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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Before my pregnancy with dd I was always cold. 70 degree temp and I would still be wearing a scarf. With dd I started running hot and it has continued.
  2. I will second don't be afraid of hospice. But research carefully. Not all hospice are created equal. The right hospice is a blessing. Pancreatic cancer took my father. He knew for a few months before he told anyone. From the time he told us to when he passed was weeks. He had a stroke the day before he was supposed to start chemo and that was it. He was gone in days. He never left the hospital.
  3. He can't use pen and paper. He makes lists and then never looks at them. Everything goes on his calendar. Some items get multiple reminders. The key for him is not to mark the reminder as done until he actually does the task. I believe his email has the following categories: Today Urgent Today by noon Today by 3 Due by x date To review by x date
  4. My husband uses it. He loves the process of breaking things down into next steps. And folders in his email. He had to train himself to put things in the proper folder immediately. Prioritizing tasks using the "this will only take 2 minutes. Do it now and get it off your plate." When he sticks with it the process works for him.
  5. I love when insurance companies say: Your doc submitted $500 in expenses but it is normal and customary in your area for doctors to charge $150. Therefore only $150 counts. I would like to know where this plethora of docs in my high cost of living are that charge so little.
  6. I am so sorry for you and your community. I wish everyone peace and healing from this tragedy.
  7. I, too, love carbs. I rarely buy bread because I will eat it. I switched to whole wheat pasta decades ago. White pasta is a special treat. I have never found a satisfactory brown rice. I will eat it but it is not as enjoyable as white rice. My dh and kids won't eat it. When my husband developed type II diabetes we switched to a low carb lifestyle. I don't crave carbs the way I used to. I still enjoy them but I don't have the cravings like I used to.
  8. My dh and I had a good laugh over his updated results last night's. There is a strong likelihood that he is pale. No kidding. The man acts like a reflector with his paleness. Glad you found your not lost cousin.
  9. I knew after my 2nd was born. I just felt done.
  10. I mostly send my ds food. Essentials when he says he needs something. Sometimes I would have a package ready for him to bring back with him when he was home on break. I would always bake a batch of cookies for his friend with the car that drove him back and forth on breaks.
  11. I love scarves on other people. I used to work with a woman who did the coolest things with her scarves. Anytime I try to wear one I feel like it is saying "hey, look at these giant books".
  12. I am so sorry you are dealing with this. Take Carol and Catwoman's advice. They are spot on. Clearly, your dh had this in the works and that sucks but now, in front of him, you need to come across as the calm and rational one. I will add, and it sounds horrible, but, do not vent or say anything negative about your spouse to friends or coworkers. You never know what will come back and bite you in the rear and discretion is key here.
  13. I want to thank all of you for helping me put this in perspective. I feel much better now and much more in control. It is probably nothing. I am not 20 anymore and weird things are to be expected.
  14. Is there anyone left who does not have an oil pushing friend?
  15. Had not thought of a new midlife allergy. And I have been doing yard work. I have been experiencing all kinds of new things now that I am firmly middle aged. As my father always said "it beats the alternative". I suppose this could be menopause related.
  16. Thank you. Somehow hearing others tell me what I have been telling myself is helping my mind shut it off. I am on the cancellation list and I call every few days. My primary is harder to get an appointment with then the dermatologist. Last time I was sick I totally took a few minutes of dh's appointment (a follow up that had been booked 3 months prior) because I couldn't get an appointment for a few more days.
  17. Long story short. I found a weird patch of skin on my leg a few weeks ago. After treating it like some sort of exzema patch for a week with no changes I called the dermatologist to schedule an appointment. Of course, the earliest appointment is mid September. I really think this might be cancer. Mostly because I am waiting for the appointment and made the mistake of looking on Google. Due to my husband's health issues I can't discuss this with him. It would cause him great stress and not be good for his health. Which in turn, would not be good for my health. I don't want to say anything to he kids because why should they worry when I don't actually know anything. Don't want Mom to worry. My sister and I don't have that kind of relationship. It could turn out to be nothing even though I feel like this is something. I feel like I need to shut off my brain. Yoga helps but the worry is always there. I guess I just needed to say it out loud that I might have skin cancer. Or in this case, write it since I don't feel there is anyone I can talk to about this in real life. And maybe I am just desperate to feel some internet love. So offer me some virtual hugs so I can remain of sound mind.
  18. Executive function coaching. There are ones who specialize in adults. My dh recommends the book Getting Things Done.
  19. I don't know that you can find any studies. I can share my husband's story. He remembers a tick when he was 13. Whether or not that was the tick is anyone's guess. He was a healthy man until he fell apart in his 40's. However, if you look at his childhood and adulthood the symptoms were there. He had an anger problem which was chalked up to his Hungarian temper. He had periods of malaise. Brian fog, always. Weird noises in his neck. Cycles of success and periods of depression. With the benefit of hindsight it is easy to see a pattern. When living it, all unrelated incidences. According to the infectious disease doctors he has post Lyme syndrome (sorry, no cure. Sucks to be you). The Lyme doc says he has Lyme and he did a year of iv antibiotics and a whole host of other meds. This brought my husband back about 75%.
  20. That is a unique home. I imagine there is a lot of echo. Mostly as I looked at all the different stone all I could think was "more cowbell".
  21. Ldn did nothing for my husband but I know other people who have had success.
  22. New York: Breakfast Lunch Dinner/Supper (interchangeable)
  23. I have a tile counter top that i love and adore. I can put hot stuff on it and it is easy to clean. I am totally with you on low maintenance kitchens.
  24. Can't give a definitive answer without more details. Assuming food is provided. In general terms: Medication Clothes/shoes My teddy bear. Kids can choose their own special momento. Kindle Photo albums The dog and his bowls and toys Laptops Jewelry
  25. Stopped at TJ on my way home tonight because I had to pick up some of their tea tree oil face wash. Also picked up some orange chicken, chocolate chips, dark chocolate covered raisins, and edamame. I miss the graverstein applesauce. It was the best. I always look in the hopes it will be back.
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