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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I thought the whole white thing was started by one of the British Queens. Wearing white was seen as frivolous because it got dirty so easily. You used to get married in your best dress and wore it again. But a white dress, that was the height of luxury. Totally impractical.
  2. I am sorry that your parents handled this news so poorly. It is frustrating and hurtful. Most likely your mom was avoiding confrontation and took the easy way out. I hope you are able to move past the anger soon as you move forward with protecting yourself and your kids from this debacle.
  3. I saw them a few years ago in DC. Would love to see them again.
  4. It is illegal and 100% not enforced where I live.
  5. The article did not resonate with me. I don't know anytone who is staying home and relaxing becasue they are lazy. I know a lot of people staying home because they can't afford to go do anything. Even free things because it would require gas or public transit money. From the time I got my first job decades ago to now, over the years I worked longer hours for less pay. And heaven forbid you took time off or used your sick days. You had to put in the face time, first in last out. With technology, now we are available 24/7 for work. Not letting kids outside, depending on where you live, their lives depend on it. Or you fear your neighbor will call cps on you if you are not sitting outside with your 7 year oild while they play. Or you are both at work and your latch key kid would rather play video games and there is no one to say "go outside". As a society we have become obese because we have lost our connection to making our own food. Convenience food is often inexpensive and loaded with stuff you shouldn't be eating. Designed to make you crave more of it. But when you are exhausted from working long hours and you have hungry mouths to feed it is easy to grab the quick thing. Even though it really doesn't take much longer to make the meal from scratch -open box- open microwave-dinner is done is very appealing. People have forgotten how to cook or never learned. It takes some level of planning and who wants to spend their one day off in the kitchen prepping for the week? I don't see it as laziness. I see it as beaten down by life and trying to survive.
  6. It was the last Sisters Grimm book. Ds was 13 or 14. I would have continued reading aloud but they had already begun resisting. They wanted to read on their own.
  7. You can pry my pantyhose out of my cold, lifeless, and dead hands with the Oxford comma. I am so white I glow and I am translucent. I think my legs look better with hose. Plus, I hate the way my dress shoes feel on my bare feet. Those little toe hose or peds never stay on. However, I don't wear them if I am wearing open toed shoes or sandals.
  8. My son has purchased a few things from postmark. He has not been disappointed.
  9. He cracks me up. I also love his one on essential oils.
  10. A friend of mine is a life coach. She went to school for it. Has been trained. Continues her education in the field. She is frustrated with everyone and their mother calling themselves a life coach. Unfortunately, anyone can hang up a life coach shingle and start charging people. As for the mentoring aspect, I think what happens is people have bills to pay. They look for ways to monetize their skills. They realize that a lot of people come to them for advice and that there are people who get paid for what they give away for free. I detest the mlm people who push their skincare,oils,lularue all the time. Every interaction is "how can I dodge commiting to a party. Tbh, they don't remain in my friend circle for long.
  11. Thathomeschooldad and I used to talk about how he would get shunned at homeschool events. I was shunned when I would spend time with him. It was quite eye opening.
  12. When I worked full time I went out to eat with male colleagues. I went on business trips with male colleagues. I had closed door meetings with male colleagues. On a personal level, I have gone out to eat with male friends without my husband. My dh has also done all of these things. I just sent him away with a female friend of his for a few days. I couldn't make the trip and neither could her husband. Yet, we all trusted our spouses to be able to control themselves. I do understand that every relationship has their own parameters but from a business standpoint Pence can't say he is about equality while discriminating against women in a professional setting.
  13. Queen Bees and Wannabees How to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk
  14. I look at that shirt and wonder how long it will be before I dunk my sleeve in tomato sauce.
  15. Even when I worked full time I don't think I came anywhere near 63 items every year. Probably true if you are fashion conscious or super trendy.
  16. Still haven't figured it out. My best sheets are the ones my mom gave me when she downsized. Those sheets are from when I was a kid so they are at least 30 years old or more. The sheets I bought when we got married 24 years ago are still in great shape. The sheets I purchased for my kids beds have all been replaced. None of them have held up well. Disappointing.
  17. I sent she the date to family in January because the party's Memorial Day weekend. Otherwise, I would have done the standard 6 weeks out
  18. The two friends from high school that the op mentioned. Just because they are not as close now that they have all left for college does not mean they can't get back together again. OP, I am glad your dd put herself out there and is going to the amusement park and opening the door for new friend opportunities.
  19. I am so sorry your dd is having difficulties in the friend department. it is aswful feeling like you are the one always making the effort and getting little in return. Friendship is like dating. You kiss a lot of frogs before you find your peeps. She just has to keep putting herself out there, outside the comfort zone. Which is hard and I didn't learn how to do it until I was in my 40's. My advice, which I give to my son all the time becasue he never listens, she needs to start making plans with friends at home now. Reach out to those couple of friends and ask when they will be home so they can get a date on the calendar. Something to look forward to when they all get home.
  20. This ruffle does not need to make a comeback on adults. Major flashback to sweet sixteens. I have mention before my sea foam green ruffled blouse, with gold edging, that paired with the coordinating sea foam green corduroy knickers. Pulled together with my metallic ballet flats. Poodle head perm, which my mother insisted was a body wave, included. I do miss my purple and pink pinstriped Jordache cigarette jeans with matching denim jacket. I was all that and a bag of chips.
  21. I make these with some level of frequency: http://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/2011/08/12/hot-fudge-brownie-larabars/ The base is dates so I don't know how low sugar they are.
  22. Yes, I have a small emergency fund. I wish it were a larger emergency fund. I have it in the safe. Which is an antique incredibly heavy, took 3 men to get it to it's current location, safe. I also have a few little knipples (yiddish word that basically means a cash stash) hidden throughout the house. Probably easily located by thieves which is why they are small amounts of cash.
  23. Google Docs changes my word documents all the time. I save them as a PDF before sharing that way.
  24. Why won't anyone pay me a nice salary to sit on the couch and read brain candy all day? Why does everyone in my house stare into the fridge full of food and say there is nothing to eat? Why does my daughter insist on asking me what words mean when I always answer with "Look it up"? Why doesn't my daughter agree with me that Cary Grant is the sexiest, most talented actor and that Liam Hemsworth is the better looking brother? Although I shouldn't be surprised, she also doesn't think Nick Jonas is the best looking Jonas brother.
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