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Everything posted by kewb

  1. When I started homeschooling I would sell my curriculum to buy the next year's curriculum. It was easy, no unreasonable requests, such as 75% off my asking price. Somewhere along the line it became a hassle. Everyone has a sob story. Everyone wants it for free. All I wanted to say was "guess what, I have a sob story too. I'm not selling my curriculum for a lark. I also need money to buy stuff with." I never said it. I just started donating most of it.
  2. How many dogs do you have currently? 1 What breed? He is a weimaraner/staffodshre terrier mix. We did a DNA test. What brand of food do you feed them? A mix of raw and whole earth kibble. How much do you think you spend on your dog every year? Between food and the vet, probably around $700. How often do you leave them to travel? Once a year but the last time we boarded him he did not enjoy it so we started bringing him with us. Normally I am not one for bringing my dog with me. Not everyone wants to visit with your dog and it is kind of a hassle making sure he is getting frequent walks to combat boredom. What do you love about having a dog? Unconditional love. Greatest foot warmer. What do you hate about having a dog? Drool and the expense of boarding or traveling with. Will you always have a dog? No. I have gone periods of time without a dog. It depends on life circumstances. How many dogs have you had in your life? 6 Why do you have a dog? Because my husband campaigned for a dog and caught me in a weak moment by showing me his picture and his sob story. He was supposed to be a foster dog. Once the dog entered the house I knew he would he going over my dead body. Which is why i didn't want to foster in the first place.
  3. I think the classes are a great idea. I learned what little skills I had on home ec in junior high. I learned some stuff from my mother but I was a self absorbed teen and didn't think my mother knew anything or had anything of value to teach me. I certainly wasn't listening. I suspect their are lots of young adults who were like me. And sometimes our parents don't know the best way to do something and maybe these young adults want to be better.
  4. Find yourself a lyme literate doctor right now. My dh has been disabled for years now from Lyme and it's confection friends.
  5. I have a strict no rodents in the house policy. No mice, rats, hamsters, gerbils, etc. Perhaps from my NYC experience. I have had friends who had rats growing up and they thought their rats were great.
  6. Alcoholism and addiction runs strong on dh's side of the family. I am a bit of a teetotaler. Alcohol did not play a huge part of my upbringing. My parents only drank at holidays or dinner parties. Rarely a dinner at home with just us. They certainly didn't drink to excess. They let us occasionally have a sip of wine at a holiday dinner. It wasn't so much forbidden as we were expected to follow the current laws. Any parties my sister or I threw were dry. If you brought alcohol you were shown the door. Dh, otoh, was brought up the opposite. His parents provided a keg and took everyone's keys because they were going to drink anyway. Which back then you could do. Now you can be arrested. In raising our own kids we followed my upbringing.
  7. True investigative journalism has been dying for quite awhile. Every Tom,Dick,and Harry with a blog thinks they are a journalist.
  8. I would look forward a bath and half. Showers you can schedule but that extra toilet makes a difference when more than one person has got to go.
  9. Oh, yes, it was like an out of body experience. I could hear myself being absolutely insane and had no ability to stop myself. TBH, my kids do a pretty funny impression of me behaving loopy.
  10. I was around 45. My period changed. My regular schedule was off. And my periods were worse in terms of cramping and heaviness. I spoke to my gynecologist about it. She recommended uterine ablation to help witht he periods. Best thing I ever did for myself. The crazy pms symptoms settled down about a year later. I still have issues with irritability. I find when I stay away from white sugar and chocolate the irritability is manageable and I am not as crazy.
  11. I have only made baked potatoes once in the oven, and I didn't wrap them in tinfoil. Funny story to these potatoes. The kids loved them. I think they would have written sonnets to these baked potatoes. I usually do not make baked potatoes. If I am making potatoes I am roasting them with other veggies or making fries. On the rare occasion I make baked potatoes I would make them in the microwave for expediency. 6 minutes vs and hour. To this day, mine still remember the one time I made them in the oven. I will admit, they did taste the best but I like the convenience of 6 minutes.
  12. I took some time to ponder this question. I don't think I am bitter. I wonder if I would feel differently if I haven't been dealing with trying to get the medical profession to take my dh's symptoms of his chronic illness seriously for the last dew years.
  13. Super irritable Zero patience for bull Cold flashes Tingling Nose Numbness in my legs
  14. This was my version as well. And absolutely loved The Magic Garden. I so wanted my own chuckle patch, and a story box, and a pink squirrel.
  15. My own anecdotal experience, a friend's mother did this for her son years ago. Her quote "it was a lot of work for negligible gain". She stopped after a year. Another friend, it worked great.
  16. Loved Romper Room. I do remember my grandma calling the station becasue she never said my name when she looked through her magic mirror. Also loved Wonderama and Zoom. Of course, proper tv viewing also included H.R. Puffinstuff, Sigmond the Sea Monster, Land of the Lost, and Family Affair (I miss my Mrs. Beasley doll)
  17. I an in the northeast. Definitely true. I am thankful my mother downsized when she moved across the country. She gave my sister and me some of the interesting things she owned that we wanted and sold/donated the majority of her stuff. When the time comes I hope Remington bronzes are back in style because she has a few of them. I tried to sell my China and crystal stemware for a few years. No takers. Not even at target prices. No one wants it. I have started using it for every day instead of it just sitting in my breakfront taking up space. I don't entertain like that anymore. My kids don't want it, so what am I saving it for?
  18. Just give her the space she needs and move on. If she comes back, great. If not, you will have made other friends. It may have nothing to do with you at all. I had a good friend break up with me a few years ago. It still bugs me that I have no idea what I may or may not have done. I would try to make plans and she was always to busy so I stopped trying. I would still send the occasional thinking of you text and a Happy Birthday text so she knew I was there if she wanted me. This last birthday I didn't get the thank you she usually would text so now I stopped texting altogether. When I allow myself to think about it I hope she is alright and that whatever caused her to pull away has resolved positively for her. And maybe one day we will reconnect.
  19. Now that I am thinking about it dh and ds do laugh at poor morrissey memes. My teens roll their eyes at me when I sing and dance to safety dance. To be fair, it doesn't matter what I am singing and dancing too but their seems an extra roll to men without hats.
  20. You went wrong somewhere. My kids love the 80's. Okay,that is not a true statement. When they were little they loved it. My ds is more of a classic rock guy-The Who, The Kinks, Boston, Kansas, Foreigner, etc. Dd is more of a bubblegum fan. I still remember their horror when I was able to sing every word to this great band they found. Blister in the Sun.
  21. I use vinegar and water to mop up. But only a damp mop. Not dripping with water. Periodically, I get down on my hands and knees and use a mixture of olive oil and vinegar to polish them up.
  22. My supermarket had the best music playing.
  23. Not a new term unless it is old enough to be new again.
  24. Wait, what?!? la la la la la la I can't hear you......
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