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Everything posted by kewb

  1. When the songs of your youth are now used in luxury car commercials. When you look in the mirror and wonder when your mom got there.
  2. I used to have a side hustle making all natural dog treats. The kids were younger then and it took too much time away from family to be profitable. I ended up shelving the business. Now I am a very part-time dog walker. I could easily pick up more gigs but at the moment the amount I work is more than enough to balance family needs. After my dd gets her license I will consider more. At that point I will also be considering going back to a job with benefits.
  3. I didn't really want to add dh's last name but in the end I did. So I have two last names , no hyphen. No issues other then mail being addressed to wrong last name and inlaws who insist on just using his last names. Whatever. No skin off my nose to roll with it.
  4. I live near the mall capitol of New Jersey. They all seem to be doing business. Some better than others. Over the last couple of decades smaller malls near my in-laws have closed. And the open ones have a lot of empty stores. However, the mall concept has certainly been on decline for at least a decade if not longer. The decline started with a weak economy and online shopping was another, if not the final, nail in the mall coffin. I hate going to the mall. Have for decades. Which is kind of funny since I was a mall rat in my teen years. You can't pay me to go anywhere near it between thanksgiving and new years. I mourn the loss of unique stores but I admit I am part of the problem.
  5. Probably take out. We used to get a heart shaped pizza with I love you spelled out in pepperoni but the pizzaria closed it's doors a couple of years ago. Not a holiday I ever made a big deal out of. I have always found it to be a bit of a hallmark holiday. This is the first one without ds as he is away at college.
  6. I know a few people who love them to bits. However, I don't shop with companies who only offer store credit if I am dissatisfied. This would be llr.
  7. Yep, Totally Artificial Beverage. The days when I would ice cream and a tab.
  8. TaB wasn't the same after they had to remove the saccharine. Have they put it back in?
  9. When I was working full time I ordered my groceries online and picked them up after work. It was great. Rarely had a problem. If I did, usually in the form of a missing item, the store would deliver it to me within a few hours. I didn't tip the workers who loaded my groceries.
  10. Mine will probably go until they are 21. They love their pediatricians. For the yearly physical for school sports/college it is just easier to go where they have always gone. I have suggested switching and they both said no.
  11. I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, awesome. I love being able to shop and never have to speak to anyone. This is why I mostly shop online. I have used online shopping for grocery delivery and have never been disappointed but I do like to go to the store and pick my own perishable items. One the other hand we are automating ourselves out of jobs. We have a lot of people and too few jobs. Trump isn't bringing those jobs back. Not entirely his doing, Hillary wouldn't be able to bring them back either. Entry level jobs are being replaced with machines. That was coming from the moment computers were invented. What are people supposed to do? Not everyone is cut out for world of big business office jobs.
  12. I have made this recipe with success: https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1013121-pad-thai I usually sub chicken for the shrimp. Sometimes tofu. Sometimes I just use eggs for the protein. And sometimes I throw whatever vegetables I need to use up. It is pretty forgiving.
  13. What is a childhood without miss Lucy and that piece of glass? I also taught mine both versions of miss Mary Mack, one with the elephants and one with the boys.
  14. Rather horrible. I did teach her the nice version about being playmates first.
  15. I was trying to remember the name of that shampoo this morning. I could only remember the commercial with the woman saying "but don't drink it" I was a Breck girl for awhile. Also Short and Sassy with my Dorothy Hamil hair cut. Wella Balsam was a favorite And of course I told 2 friends, and they told 2 friends, and so on and so on about Faberge organics shampoo with wheat germ and honey.
  16. I use Bragg's liquid aminos instead of soy sauce. It is still pretty salty so I usually mix it with water. You could probably do the same with regular soy sauce.
  17. I had friends who had them. My kids were meh about them at friends houses so I never took the plunge. I am glad yours ate getting love.
  18. Since I taught what I could remember to my daughter, my version want like this: Oh little enemy Come out and fight with me And bring your bb gun And we'll have lots of fun I'll poke your eyes out and make you bleed to death And we'll be jolly enemies Forever more 1234 Oh little enemy I can't come out and fight My heiny's black and blue Boo hoo hoo hoo Can't poke your eyes out Can't make you bleed to death But we'll be jolly enemies Forever more 1234
  19. I see this all the time. Dh and I call it the toddler argument. So frustrating.
  20. We have this issue with out jumper. We ran a chicken wire fence around the low fence to make that portion 6'.
  21. How could forget my clogs. I had a navy blue pair and my dress clogs that were brown with a gold buckle. The cardboard piece of gum from wacky packs. Check.
  22. That is quite awesome. 5th grade fashion for me probably involved some sort of 70's polyester patchwork. We don't need to go there. However, in 6th grade I remember my love affair with strawbery bonne bell lipsmackers with the awesome roller ball.
  23. I don't think you were styling as much as I was in my sea foam green corduroy knickers with coordinating ruffle blouse. Complete with gold edging on the ruffles. That I wore with my gold metalic ballet flats.
  24. I only recently learned that not everyone can make themselves by sunlight or looking into a bright light. My dh thought I was nuts and I couldn't believe neither of my children have this ability. Choking makes me sneeze. After a coughing spell from something going down the wrong pipe I will have a sneezing fit.
  25. The rule in our house for sports: You made a commitment to a team. You are in it until the end of the season. You don't have to continue after the season is over. Quitting mid-season would require a reason other than "I don't like it" Classes: committed until the end of the session. Same quitting reason as above. Hobby that I don't pay for: quit at any time. Life skill, such as swimming, proficiency determines when you can quit.
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