. My DD is midway through her braces. Her ortho opened back up about a month ago, with many precautions. I've felt fine with it; as a family, we're fairly low-risk.
  11. Omgosh, yes. And not just when sleeping. I'm always super hot after my shower, but give it an hour and then I'm freezing. (I start off in shorts and then switch to sweats. And then sometimes back again, depending if I get hot again -- like I did cleaning the bathroom today.) FWIW, I'm 40 and I've no clue if my issues are hormonal or what. ETA: I also go to bed freezing, every night. Midway, I wake up roasting and kick off socks and extra blanket. Then I'm fine.
  12. Does your church follow a specific Sunday School curriculum? Because -- as a parent -- I'd be pretty PO'd if someone went off and taught something of their own choosing, needed or not. (Sure, your topic is right/good, but straying from approved-curriculum could later be problematic.) But... if your church has teachers prepare their own material, then I'd approach it from a biblical perspective. Who does Jesus love, how did Jesus show love to others, how does He want us to treat others, etc?
  13. Love reading these traditions! I have them make personalized signs with name/grade/year, and then take a photo of them holding it. They fill out questionnaires with their fave color/best friend/fave song/etc. We do an artsy, paint handprint (a carry over from their teensy days, but they still demand we do it). Then I usually have them write about their fave memories from the summer. And sometimes we go to the "expensive bakery" and buy the fancy donuts. Also, sometimes we go to the zoo...but it's hot as heck here in August and I'm not wearing a mask outside in that humidity...so we'll probably skip that one.
  14. Yes this. And if you can paint and redo the floor before moving in, DO IT! We live in a 1100 sq ft house and I'd totally take a fixer if it meant doubling our square footage! In our current house, we've done tons of cosmetic stuff (new flooring, new paint, redone kitchen cabinets and appliances, new bathrooms - everything but the tub, painted ceilings, new light fixtures/ceiling fans, new doors, etc). Most of it was no biggie and spread over the last 14 years. Recarpeting the house while living in it was the biggest deal...that was super stressful.
  15. Ahhh. The dragon ones? (My previous searches were pulling up a 3-series Christian-romance-mystery, lol.)
  16. My search for this series only comes up with 3 books. Can you link this series? Maybe I'm looking at the wrong thing...
  17. We have, multiple times. Also drinks through McDs drive-thru and takeout bubble tea. We're not taking any different precautions with it.
  18. Yes, this. My youngest has only read graphic novels up to now. Flat out refused "regular" novels (despite being read to and the plenitude of books available in the house). In the past week, something lit her up to read the Percy Jackson books (I believe it was a YouTube comment). Lucky us! We have that series on oldest DD's bookshelf. Yay for having books!
  19. Are you rereaders? If so, then there is ABSOLUTELY value in owning. We have access to a great library, but sometimes we click with a book or author want to add it to our permanent collection. We like reading favorites over and over. Since the SIP orders (mid-March), I've bought 25-30 books, mostly used (half of those were in a "lot" on eBay). Usually we just buy books for gifts (bday, Christmas, Easter) but this has been a special circumstance. I also have a well-stocked Kindle. Some people get manicures or new vehicles...we buy books.
  20. Well poo. I was really hoping that everyone would know the magic solution (other than coloring, ha!). I'm sorry to have company with this problem, but it's nice to know I'm not alone! I've never been much for doing hair...but I need to do something about this.
  21. I don't not mind my gray hairs, and I have no interest in coloring. I'm probably 10% gray, the rest dark brown. The problem: I have a lot of short, crazy grays around my temples and center part that just stick straight out/up! Or they're zigzaggy when everything else is stick straight. I look like I'm on the path to crazy witch hair. Have you found a way to tame unruly grays? I don't use hair product -- I have fine, straight hair. I've thought about straight ironing the problem area to force compliance...but I'm pretty lazy. I'd love a magic shampoo.... Suggestions?
  22. As someone married to a bearded man, this made me snort:
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