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Everything posted by kewb

  1. You gals are making me laugh with the Pokemon references. So glad that ship missed my house.
  2. I made Korean BBQ Sweet Lentils last night. http://itdoesnttastelikechicken.com/2016/04/20/sweet-korean-lentils/ Always a hit. Although the family prefers when I add ground beef to the dish. The dish is pretty forgiving to my adaptations. I usually double up the spices. We like spicy. Add some Shiracha. Sometimes I sub honey for the brown sugar. I have even added in a diced jalapeno.
  3. I use my vitaclay yogurt setting. Comes out perfect every time.
  4. Seriously, why? That weed has taken over my yard. For every one I dig up 3 take its place. Sure, the berries are pretty and the birds love them but that darn thing is next to impossible to eradicate. I really try not to use round up but I have tried every natural product under the sun and that round up is looking really good about now.
  5. To me it means kiss, keep it simple, stupid. I try to keep on top of the clutter (not easy when you live with pack rats). It is getting rid of things when they no longer serve. Not things like the food processor I use once a year, but things like a shirt I never wear. I had a beautiful shirt from Italy. It was a gift. It was beautiful. It required a camisole. I had great difficulty finding the right camisole. I rarely, almost never, wore that shirt. It moved from my home, to my married apartment, to our first house before I could finally say that it didn't matter how beautiful the shirt was if I was never going to wear it and I needed to donate it. I am still storing my 36 cup coffee urn. I haven't used it in at least 15 years, if not longer. I am not getting rid of it. It works and you never know when I might have a gathering that requires that urn. I did finally sell the hot stone grill set we received as an engagement gift and used once. We were married 20 years before I stopped storing it. The espresso maker that we used once, stored it for 10 years before getting rid of it. I stored our black and decker coffee maker that was an engagement gift for years when dh replaced it with one that brewed into his travel mug. Eventually, he lost the mugs and I was able to use the old pot again instead of buying a new one. Long explanation for being intentional about what I keep, activities I choose to engage in, and purchase.
  6. It could be referred pain from arthritis in your back. I get pain in my hip and my X-rays show arthritis on my spine. I would get it checked out. It might be something treatable.
  7. I have an interview today, too. Good luck to you. If you don't like the hours say so in the interview. It is easier to negotiate the change before you are hired then after.
  8. I agree. Dressy casual would leave me wondering what I should be wearing. Cocktail attire is clear.
  9. I think this is a moment my kid's philosophy teacher would say you have to define your terms. Secret is broad. What makes something a secret versus something you choose not to share? Is the act of not sharing keeping a secret? Is choosing not to visit a painful part of your past by discussing it keeping a secret? Is thinking about an old boyfriend and not telling your spouse keeping a secret? Secrets don't destroy a marriage. Broken trust destroys a marriage. I trust until you give me a reason not to. There are things I don't share with dh and there are things he doesn't share with with me. I don't need to know everything, nor do I want to.
  10. We love this dish in our house, too. I make this Pakistani Kima with some frequency: https://wholenewmom.com/recipes/ground-hamburger-ground-recipes-recipes-for-indian/ Although I double all the spices. My family also likes this Middle Eastern rice dish. http://allrecipes.com/recipe/87496/middle-eastern-rice-with-black-beans-and-chickpeas/
  11. My dh did this a few years ago. He did notice a difference in his joint pain when he went off them. He does still deal with heartburn on occasion. For the unsolicited advice portion of this post, things that help him when things aren't going well: Drink kefir an apple cider vinegar shot Milk of Magnesia (last resort-he hates this stuff)
  12. Over the last 30 years I have gone from employer based benefits to the marketplace. There have really been no significant differences between my employer insurance and my marketplace insurance. The only difference is now I pay all of the cost instead of my employee contribution. In terms of coverage: Same copays. Same drug coverage. The usual "this is no longer preferred. We want you to mail order instead of using local pharmacy for maintenance drugs. The same preapproval for a controlled substance. Same emergency room coverage Same doctors, other than the usual changes of a doctor deciding to no longer participate in a plan. Nothing new and has happened with both kinds of insurance. Same difficulty dealing with the insurance company to get procedures approved. Same difficulty appealing a decision.
  13. Tell him to move out now while he still knows everything. It is all downhill from here.
  14. She is responsible for driving the children to and from swim practice. I would pay in the $12-$15 range. In my area, I believe the going rate is now $18-$20 for a college student who drives your kids places.
  15. No one is saying that working to save preterm babies should not be done or trying to negate the experience of the parents who experience it. But nothing happens in a vacuum. Each advance in medicine comes with moral/legal questions that need to be answered and sometimes legislated. I also remember when test tube babies started and all the discussion around it. There were a lot of questions that needed answers.
  16. No, I do not believe there are people who object to life saving technology because of how it will impact a women's right to choose. It is, however, a concern to many people how this technology will impact many aspects of law and morality. Abortion is one of those items.
  17. I have now read this a few times. I still do not understand where you are coming from. I am trying, I really am. Your thoughts on this issue are really foreign to me. Do you know anyone who has had an abortion? I do, and their experiences do not line up with anything you are saying. The thought process you are sharing is so broad and sweeping, it is just not computing for me.
  18. I said it in the volunteering thread. Yes, I have seen it from where I started to where I am now. I think the shift has to do with the broad spectrum of people homeschooling and K-12 virtual school. The reasons people are homeschooling are all over the place now. Not that it is a bad thing, just a factor. I find it frustrating because the new people ask me questions, ask what I did/do and then complain that what they want isn't ready for them and that they have to create it. My friend and I had what we called the non-co-op. We invited friends we knew to get together weekly for group discussions on whatever topics we wanted to cover, books, current events, etc. We each took turns coming up with topics and teaching. After a couple of years some families moved, kids went back to school. So we reached out to the community to find new members. That worked well for a couple of years. Our last 2 years of the group was my friend and I doing all the work and all the teaching. The other parents either dropped and left or simply didn't help at all. Their kids did the work, and were prepared but my friend and I ended up doing everything else. Some of it is the fact that they are new to it and finding their footing. But the roll up your sleeves and I will make it happen factor never seems to kick in. They give up too quickly when they can't find what they want. A lot of the curriculum is open and go. Designed to limit parental involvement. It is familiar and like sending your child to school. Where I live, you spend a lot of time traveling to find other homeschoolers to do things with. Not everyone wants to do that when their kid can just go online. In all fairness, I outsource most of high school with my dd. Even more then with my ds because it is easier on me. I am burnt out and I needed to go back to work part time.
  19. What? I am trying to understand what this even means.
  20. Much like 1984 was a warning and not a guide. Brave New World was also a warning, not a guide. . I am all for helping wanted babies to grow to full term but this is entering territory where we might want to stop and say just because we can doesn't mean we should.
  21. Truth. I am almost done homeschooling. DD has one more year. I have noticed interesting changes from the beginning of my journey to present. When I started there were very few homeschoolers where I live that were secular. The yahoo groups and the meetup group were invaluable to me as I learned from the experienced homeschoolers. I have watched the numbers of homeschoolers increase in my area. I created things that worked for my kids. Opened my home, organized trips (at least tried to), researched curriculum, etc. I have seen the tone of the support groups I joined have changed. It seems to have gone from "teach me" to "What can you do for me". I get the looking for something already made. I certainly did in the beginning. The difference seems to be that when I couldn't find it I tried to create it. Very few seem willing to create. They just want and complain loudly that it does not exist. I stopped trying to organize because too many people flaked at the last minute or complained the cost was too much. I'm sorry, but the docent who is taking a few hours from their day to teach this class deserves to be paid. I get the cost factor. Certainly my budget is always pinched. Every activity got a return on investment calculation. For the swim team,. I only do the bare minimum of volunteering. It is time for the new parents to step it up. The team doesn't run without the parent volunteers. It would cost even more without the volunteers.
  22. I wouldn't mind seeing a $1 for an avocado. Today they were on sale - 2 for $5. And they are as hard as a rock.
  23. Whoops. Experiences color ones view. I had forgotten there was a Panama City, Florida.
  24. Yep. I have been priced out. For awhile the price had dropped down to a reasonable cost. Now it is out of rotation. Lettuce, too, has gotten crazy.
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