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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I thought the commercial was kind of funny and a little cringy at the same time. For certain, my man is very sexy when he does housework. In that regard, I found it entertaining. It is not making me run out and buy Mr. Clean products in the hopes my dh will clean, so in that regard it was a fail.
  2. Not my style and out of my price range. To be honest, for that money I don't understand why there is no outdoor pool.
  3. Dh and I are having difficulty on deciding when and where to move. Granted, past 40 here but the conversation started in our 40's. Dh is ready to move somewhere with a lower cost of living but still wants a house with at least 3 bedrooms. I am not ready to move because dd is a high school junior and will soon be off to college. Ds is in his freshman year of college. I don't want to sell their home out from under them until they are settled in their future. Ideally when we move it will at least be somewhat near at least one of our children. I am not sure I want another house. I love my house but I an not getting any younger and I want something with fewer stairs.
  4. Travel. So much travel. Theatre tickets, concert tickets, all kinds of tickets. A housekeeper. Outsource more high school classes.
  5. I hate shirt shopping because everything has to be layered. I don't want to layer. Which is why all I wear are my duluth trading long tail tank tops. I keep looking in the hopes that I won't be showing off my bra for the world.
  6. How old are your kids that are playing outside? I get that they are friendships of convenience, mine had similar when they were younger, but always saying no will make the friends stop asking and will alter the friendships. You may be okay with that, I know I was, but to you will have decide what your family priorities are.
  7. The open shoulder has been around for awhile now. I don't mind it in general but I don't like it for me. I do like that bra straps generally don't show. I detest seeing a spaghetti strap top over a big bra strap. It took me a long time to get my daughter to agree not to do that around me.
  8. I am about to read hillbilly elegy for book club so I am happy to see it get mention here Books I had difficulty putting down: Seabiscuit Unbroken A Woman of Substance Clan of the Cave Bear (I've read the whole series, kind of downhill after the first one but the original trilogy is worth it) The Boys in the Boat The Swans of Fifth Avenue Deer Hunting with Jesus (a collection of essays) 1000 Splendid Suns Books I hated but other people seem to love and adore: Water for Elephants The Time Travelers Wife Nectar in a Sieve Outlander
  9. I love my nutritional yeast. I do sprinkle it on popcorn. I use it in baked ziti instead of Parmesan. I use it in meatballs. I sprinkle it on pasta and on baked potatoes.
  10. I am not surprised. They have been struggling for years. The purchase of land's end just meant they ruined that brand by lowering it's quality instead of lifting themselves up. I periodically shop at Sears for inexpensive basics. The store isn't a ghost town but it is never very crowded. Even when I was kid many decades ago the store was never crowded. I do most of my shopping online so I admit that I am part of the problem department stores are having.
  11. Ugh, my dd has been using that one for awhile. The first time she asked me why I was being so salty I asked her why she thought I was behaving like an old sailor. At which point she informed me that now I was being cringy. I am also crusty when I am not being salty.
  12. I am old enough to remember when women's pants had usable pockets. They get tinier and tinier. But, I just bought a new pair of jeans that have cell phone pockets. Amazingly, these pockets are the size that pocket used to be. I will be purchasing more of these jeans.
  13. I love that stuff. My old dentist used to give to me for my teeth cleaning. I miss that. My current dentist will numb my gums for me but no gas.
  14. kewb

    Deja Vu

    I don't think I have ever experienced Deja Vu. One friend told me that meant I was a new life. Which I thought was pretty awesome but she then informed me that I was making all the mistakes that I am going to be reincarnated to fix. Hopefully, I am not messing things up too badly for my future selves. It it could be a glitch in the matrix. I hope it is nothing serious for your child.
  15. Lol, they were from way upstate. Granted for me, anything north of the city is upstate, but these people were way up.
  16. Creak. New York. However, I know people from upstate NY who say crick. Two Es, long sound. A crick is what you get in your neck when you sleep funny.
  17. I great, big, puffy heart, with googly eyes the Oxford comma. You can have my Oxford comma when you pry it from my cold, dead, and lifeless hands.
  18. My teens lifeguard but their friends have had the following types of jobs: Camp counselor General office/pool help at the town pool Busboy/dishwasher at a restaurant Counter person at an ice cream shop At the supermarket: Cart collector/stock person Deli counter
  19. They have happened in various parts of town when there is a water main break. It has been a handful of times over a 20 year period.
  20. Not at all. I never cared for them. The novelty of a hot off the belt donut was enjoyable but it is not something I need to go out of my way for.
  21. Not how it works at all. Maybe once upon a time but certainly not true in my lifetime. I peaked in my late 30's. If I had not left the corporate world I probably would have gone a bit higher in my 40's. Then ageism would rear it's ugly head. Why pay me my big paycheck, 4 weeks vacation, health insurance that I am using more, when I can hire 2 twenty somethings for less than my salary. I don't think it is a female issue. I know a fair amount of men who also face ageism in the work place. While we were a double income family we had savings and investments and lived within our means. Then my dh got sick with a mystery illness. Bye bye savings and investments. I went from solid middle class to barely getting by. I was unable to go back to work full time because I am my husband's care taker. My advice to any young person is save your money. Don't get sick. Don't get old.
  22. Yes, I fear them with the same fear I have of opening a Pillsbury container. So I don't use one or buy Pillsbury containers.
  23. Israeli Salad http://toriavey.com/toris-kitchen/2010/01/israeli-salad-week/
  24. My ds is never more than 2 inches from his phone. Someone might send him a text or he may want to watch a video.
  25. My dh uses his smart phone as an external brain. We have been working with ds to do the same but as someone else mentioned their is a maturity issue that impedes progress.
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