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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Those are not white hairs. That is freaking glitter growing out of your head.
  2. My supermarket plays the most awesome soundtrack. My dd did not appreciate my dancing and singing Kim Wilde's Kids in America while we were shopping today.
  3. la la la la la......I'm not listening.
  4. I thought it was cute. I did not enjoy all those internet haters calling him a horrible parent because he didn't pick up his child and place in his lap. And slamming the mom for dragging the kids out of the room.
  5. Spoke to my son. He met with RA's supervisor and went over everything with him. He already knew about the situation. End result is that room mate is being a butt and ds can dig his heels in as firmly as the room mate or just move. He decided to move because continuing to fight this is to stressful and he doesn't want the distraction. Not the result we wanted but at least. Y son can say he conducted himself well and have the impression of being the normal one. Told him to continue taking the high road. However, ds does not find taking the high road satisfying in the short term. Told him I know, but in the long term being the normal one gets him the recommendation and they will remember that room mate was a butthole.
  6. Yes, there are empty beds. I am sure the room mate has his reasons for being such a butt at this juncture. Since I am a petty person, I am now angry I wasted any time being nice to that kid.
  7. Dorm set up is old school double room. 2 beds, 2 desks, 2 dressers. Room mate moves in a week early because he is on the soccer team. Room mate arranged the room so he had the side by the window. Ds's bed is next to the door. Literally walks in the room. Shut the door and there is his bed. I don't know how much noise he could possibly be making since he doesn't have to go far into the room. I am waiting to hear how it went today so we can determine if we need to get involved.
  8. So, my son had mediation yesterday. It did not go well. Room mate wouldn't agree to anything and said ds has to move because he was in the room first. And the RA agreed with that. Ds was very upset last night. Dh was rightly ticked off at the lack of mediation and we told ds he needs to go to the RA boss and discuss this. The room mate doesn't have squatters rights. We explained to ds that if his coming in late in the issue and the open beds are with early to bed people then they are just making ds someone else's problem and that is not right.
  9. Don't do math in your head. For the one millionth time to my 16 year old dd. This after a million and one times to her older brother.
  10. My dd's endocrinologist is the better choice for her pcos. The gyn looked at her labs and said pcos. Only option discussed was putting her on the pill and to make an appointment with an endocrinologist. The endocrinologist added additional blood tests to rule out an other issues and started my daughter on metformin to control her insulin resistance. Showed me the line on the back of her neck that is indicative of insulin resistance. Explained all of her lab work to us. Wants to get insulin under control before adding the pill to control the testosterone levels if we want to go that route. I am not sure the pill is the way to go so I am looking at what is out there. Diet and exercise is the biggest help for controlling symptoms. Low carb diet. Supposedly gluten free and dairy free even better. I have not convinced dd to do this yet. As a family we have reduced carbs and dairy and I use a lot of turmeric and ginger in my cooking. Hopefully, you get the answers you need soon. As a side note, not all pediatric endocrinologists (or adult ones) are created equal. You may have to kiss a few frogs. I am still livid at the one I took my dd to see when she was 13. After I explained my family history of thyroid disease and the symptoms I had observed he looked at me and said "I am not in the business of giving out pills to make people skinny. If it will make you feel better you can do an ultrasound of her thyroid." I gritted my teeth and repeated myself so he would write the scrips for the blood work and the ultrasound. I wish I had just walked out but it takes forever to get an appointment and I wanted the tests.
  11. I pay m dog sitter $60 a day for an overnight stay. $20 to come walk and feed once a day.
  12. I wish someone had mentioned those additional fees when my kids did a year of dance. I was pretty ticked off to find out I had to buy tickets to the recital and a ridiculous amount of $$ on a costume that would be worn once. I dislike fundraising and I like organizations that are upfront about what my money is covering. And if there is fundraising to be done tell me upfront how much I am expected to raise and give me a buyout option. When my son did little league you could choose to sell candy or choose to add $25 to your registration fee.
  13. Spoke to my son today and he has emailed the RA and said he wants to do the mediation. And he also emailed the residence coordinator that the room mate already spoke with to discuss the situation. I still feel like room mate has the problem and room mate should leave. I did also suggest some things ds could do to keep the peace even though he doesn't feel he should have to.
  14. Sounds about right. We had an awesome philosophy teacher and he treated our group very well and really worked with me when I couldn't afford his rate increase. He was worth what he was charging but it was out of my price range. Because I had history with him and always paid every week we worked together. He told us some of the other groups he worked with parents would "forget their checkbook" every week or wouldn't show up for scheduled class and expect not to pay. He ended up changing his model to paid in full in advance of a set of scheduled classes because parents didn't want to pay, felt he was charging too much after agreeing to his rate, or felt he should work for free because homeschoolers are awesome.
  15. I don't know. According to ds he enters as quietly as possible. Doesn't turn on the lights. Changes into his pajamas and gets into bed. Ds' bed is next to the door so it is not like he is going far into to the room. Room mate may just be a light sleeper. Hopefully, I will get more information tonight from ds. Tbh, I think I am mostly annoyed that the room mate waited until their were 8 weeks left to the school year before making a stink. Seems like the kind of festering that should have been dealt with sooner. But then I try to remember that I am not living there.
  16. It does seem that way.
  17. True. I just find the app fascinating.
  18. Sounds fascinating but our backgrounds are identical.
  19. Skeletons, no. Surgery photos, crime scene photos, any photo of a cut open body, yes.
  20. It would be detrimental because of his executive function challeges. The stress of having to switch rooms would likely set him on a downward spiral. However, I do see your point. The issue that will be the most challenging to fix would be the room mates complaint that ds wakes him up when he gets back to the room late. Our take on that is that if the other room options are also full of early to bed people then he just becoming someone elses problem and nothing is fixed. Based on what ds is telling me now, they were not a good match from the beginning but up until the complaint to the RA ds thought they were co-existing reasonably well. According to ds the room mate often goes home on the weekends and there class schedules are different so they are often not in the room at the same time. The RA is also and undergraduate. Making sure an adult is part of the process is something to consider. I think what has been most shocking about this to me is the fact that the room mate decided he wanted my son to move and even went so far as to find out what my son had to do to make that happen. And sent it to him in a text. My contrarian personality says "To heck with him, he is the one with the problem so he should move." However, that is not mature or rational. I explained to ds that moving might ultimately be the right solution but the proper steps have to be taken. The room mate doesn't get to decide for ds what the solution is.
  21. My son has emailed the RA to say he wants to do mediation as he realized having to switch rooms at this juncture would be detrimental to his studies. Due to his executive function challenges he does have difficulty seeing other points of view. Since he was calmer today I was able to get him to acknowledge that just because he thinks the room mate is making mountains out of molehills that the roommates perception of the issues matters. And have some merit. Hopefully the mediation will work.
  22. Burn Notice, how did I forget I have watched that a few times and still love it.
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