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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I have to sleep with the bedroom door cracked an inch. Not half an inch. Not an inch and a half. I am sure this is some holdover from my sister tormenting me when we were growing up. I still make my kids (19 and 17) sleep with the door cracked because with them I am paranoid that there will be a fire and I won't be able to open the door.
  2. I can not have the blinds open on a window behind me at night while watching TV. I am sure I will see a face staring at me when I get up. Even if it is next to impossible to even stand at that window the blinds must be closed.
  3. I saw that article and I believe it. I still have my teddy bear. I stopped sleeping with her when she got to fragile for my tossing and turning. She resides in my dd's bedroom.
  4. Ok. Had my appointment today. I have stumped the dermatologist. She looked at the pics of what it looked like when I first called and looked at it now. She said if it wasn't going away she would think it was some long medical name here that is indicative of a non skin cancer. But it doesn't go away. Could be exzema. Could have been ring worm. Not Lyme looking but wants me to have lyme test to be sure. Since I live with someone with chronic Lyme I am fairly confident it is not Lyme. But will have the test. If it comes back I should go back for biopsy. Didn't want to biopsy now because it is mostly cleared up and might not get anything questionable.
  5. Immediately. Where I live they are only allowed 1 passenger if no parent is in the car for the 1st year they have their license. and they have to be off the road by 11:01pm. The gdl laws make me laugh a little because there were no restrictions when I got my license. You passed and inmediately picked up all your friends and went somewhere.
  6. I will add to the flames. I have only seen a handful of episodes. And I thought Chip was gay.
  7. I am a hodgepodge of minimalism desire and hoarder. I am not a shopper so I am not frequently changing up my decor for the seasons but I have difficulty letting some things go. It was liberating when I tossed a bunch of vacation photos that I had no idea why I took in the first place. You know, those pictures of a cow in a field and I can't even tell you where that field exists. Why? Why was I hanging on to that? At the same time I can't toss that awful baby picture. It's not cute at all but there it sits. I save screws, and foam bits, and tablecloths I haven't used in decades because they are still good. Although, to be fair, that foam did come in handy after hurricane Sandy for filling the gap in the window where the extension cord from our neighbors house was entering the kitchen to keep our fridge running. I love those neighbors. So then I feel justified in my savings stuff. The struggle is real.
  8. I was all set to cancel the appointment and then I remembered my annual check up is due in a couple of months so I am keeping it.
  9. My washer and dryer match because I bought them together. The oven and dishwasher match because they came with the house that way. The fridge is white and I will be replacing it with a no frills white fridge as they are the least expensive.
  10. So, my appointment is in a couple of days. However, a little over a week ago whatever the weird thing is started clearing up. It is almost gone. Thinking I no longer need the appointment.
  11. I wish. Still the same stick straight hair I have always had.
  12. I've been wearing bifocals since I started wearing glasses at age 3. Not fun being a little girl and having old people tell you that you are too young for bifocals. I have had progressives for years and they are great. My mom told me she had a learning curve when she had to start wearing them. Narrowed peripheral vision and some difficulty with stairs at first. It didn't take her long to adapt.
  13. As someone who is Jewish I didn't notice because it was all normal to me. The Borsht Belt is part of my history. It didn't stand out to me as having religious elements. But as as kid I had no idea the chronicles of Narnia was the story of Christ. I didn't clue in until reading it to my oldest. So I might not be the best judge.
  14. My inner voice is a harridan. I hate her. I do have to say, yoga has helped me calm the shrew in my head. It took a solid year of consistently doing yoga to find some real inner peace. When I catch myself in a negative thought I breathe for a moment and refocus my thoughts. Some days are more successful then others but overall I am more at peace with myself.
  15. Doing it at all, even a little while, is an accomplishment.
  16. Feeling a little melancholy this morning. Today is the official start of my last year homeschooling. My baby girl is a senior. I never would have been able to homeschool my son through high school without the support I have found on these boards. And now my daughter. Thank you to everyone for the inspiration and support.
  17. We have walkers. We also have a lot of non walkers. Mostly due to distance from school and/or dropping off at before care because parents have to get to work.
  18. They fall into the category: so ugly they are cute. I happen to love ugly shoes. Not my style, so I wouldn't wear them.
  19. If I don't get my workout in before I start my day it won't happen. I know this about myself and it took me until my late 40's to accept. I get up. Let the dog out and feed him. Put together my dh's meds. Then do my workout. I have found that once I became consistent with this routine I actually feel better and if I miss my workout I don't feel as good about my day.
  20. The bottom shelf of one of my kitchen cabinets holds all the daily meds and supplements for dh and the kids. My kids use weekly pill boxes. My dh takes multiple pills multiple times per day and to have that many jumbo pill boxes on my counter is unwieldy. Daily I put his meds together in little prep bowls and bring upstairs for him. I take one med which I keep in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom since I take it when I brush my teeth when I get up.
  21. Never again will I buy a house with an in ground oil tank. We converted to gas a couple of years after we bought our house and had the oil tank abandoned in place. The company pumps out the oil. Scrubs the tank clean, and fills with sand. Since we did that the laws in my state have changed and when we sell the house we will have to dig the tank up. Which will be expensive since the compressor for the central air is on top of the tank. I have always had a basement with little to no leaking issues caused by nature. I like having basement storage/playroom. I am sure I would be able to adapt to no basement but I think I would miss it.
  22. No idea. I refused to let my science teacher prick my finger for the blood type lesson. My mother insists I am B+. She says she and my sister are A+. My father was the universal receiver AB+ so I suppose it is possible for me to be B. When I finally got over my fear of needles I found out I couldn't donate blood because of the semester I spent in London. Potential mad cow for everyone.
  23. I've had both kinds and I prefer not to have the water dispenser. I can do without an ice maker, too. I rarely use ice. Our current fridge the ice maker sprung a leak and flooded the basement. We turned it off and haven't had an ice maker in well over a decade. I use ice trays if someone wants ice.
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