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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Thinking about this thread I remembered one of my friends named her son Noah for Doctor Noah Drake (Rick Springfield). I loved him more than Frisco (Jack Wagner).
  2. I remember cutting last period to make sure we were home in time for Luke and Laura's wedding. I used to tape days our lives, another world, and general hospital. Loved them.
  3. Cute. My daughter is the only one who got a cute song. Didn't care for the ones for the rest of us.
  4. Wait, not all homes have a linen closet? Really? I had no idea.
  5. kewb

    Old Movies

    I love old movies. I watched them with my mom, then watched them with my children, and I watch alone. Some favorites: Arsenic and Old Lace My Fair Lady Oliver Auntie Mame (Rosiland Russel, not Lucille Ball) Meet Me in St. Louis Gaslight North by Northwest To Catch a Thief Bringing up Baby A Majority of One 12 Angry Men An Affair to Remember Whatever Happened to Baby Jane So many great movies.
  6. I wouldn't mind a closet/dressing room. I contemplated putting up shelves next to the laundry room for everyone so I no longer have leg a laundry basket. You could choose to get dressed there or being your clothes to your room. Then this actually became a thing. I was ahead of my time.
  7. Dust jackets make the best book marks. I always keep them. Then insert flap on the page I am stopping on. I am fascinated by people who can just toss the dust jacket. It protects the book.
  8. kewb


    We usually have jasmine or basmati white rice. When my kids were tots I only served brown rice as it is better for you. They never had white rice and they both hated brown rice. I finally gave up when ds was around 5 and someone had given him white rice from the Chinese restaurant. That he loved. And dh told the kids he didn't like brown rice either.
  9. The breed of the dog is not relevant. It does not sound as though the caregiver has properly trained the dog. I would find out what the leash laws are and then speak to your neighbor about enforcing them. A loose dog is a danger to itself and others.
  10. My husband did 23 and me. No surprises other than the fact he is 2% Neanderthal.
  11. I agree. Other than crock pot meatballs I only use mine to make chicken stock,to cook beans, and to cook bulk onions to freeze and use in any recipe that calls for sauteing onions.
  12. You could go as a real Princess. Princess Diana. Or Princes Grace Kelly. Although, I do love Xena. When my dd was little she used to go around singing Joxer the Mighty.
  13. Seriously, have none of you seen any movies? Terminator - all of them The Matrix Electric Dreams Chopping Mall Demon Seed Just say no to Alexa in the home.
  14. I thought of another item I detest that others love. Beer Everything about it is revolting to me.
  15. Maybe this property will work for your goal. 120 off the grid acres. http://www.rockspringshouse.com/
  16. Melon, the taste of all of it is awful to me. I won't touch fruit salad with cantaloupe in it because it taints the whole thing and everything tastes like cantaloupe. Eggplant - in any form.
  17. It has become the norm for the round robin interview process. I find it strange. Before my dh became disabled his last job interview took 9 months to complete, he had to take a personality assessment, and submit his SAT scores. It was an interesting process. As bizarre as I found it, the company does have amazing employee retention. People don't leave. It was a great office environment. They catered lunch a few times a week and the expectation was you sat with your coworkers and talked to one another.
  18. I do agree that one should make every attempt to prevent one's dog from peeing on beautiful plantings. I am laughing a little at the thought that other non domesticated animals are not doing their business in that flowerbed. As to the fireworks, I hate them because they scare all the animals. I was scarred decades ago watching a mother duck trying to soothe her ducklings during a fireworks show. Never attended a fireworks show again. Quiet fireworks I could get behind.
  19. The Secret of NIHM An American Tail The Rescuers The Rescuers Down Under All Dogs go to Heaven Charlotte's Web Babe Anastasia The Princess Diaries The Parent Trap The Love Bug (the 1968 version)
  20. When mine were little we used a fair amount of straws. Then I learned how bad they are for the environment and weened everyone off of straws. Now we have a couple of cups with built in straws. We still use them when ordering food somewhere. Since we rarely eat out we go many weeks without using a disposable straw.
  21. Mom has to not only want the dog but be willing to do all the work-walking/feeding/watering/etc. Yes, my kids sometimes think on their own to do these things. However, it doesn't take the dog long to figure out mom isn't going to want them to pee in the house and will feed them. We have a fenced yard so our big boy gets to play the in and out game all day. He is a senior now and is content to hang in the yard and have a daily walk. When he was younger he was high energy and we would take him on a minimum of 3 walks out day in addition to the backyard ranging. I take him to the vet when he needs shots or if something is wrong. I don't get his teeth cleaned or send him to the groomers. He does eat a combination raw and kibble diet which probably costs more than the vet visits.
  22. What makes me sad is that that this article was written in 2012 and everything in it is still valid. Nothing has changed. My kids laugh that all I wear are my Duluth trading tank tops and a cardigan. Why? Because I can wear the tank top without 3 other layers.
  23. Beautiful. Congratulations! After the would you say something thread I almost didn't look. I thought "I live in NJ. What if I know them?!?"
  24. It would depend. I tend to keep my online life separate from real life. I think I was on here for a year before I outed myself to that homeschool dad.
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